In a Nutshell

Cultural Center

"YOU WHAAAT?" Emily's hands dropped from Olivia's shoulders down to the latter's wrists. She was gripping it tightly before she quickly scanned it, afraid that she put too much force on it after Olivia flinched.

"No, no. We didn't go all the way. My nose bled so we stopped midway," Olivia shyly whispered like a teenager confessing to her mom and bowed her head to avoid eye contact. Huffing, she asked with a defeated smile, "This is messed up, isn't it?"

"No, it's not messed up… I think. I haven't heard the full story sooo… and it's not that I'm conservative or anything. I just told you this space," she moved her arms up and down like a graceful ballerina to emphasize her point, " judgment-free zone, riiight? I know one night stands happen buuut the way you've said it might have shocked me juuust a little."

Emily grabbed Olivia's wrists and rubbed her thumbs over it unsure of what to say next. She's half thankful that Maxen and Olivia haven't done the deed yet but half scared that they almost did because it could mean one thing: Olivia somehow took a fancy to Maxen too. Now, all she had to do was think of ways to reunite the star-crossed lovers because how could she let down Maxen now that he's ready to get into a serious relationship?

Damn you, Maxen. Why do you have to be a playboy? Emily cursed in her mind.

Seeing that Olivia calmed down, Emily gestured towards a seat and the two ladies found their way to the corner of the room by the floor to ceiling window where a view of the landscaped garden at the back of the building was in full view.

"Tea? Coffee? Water?" Emily offered but Olivia shook her head. The two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds before Emily reached out for Olivia's hand, prompting the latter to speak up.

Olivia bit the inside of her cheek. She never opened up to another soul about her feelings or thoughts that speaking up about it now felt like uncharted territory for her.

She glanced at Emily who never left her eyes on her and wondered if the glint she saw in Emily's eyes was a look of pity or concern. However, Olivia got distracted by the warmth of Emily's hands so she moved her gaze to the latter's hands that were still clasping hers and smiled. She really hated touchy-feely persons but she guessed Emily was an outlier.

Left with no choice, Olivia let out a frustrated sigh, charmed by the sweetness of the lady named Emily, and said, "It's weird, talking with somebody, but I need this madness out of my chest right now or god knows how I'll survive the day. I don't like this… this weird stabbing feeling," Olivia pounded her fist on her chest.

"You know, I'm used to talking with colleagues, students, clients, but I never had someone talk about scholarly matters." A resentful smile curved Olivia's lips as she narrated her life in a nutshell that Emily's heart bled for her new gal pal.

"Really? How about friends? Do you have friends in England, Livi?" Emily inquired. She couldn't fathom a lady as engaging as Olivia to not have a single friend.

"I don't. Well, I have my cousin Eli who would visit me frequently. And.. I can't just simply trust anyone. Not when I know PEOPLE," Olivia's shoulders dropped. Blame it as an occupational disease, but knowing a great deal of secrets made her distrust of anything that breathes grow exponentially by ten folds. "It's easier for me to talk about serious subjects than something personal…"

"Like? Your feelings? Livi! I'm going to choke Oliver for hiding you from meee. Seriously. Not one friend? Don't wooorrry. You have me now, Livi darling. We'll be gal pals starting from the day we met. Hahahaha! How does that sound?" Emily tweeted to lighten up the somber air that swirled Olivia.

Olivia pouted her lips. Even if Emily was a bit pushy most of the time, she liked it and was more comfortable with her than with the stuck-up Ava. Emily was like the sister that she never asked. Her natural warm, amber glow akin to the late afternoon sun that told you to slow down as the day will come to an end gently relaxed and released every tensed muscle that Olvia held onto alone for years.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you, Emily. At first, I was thinking of getting him on board as my client; pure business, nothing personal. That's it," Olivia said in a matter-of-factly tone to which Emily replied with a small smile. The latter sat still and in complete silence, offering her listening and judgment-free ears to Olivia, her new gal pal.

Olivia averted her gaze towards the lawn outside and watched as a flock of birds flew by before returning her eyes to Emily's and continued, "I know we just met and I am repeatedly lying to myself that everything between us is nothing but business but we know the truth: we, unfortunately, crossed the line by an inch when we talked last night and agreed to give each other a chance, to get to know each other better."

"Oh, you diiid?" Emily's facade cracked. She couldn't help but smile that Olivia mirrored her smile too.

"Blame it on his clear blue eyes," Olivia sheepishly admitted.

Emily patted Olivia's hand, urging the latter to carry on with their heart-to-heart talk.

"And this morning when I saw his reaction when Miss Fiona Chung entered the elevator. I don't know, Emily. Something foreign is there — confusing me and clouding my judgment. I have never felt this…" she air-quoted, "...'curiosity'. I want to know why he reacted that way or will he have the same reaction every time he sees her? Because I hate it."

"Did you confront him about that incident?"

"I called him out but I didn't ask him why. Why would I? It's not that I'm jealous of their history."

Emily stifled the tickling giggle in her stomach. She watched as Olivia's face painted a look of horror at the realization that hit her.

"I think you are."