Intricate Details

In a blink of an eye, Natalia Vasiliev's arms dropped, and her legs wobbled like jelly. She almost turned deaf with how loudly her teeth chattered as she lived through every second of her nightmare called Olivia. 

She slumped in the chair and her eyes met Olivia's. A million thoughts ran through Natalia's head—all of which were horrible things that Olivia might do to harm her. 

Natalia knew what Olivia was capable of, but she was confident that her brothers would protect her at all costs. How foolish of her to think she would go unscathed for the things she did against Olivia. How silly Natalia must be to think Olivia wouldn't retaliate on her machinations. Slowly, Natalia felt every molecule of her body dissipate into the air. 

Her eyelashes fanned as her eyelids grew heavy. And just as she closed her eyes, her mind drowned in the silhouette of Olivia, turning her golden locks into ashes.