Put His Foot Down

"Sorry about that," Emily sniffled. To her surprise, the man offered her a handkerchief as he was on autopilot, handing hankies for every person that he sees crying.

"You can keep it. That's clean," the man said, pushing the eyeglasses up in his nose bridge. 

Dipping his hand inside his pocket, he slightly bowed and turned on his heel where someone down the bathroom hallways was waving his hand in their direction. "Chief! Room's ready."

"Thanks. This is awkward." Emily dangled the hanky up, patting her tear-stained face. She watched the man called Chief walk away, waiting until he turned a corner before entering the ladies' loo.

"You did great. You did great," she consoled herself as she regarded her reflection in the mirror. She practiced different kinds of smiles, trying her best to look normal even though everyone in the group would notice her discomfort.