Straight As A Rod

Days flew by, and it was radio silent in Henry Lin and Rona Co's camp. It was not like Olivia worried about their welfare. 

Those adulterers didn't even cross her mind until she had to rip the page on her desk calendar to welcome a new month. 

Swamped with her own schedule, Olivia always passed out in the bed like a starfish as soon as she arrived home at Notios Estate.

Lately, however, something was whispering behind her ear and an ominous grey cloud hovered on her head.

The absence of sound and lack of movement told her that the quieter the two were, the more deadly they would attack like snakes slithering on the ground, waiting for that perfect moment to bare their fangs.

Shrugging the feeling off her skin, Olivia twisted the doorknob leading to the Board Room where a pack of wolves waited for her with mouths drooling with the ambition to covet her CEO chair.