Apple of His Eye

"Surpriiiiiise!" a voice as sweet as honey echoed from the grand room, stealing Maxen and Olivia's attention. They were ready to hit the sack and the lights in their room were already off. Just as Maxen peeled himself from the bed, another voice filled the room.

Husband and wife then listened as more steps rustled against the marble floor and wheels rollings against it could be heard. They angled their ears closer towards the door's direction and to their surprise, they heard a familiar voice—one that is reeking with so much agitation it could only belong to one person.

"That royal asshole! I told him not to use the master bedroom! I knew it! I knew he wouldn't listen to me."

"Sweetie, leave them alone. They might be sleeping already. There are six more rooms upstairs for us. We can take the one on the second floor."