Logical Reason

As the cousins, Aila Zhang and Dylan Chu, landed on the third-floor fire exit door, the latter held the door open for his cousin. 

The two climbed up the flight of stairs in silence that was why when their eyes briefly met as Aila Zhang walked past Dylan, she advised, "Just ignore Axel next time. You know him better than anyone else. He's a troll and loves pushing people's buttons. If you retaliate, he'll just think he had the upper hand between you two."

"Not my fault if he has a bigger dick than his head," Dylan Chu responded, his gaze straight on the hallway with one hand dipped in his pocket.

Aila Zhang chuckled, imagining her little brother as a walking dick. She wouldn't lie, the image was a perfect representation of Axel. "I won't argue with you on that," she mused.