Blowing Out Horns


The superintendent tilted his body to take a peep of what's happening in the lobby. He whispered a gasp upon seeing the prince laughing as the beautiful lady he was with repeatedly hit him with her diamond encrusted bag that shimmer under the well-lit lobby. He was on the phone the entire time talking to Jack about the lease on East Hangar Building that Maxen had prepared. "Printing the email now, Sir Jack. Thank you," the superintendent acknowledged before hanging up the call.

Out in the lobby, MIB2's mouth curled up as he watched MIB1's hand caressing the Glock in his holster hidden under the black suit. He playfully slapped MIB1's buttocks as if telling him to loosen up when Maxen's harsh glare suddenly landed in their direction. He leaned to MIB1's side and whispered, "Hey, bro. It's not like that bag can kill." MIB1 growled like a mad dog, sizing up his buddy with one eyebrow up. The two continued to watch as Maxen giggled like a teenager every time Olivia would smack his arm with her bag.

"Stop. Talking. About. Wife. Or. Marriage. Do you hear me?" Olivia hissed, her bag suspended mid-air, ready to send another good beating to the little prince beside her.

"I'm not interested in dating or marriage," Olivia added, slinging her bag on her shoulder. She pulled out her phone when she heard a beep and instantly checked her email.

Beside her, Maxen scrutinized Olivia whose attention was transfixed on her phone. He tucked the loose hair behind her ear as it was covering her side profile. Olivia gave Maxen an evil side-eye and swatted his hands away before she shifted her focus back on her phone. Maxen tried to steal a peek but Olivia was quick to plant the phone screen on her chest. "Okaaay," Maxen mouthed, his hands up in the air in surrender and waited like a good dog, wagging his tail, until Olivia's done with her email.

When she's done tinkering with her phone, she placed it back in her bag and took a sharp breath and said, "Work." Keeping her excuse short. She saw the superintendent walking forward to their direction with a stack of papers in his hand. The first thing that Olivia checked upon receiving the contract was the alias of the lessor, or the one who would rent out the building. "Fei Cessna? Really? Fei for fly, and Cessna for plane? A flying plane? Can't you be a little creative with the name next time?" Olivia asked, skimming through the documents before waving it in the air.

"I'll have my secretary go over it one more time then let's schedule a signing sometime this week. Will that work for you?"

"No problem, Ms. Olivia. Here is my card. Please let me know when you are ready to sign. Our doors are open for you anytime." The superintendent followed his words with a deep bow and presented his calling card to Olivia which Maxen took on her behalf. He wiped the calling card with his thumb clearing it from any other fingerprints and leaving his own before handing it to Olivia — the little prince's possessive nature grew every second that he spent with his rose.

Before they went outside to the parking lot, Maxen wrapped her again with his suit jacket. This time, Olivia did not protest. Once they reached his car, Maxen held the passenger door open for her and asked her if she'd like to be his plus one to a party.

"Whose party?" Olivia asked. She stood rooted in her spot, the passenger door in between them.

"The Lees. They're hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner tonight."

"Didn't you see something in your report? About my, well, he's not a Lee but he's engaged to one," Olivia blabbered on about her broken engagement as she sat inside the car, confusing Maxen who was still holding the door for her. She looked up and mimicked Maxen's scowl, a line instantaneously creased in between her thick brows.

"Oh. It's not included in the report," Olivia made an assumption based on Maxen's dampened mood, so she darted her eyes to avoid his infernal gaze. Freak. The little prince had no idea. Somebody's going to be fired tonight.

Maxen closed the door and rounded up the car, stopping midway to kick the car's license plate, remembering the gossip about the infamous ex-fiancee of Lance Go. He looked at Olivia through the windshield and kicked the license plate one more time when she seemed to avoid eye contact.

"You're Lance Go's ex-fiancee?" he immediately asked as soon as he was buckled in his seat. Of course, there's only one person who's engaged to a Lee. The gossip that made rounds in the inner circle sunk into him. It was about the score behind Lance and Selena's engagement; how his former fiancee was cheated out of it and how she retaliated. He was so furious that he repeatedly punched the steering wheel, blowing out horns in the deserted parking lot, which startled the birds nestled in the trees, sending the flock flying out for a new place to perch on. He shifted his gaze to Olivia, who didn't even flinch in her seat, her eyes far out on the horizon.

The red magma Maserati GT bolted out of the parking lot roaring louder than the planes that landed a few miles away and the MIB's car ate the trail dust that it left behind. Olivia clung to her seatbelt for her dear life. She didn't know how to deal with Maxen's sudden outburst that she kept quiet.

At first, the speed of the car intoxicated her, accelerating her adrenaline and momentarily shaking her off from her tensed state; however, when she saw the traffic lights turn red from afar and Maxen's fury seemed like it hasn't died down, she grabbed his hand that was clutched on the stick shift and said in a shaky breath, "Max, I don't want to die tonight."

Thankfully, the car slowed down as it neared the intersection. "Nobody dies tonight because I am the one who's driving," Maxen said in confidence, failing to pay heed to the underlying meaning of Olivia's words, switching gears even before the traffic light turned green. The car sliced through the empty airport road that was specifically cleared for his use. Olivia tightened her grasp on the seat belt upon seeing the murderous intent in Maxen's eyes and kept quiet throughout their quick ride home.

When they arrived at Rockaway Tower, Olivia slammed the car door shut with the intent of breaking it apart. She hurriedly left and sauntered towards the common elevator, remembering to go "home" to her decoy apartment. Maxen took long strides to catch up to Olivia and even attempted to tether his hand with hers but was unsuccessful when Olivia stealthily gave him a middle finger, surprising the three men that trailed her.

Upon reaching her apartment door Olivia finally faced Maxen and gave him a piece of her mind. She gritted out words with her eyes shut while her hands gripped tightly on the doorknob. She was clearly incensed at how immature he was, driving the car at full speed like some kind of racer. "What's your beef, Maxen Sui? Why are you taking out your anger on me? I told you I don't want to die tonight. It means… slow the f*cking car down."

"Look, Olivia…" Maxen trailed off, thinking of what words to say. MIB2's hands flung to his partners sleeve, pinching it upon hearing Maxen's words that sounded like soft church bells to the ears.

"Olivia, I'm sorry. Please."

MIB1 elbowed MIB2. What on Earth was going on? His Highness used 'Sorry' and 'Please' in one sentence. Even MIB1 could not help but admire the woman in front of them. The sound of the door unlocking made the two MIBs stand at attention. They watched as Maxen clung onto the strap of Olivia's bag, only for her to give him a small disappointed smile.


"Good night, Your Highness."