Carefully Picked Words

After checking her vitals and reviewing a bit of her medical history, the royal physician and Olivia exchanged small smiles, and the former stood up and walked over to the dinner table to write his prescription.

His brows were scrunched the whole time as he listened to Olivia carefully picking her words. He knew she's hiding some information from him but he didn't want to overstep his boundaries so he just had to make do of the details she provided. What could he do when he's only here for an emergency call anyway?

Seeing that the royal physician was done with his routine check-up, Maxen, who was standing by the floor to ceiling windows, walked towards the living room and pulled the duvet up to Olivia's neck.

He rubbed the back of his index finger on her cheeks, and they silently comforted each other with mirrored faint smiles. He moved his hands and let it dance in a slow gentle upward and downward strokes over the duvet where her legs were hiding underneath before he strode towards the dinner table where the royal physician sat.

Maxen pulled out a chair and sat down across the royal physician who gave the former his assessment paired with an accusatory raised, single eyebrow, "Your Highness, your girl… friend… needs rest. Nose bleeding often happen because of exhaustion. Since this is the second time that young lady had a nosebleed tonight, and hearing from her that this episode happens frequently, it's better to have her checked just in case there's another underlying cause to it."

In the living room, Olivia snapped her head towards Maxen, their eyes locked with each other. Even with his reassuring smile, his eyes told her another story. She's not gonna lie, it worried herself too. And as if an invisible force compelled her to relieve Maxen from the fright of the incident, she uttered in a soft voice, "I have a scheduled appointment with my physician on Friday. I'll talk to my physician about it."

"Ok, that's great. If you don't mind, can you have your results forwarded to him for a second opinion?" Maxen pointed his thumb towards the royal physician who bobbed his head in agreement.

Olivia got stuck in a trance. Her medical records were too personal to be shared with a doctor she barely knew. She was rubbing her thumbs against each other when she felt Maxen's big and warm hand cup her face and then he cooed, "Baby."

"Ha? Yes?" she tilted her chin to face the towering shadow above her. She was so lost in thought she didn't realize Maxen had walked forward and sat on the couch's rest. She held the hand that cupped her face and replied with a forced smile, "Sure."

Maxen loosened up, his squared shoulders dropped into a hunch followed by a blowing of all the pent up tension in his body out of his mouth. He swiped his hands up and down his lap as he glanced at Olivia one more time before standing up to usher the royal physician out of the apartment.

"Thank you for your service, Sir." Maxen extended a hand and shook hands with the royal physician. They were standing by the half-open door, enough for the royal physician to step out.

"Anything for His Highness." The royal physician was all smiles, yet his mind was elsewhere, thinking about the little interaction between Maxen and Olivia that night.

"I'll be staying here tonight. You can all leave and rest for the night. Goodnight," Maxen told the people standing outside in the hallway and grabbed the change of clothes from Jack. He sent the guy a thumbs up before shutting the door without giving them a chance to speak.

Outside the hallway, the team walked down to the elevators. By this time, only MIB1, MIB2, Shadow and Jack were left in the hallway because Yana went straight to the penthouse earlier.

The group were waiting for their lift when Jack asked the royal physician, "So is there anything that we should be worried about, doc?"

"Yes, you should be worried about that poor young lady. His Highness worked her out until her nose bled. Ha!"

The two security behind them stifled a laugh and MIB1 was quick to switch to his stoneface when Shadow growled beside him.

"He even calls her 'baby'," the royal physician whispered, his words almost inaudible yet everyone still heard him. Jack rubbed the creases on his forehead which formed at the thought that the longer His Highness spent time with Olivia, the more immature His Highness got. How could he behave that way in the presence of others?

Upon reaching the ground floor, Jack led the way to the lobby's receiving area. They were already by the door when the royal physician halted his steps. He looked around and when he saw that the lobby was empty, he turned to face Jack beside him and said, "It seems that His Highness had found his princess."

"Only time will tell," Jack replied in the most vague answer he could come up with. He didn't want to make assumptions and count the chickens before they hatch. Besides, Maxen and Olivia just met.

"Please remind His Highness to forward Young Miss's records to me. I have a bad feeling about her condition."

Dumbfounded, Jack could not spit out the words in his chest, "Wha… what condition?" He started praying to the gods that he would live through this nightmare. This royal physician was the best of the best that's why he was given the prestigious title in the first place! And whatever he came up with, there's a high chance that he was right.

The royal physician inched closer to Jack who curled his fingers into a tight fist, his knuckles turned white from the force. The word that left the doctor's mouth made him look like a Grim Reaper that was ready to harvest the soul in his list.