Million Kisses

The cardinal of Nisia's voice, ever so charismatic, echoed as he gave his final blessings to the holy matrimony of Maxen and Olivia, however, there was one person amongst the crowd who was not paying attention to any of it, the bride herself—Olivia.

The entire time, she was spacing out, her eyes zeroing in at the emerald stone engagement ring on her finger, which Maxen slipped earlier during the exchange of vows and rings.

The shade of green akin to sea kelp swaying against the current of the sea called Olivia's name, hypnotizing her to stare at it longer.

She let the oval-shaped emerald stone sitting in the center of the ring with two baguette diamonds on each side suck her soul in. 

Goosebumps dotted her skin as she shivered at how she felt the same way the first time Maxen gave it to her after their elopement in New York.