Too Complacent

"Oh," Olivia uttered under her breath. She was totally taken aback by her mother-in-law's news. It felt as if Queen Isla dropped a bomb from the sky and it landed at the exact seat that Olivia was sitting on. 

She wondered if she had been too complacent lately that she failed to smell what was brewing under her nose.

Queen Isla was a member of Pyxis?

Rona Co was Queen Isla's twin sister?

She blinked, and blinked again but couldn't see any resemblance between Queen Isla and Rona Co. If there's a person in the world that knew the Headmistress inside and out, it would be Olivia. 

The lady practically raised Olivia like her own although she felt something superficial with the way Rona Co took extra care with things revolving Olivia's activities.

Across the desk, Queen Isla sat with her hands resting on top of her lap. She patiently waited for the details to sink into Olivia's head.