Olivia's Eye

Oxford, England

3years earlier...

The noise of a door creaking open did not bother Lance Go as his fingers danced over a laptop. Olivia sighed at how perfectly he looked even in his white shirt and gray jogging pants plus that greasy unshowered hair. Her keys jiggled as she dangled it on a key holder before she leaned on a pillar for support as she lazily took off her boots – pushing it off her using her other foot. She tiptoed to the living room and lunged forward to give Lance a hug over his shoulders, taking a peek of what he had been doing.

"Oh.. you're doing it wrong," Olivia said as she pulled the laptop away from him. She circled the sofa and sat down next to Lance as she started fixing the formula on the spreadsheet. She pushed her glasses up on her nose bridge and gave Lance a cheeky grin before switching into her working mode face.

"Go, take a bath, you stinky boy." She threw a pillow towards Lance's way when his smoldering gaze started to distract her from finishing the task. Lance shuffled her hair and stood up, stretching his limbs to relieve it from the whole afternoon of slaving to his project.

Once he was done taking a bath, he saw his laptop sitting atop the dining table. He scrolled over and over again and nodded at the figures. He straightened his back and looked left and right in search of his savior. His brows furrowed when he saw Olivia lying on the couch sleeping with her glasses still on so he gingerly took it off and carried her princess-style into their bedroom. He called it a night and turned off the light from the bedside lamp, spooning Olivia as they slept.

Lance was in his senior year while Olivia was in her second year at Oxford University. They met last year during a gathering for all the students from their country named Nisia, instantly hitting it off as soon as they shook hands. Their chemistry was undeniable that not a single lady came forward as the two talked throughout the night over beer and fish n' chips, shutting out the world around them. After months of dating, they decided to find a flat to share to save money for Lance's start-up business which also happened to be his final project before graduation.

"You need bigger funding for that project, babe," Olivia noted as she took a bite of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She nodded when she tasted a big chunk of strawberry preserve that harmoniously blended with the salty peanut butter.

"I know. But where am I supposed to get that fund? You know I don't want to rely on my parents. This is my project and I will be the one to find a solution," Lance replied. He was checking his reflection in the mirror, making sure his outfit was perfect for his meeting with an investment advisor today.

"I can lend you the money. I have savings…" Olivia offered, her voice died down when Lance snapped his head towards her but she continued, "That's my investment. Yes. I'll be your mommy long legs." Lance laughed at her bold statement. He took big strides to Olivia, wrapping his arms on her slender waist, and said, "Really? You're not taking that back, aren't you?"

Olivia smiled and bobbed her head before pulling out a cheque that was hidden under a placemat. Lance was over the moon when he saw the figures on the cheque. He made sure that he got the zeroes right even when the words One Million dollars were clearly written on it. He waved the cheque in the air and peppered Olivia with kisses who giggled with the sudden shower of affection.

"Wait, you have to sign this first." She walked to their bedroom and brought out a paper that looked like a contract. "I need to show something to my dad just in case he asks."

"But this is your money. What does he have to do with it?"

"I told you… just in case he asks. He threw me in London ever since I was born. Do you think he would bother to look at my finances?"

Lance nodded at her words and signed the document right away. He gave her another kiss, this time on her lips, before tucking the cheque inside a folder.

It didn't take that long before Lance's graduation project became a full-blown company focusing on the e-commerce of electronics and gadgets in Nisia. He flew to London every once in a while to visit Olivia who was yet to finish her undergraduate studies at Oxford University… or so he thought.

The truth was, Olivia was homeschooled and received her college diploma at age 17. She couldn't tell Lance the truth because she didn't want to hurt his big ego so for the last 3 years of their relationship, Olivia pretended to be an undergraduate student.

She was, in fact, finishing her doctoral degree in Economics at the time when they first met in the pub. Lance's smoldering gaze, as they shook hands, sent butterflies in her stomach that when he started talking about himself nonstop, she could only nod to his words.

They were on their way to her flat when he finally asked her what her course was and she just said Economics to which Lance replied a short 'Oh, that's cool,' before going back on talking about himself.

After 4 years in uni, Olivia savored her final walk from Oxford University to her home after her graduation. She attended the ceremony alone because she didn't let her father or her brother know about the occasion. Upon turning on a corner, she noticed a silhouette standing by the balcony of their flat who was busily talking on the phone. She ran as fast as she could, motioning for the passing cars to stop with her palm as she crossed the street.

When she opened the door to their flat, she was welcomed by petals of roses and candles lined up on the floor all the way out to the balcony. Her heart started to erratically drum that she could even hear it.

The sheer curtains in the balcony door danced along with the night's breeze, occasionally revealing the dashing man on the other side. He was wearing a light navy three-piece suit which Olivia thought was too extra compared to her simple white wrap dress that her bff made for her.

Olivia dragged her feet toward the balcony as cold sweat started to form on her nape and on her back. She tried hard not to faint but who was she kidding? Lance would definitely pop the question tonight, she thought to herself.

And Lance did.

And Olvia said yes.

When their night was over, Olvia sat on the bed, her head leaning against the headboard. She was mentally giving a valuation on her diamond ring when Lance entered their bedroom with a scowl on his face.

"What's wrong babe?" Olivia prodded.

"Oh, it's nothing."

"I don't think it's 'nothing' when your handsome face looked like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you lost your wallet."

Deafening silence caused painful white noises in Olivia's ears. Finally, Lance opened his mouth before closing it again, like a fish breathing underwater. He let out a frustrated sigh and mustered up the courage to tell her about the brewing trouble in his company's finances.

"Can I take a look? Let's see if I can put my diploma to good use."

It didn't take a second for Lance to hand his phone to Olivia where she did her "Olivia's Eye" as what he called it. After going through the documents, Olvia pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh.

"You're not gonna make it, babe."

Lance pursed his lips at her words. Everytime he had problems with his numbers, he knew Olivia's the one he could count on yet every time he does seek her help, she would give him a negative feedback.

"I could lend you the money."

There she goes again, Lance thought. He stormed out of their flat before he could not hold his anger any longer.

Eventually, Lance calmed down after inhaling a stick of cigarette outside. He went back in their flat and saw Olivia waiting by the living room, wrapped in a blanket like a cocoon.

Lance hugged the roll of fuzzy blanket called Olivia and said sorry for storming out. Her head popped out of the blanket and she pouted at her fiance.

Fiance… what a warm word, Olivia thought before giving him a soft kiss on his lips.

The following morning, Lance woke up and saw Olivia cooking in the kitchen. He noticed a folder on the dining table. He flipped it open and saw a cheque and a contract. A grin escaped his face as he signed the document. When he was done, he kissed the cheque before transferring it to a different folder and walked away to take a bath.