Teen Spirit

Emily reached out to Eli's phone and pinched the screen to zoom the photo. 

It was a photo of Maxen sitting on a bar stool with his chin propped on his knuckles. 

Thankfully, Olivia's back was facing the camera that her identity remained a mystery. 

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and that was exactly what the photo delivered, and what most captions read.

In the photo, there was no denying that Maxen's eyes were shooting stars and hearts as he fixed his gaze on the woman beside him.

"Spotted: Prince Maxen's mystery lady. Will Nisia be hearing royal wedding bells soon?" Creases formed on Ava's forehead as she read the caption of the online news outlet.

"Oh shoot. Who took it? Doesn't look like it was taken by a pro." Her eyes darted from the screen to Eli who replied with a shrug.