Sort of Retribution

"You've got to be kidding me," Olivia exasperated. She looked over her shoulders and asked, "Ollie? Are you aware of this blasphemy?"

Tipping his head so he could see what was inside or who was inside, Oliver saw for himself the disaster wrapped in Atelier Balmain sitting beside his father's desk.

"What the heck is going on?" Oliver whispered near Olivia's ear instead of going off as loud as Olivia did. 

He was afraid that if he utter his shock, Henry would make sure to remind him never to disrespect him again, the same way he did years ago.

"Olivia, Oliver, it would be for everyone's interest if the door is closed for our discussion." Henry cocked an eyebrow towards the door.

Closing the door behind him, Oliver sat on the chair facing the floor to ceiling window.