Rewards To Herself

[Written whilst listening to the song Together by XX. Song added in OS playlist found in my discord channel]

Just as Maxen and Olivia got inside their car, the pitter-patter of rain had started. By the time they reached Rockaway Towers, the rain showers turned into a full-blown storm, with a symphony of lightning and thunder. The soothing harmony of nature lulled the two to sleep.

The next morning, Olivia woke up, swiping her arm over Maxen's side of the bed. Odd enough, she was smiling when her fingertips grazed on the cold silk covers. Her gaze shifted to the floor to ceiling window, hypnotized by the unceasing rainfall. 

Today, Maxen should be flying to the nearby island for a conference, but seeing the weather, she had a hunch that he never left and stayed home, that was why she was smiling even though she found his side of the bed empty and cold.