Getting Into Character

"Your Highness." A stunned staff bowed his head when Maxen peeped through the crack of the slightly ajar door.

Holding up a finger, Maxen asked, "Could you give me a minute?" 

"Yeah. Sure. Take your time." 

When the staff scurried away, Maxen locked the door behind him. He hooked Olivia by the waist, their chests crashing on impact. Their time was running out, so he had to know what her plans were for the night.

"Do you want to stay here? Or we can leave early," Maxen offered, dusting his lips against hers. 

"I'm not really invited here tonight. Would you believe that I crashed a party? And they just let me walk in straight."

Maxen's chest rambled at how Olivia was still whispering, as though she was afraid of them getting caught making out in the coatroom. "Why are you whispering when you were moaning a minute ago?"