Rare Phenomenon

The sun was high in the sky as M/V Nikki docked into the pier of Nisia.

Up on the deck, Maxen's eyes darted from the crew that were busy anchoring the ship down to the docks.

He noticed that unlike the other times that the royal fleet arrived, the number of media present was reduced in half. It's not that it upset him. Rather, intrigue plagued him as he thought about what caused such a rare phenomenon.

"Wave for the cameras, Your Highness," Jack whispered from behind.

Maxen uttered through gritted teeth, still waving his hand, "You don't have to remind me, Jack. I've been doing this for years."

"Just doing my job, Your Highness. We don't want a slip up to happen."

Maxen smirked at Jack's reply and stopped waving when the ship blew its horn. The anchor finally tethered to the soil to which it belonged.