Biting The Flesh

"Excuse me," Mimi said after clearing her throat. It was enough to snap Elsa from her stupor.

Taking a side step, Elsa bowed and apologized to every pair of legs that passed by her. She was simmering with anger that she didn't notice the elevator doors opening.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, and when she peered up, all she saw was the retreating backs of whom she guessed were big bosses in the Yang Corporation.

Boarding the elevator car, she pressed button number seven, so she could go down the seventh floor where the smoking area was.

From the elevator to her way outside, she was grumbling curses under her breath and it was evident that the entire time she was snaking her way out to get some air, Elsa was simmering with rage.

Earlier, she just came back from the loo when she saw the IT team hovering in her workstation. As she stepped closer, she saw them confiscating her computer.