Tip of the Iceberg

Hidden in the shadows, Wyatt angled his head, moving his lips closer to one of his men. He then whispered to the soldier on his right, "Find the captain. Do what it takes to get him ready to sail back."

The soldier nodded and pulled out a gun tucked inside his blue jumpsuit before taking determined strides towards the captain's deck. During their briefing earlier, they agreed upon hijacking the boat as their plan Z.

Footsteps echoed and faded the farther the soldier walked away, and slowly, the uncertainty of his situation turned Wyatt's throat dry. Naturally, he swallowed. His Adam's apple bobbed as sweat dribbled down from his temple, leaving a trail on the side of his face until a blob of liquid salt dropped on his jumpsuit. Stealing a glance on his watch, he made a mental countdown until their back-up would arrive.