One More Favor

Maxen and Olivia didn't linger in the room. Both were looking forward to their dinner date, although they know their appetite was gone after all the drama they had to endure that day.

Even with Lance calling out their names, begging for their mercy as if the couple were gods who descended Earth, Maxen and Olivia never once looked back and left the rest of the job in the hands of the generals left in the room.

As soon as the door closed on what used to be Olivia's training room, silence engulfed the rest of the space.

Eyes darted to where MIB2's cold body laid on the floor covered with a flat sheet. His leg was popping out from behind the kitchen island where MIB1 temporarily hid the young lad's corpse.

As they passed by the kitchen, Olivia tried her best to ignore the itch yet failed—her eyes betraying her by stealing a peek on the cadaver on the floor.