Gift of Life

Sui Estate—The Highlands

Up in Sui Estate, a string of footfalls echoed in the hallway that led to the formal dining room.

Tonight was a special night for the Suis, for it was a celebration of the late king's passing. 

While the rest knew Sebastian died in the crash, people in the Highlands knew the truth: It took him a week before he expired. He was brain dead when medics found him and it didn't take long for his heart to give up too.

Year after year, the Suis would gather for dinner and celebrate the gift of life—the one thing they knew they had in borrowed time.

"Good evening, Your Majesty. Please pardon me for my tardiness," Maxen curtsied instead of bowing, earning him a fit of giggles from his mother and sister, Queen Isla and Princess Maya, respectively.

He cheek kissed the ladies first before finding his seat to the right side of the king.