Mind Games

The games in Nikolai's penthouse suite went on, and he was back in his throne, enjoying the rest of the night playing mind games with his guests.

It was almost two in the morning, and Ava and Olivia's eyes were heavy with tiredness. They tried their best to stay awake as their men drowned themselves in the game but after a while, succumbed to their drowsiness, funding their spot on the sofa.

Looking over his shoulder, Maxen saw Olivia sleeping, his tuxedo jacket blanketing her. "I'll have to cash out after this," he said to Oliver who also glanced to where the ladies should be sitting.

His brows furrowed upon seeing Ava sleeping in an awkward position. "Yeah. Me too." He took another sip of his bourbon, peeking on his pair of cards then on the cards on deck.

If his stars were aligned in the sky, he might go home ten million dollars richer tonight.