
[Stage 5: Defeat the fire wyvern]

A fire wyvern's strength is lower than the rock golem but not by too much, the speed is much higher, could breathe fire and it could fly.

Although his overall capability is double right now, his physical strength is 10 times lower than the fire wyvern, his speed is about 15 times lower if the wyvern flies and he couldn't fly nor breath fire.

The fire wyvern which just spawned immediately saw Ash and flapped it's wings to fly and circled around for a bit to sky dive towards Ash while opening it's mouth.

'Tsk, going for a fire breath?' Ash quickly dodged towards the side to avoid the fire breath while slashing the fire wyvern's body.

The fire wyvern groaned a bit, but further there was no reaction, afterall the wound was just a scratch, it didn't hurt the fire wyvern much.

The fire wyvern repeated it's move and skydived towards Ash but this time it will try to bite.

Ash smirked as he ran towards the mouth of the fire wyvern, the hide it too tough for him to cut through so he jumped right inside the mouth of the fire wyvern, if the outside it too thick then try the inside!

Ash pierced the throat of the fire wyvern and used the slibbery inside to slide through the whole throat.

The fire wyvern quickly realised it's mistake and tried to cough Ash out, but it was already too late as Ash already cut the whole upper part of the throat of the fire wyvern.

[Congratulation! As the first living organism to defeat the 5th stage! Bonus will be rewarded after the turtorial]

[Stage 6 will soon commence, a rest period of 24 hours is provided]

The white room suddenly changed into a basic room, a bed, table, chair, comfy atmosphere and several games and books lying around.

''Sigh~'' Ash sat on the bed and snapped his fingers.

A blue projection of Earth appeared before him.

'He really didn't lie' Ash thought about the words of a young boy ''Hey old man! Did you know when we were in the white room that you could view the entire world? Just snap your fingers while having the intention to view the world! Haha, it was amazing!'' He decided to try it, not expecting it to actually work.

He zoomed in several cities where he already saw many people, but he didn't see any transformed human nor a man with supernatural powers.

Those he saw in the projection were most likely the ones who failed at the first and second stage. 'To lose against a weak goblin which is about the same strength of your children, pathetic' Ash glanced in disdain.

Although Ash didn't particulary hate or looked down upon them, being this weak is just a sin, most of them are cowardly and died at the hands of something that has the same strength of a 12 year old boy.

The first stage goblin didn't even have a weapon, only sharper nails and they are only slightly sharper than women's nails.

Although he didn't know how much time exactly passed, the world is already in chaos.


Ash snapped his fingers again and the projection disappeared. 'Let's rest for now, those people have a chance. Losing in the turtorial doesn't mean you're totally useless, there are many oppertunities in the apocalypse'


[Resting period of 24 hours is gone, stage 6 will now commence, reducing capabilities to normal]

Ash suddenly felt very weak and uncomfortable 'Expected, this turtorial is certainly testing you'

[Stage 6: Defeat an army of armored goblins]

Ash sprinted towards the archers at the back of the army, on his way he dodged every strike and stab coming at him.

Reflecting stabs, countering them and killing them.

After arriving at the archers he then killed the ten archers at the back, then he moved towards the rest.

As a spear thrust was coming to him he side stepped and countered it beheading the goblin with the spear, quickly turning around he beheaded an another goblin with a spear.

But what is an army without a leader?

The goblins backed down and slowly retreated revealing a path where a larger goblin came through, full iron armor with a heavy iron sword, through the gaps of the armor, you could see the leader has a bit darker skin than the rest of the goblins.

''Ra, raw, rara'' Spoke the goblin leader in their own language, although Ash couldn't understand it, he could roughly guess it as an one on one duel.

Inhale* Ash sprinted towards the goblin leader who was ready to fight him.

The goblin leader swung it's club down at the right time when Ash came in range, Ash blocked the attack and pushed it aside causing the goblin leader's swing to go further with no time to retract and defend against Ash's following attack.

The goblins who were cheering in the background became silent once they saw their leader was defeated and dead on the ground with a big wound in it's chest still leeking of fresh blood.

[Congratulation! As the first being to defeat the 6th stage! Reward will be given at the end of the turtorial]

[Congratulation! Using your intellect and skills to defeat the leader of the army that causes for the others to give up! Reward will be given at the end of the turtorial]

[End it right now or continue?]

Again Ash clicked on continue.

At this stage he would a good prize, even better with his rewards from the achievements but he wanted more, in this life he wanted to stand on the top of the apocalypse, sitting on a throne.

[Stage 7 will be commencing soon, overall capabilities reduced by 30%]

[Stage 7: Survive for 30 seconds in the presence of a Ragnak Spider]

The white room changed into a jungle styled theme while a giant furry spider spawned, it had 8 long legs with spikes on it everywhere, a huge red cross on it's back with 12 eyes that had miniature eyes in it if you looked good.

'A ragnak spider!?' A ragnak spider isn't the strongest monster in the apocalypse but it isn't the weakest, above average you could say, back in the apocalypse he could easily kill one, but with his current abilities, let alone defeating one, he couldn't survive for more than 30 seconds!

'But it should be barely doable, 30 seconds, just 30 seconds.' Ash was already hiding in the bushes when the ragnak spider spawned.

But as the 10 second mark passed the ragnak spider lifted one of it's leg high up and the leg was pointing at Ash's direction.

' Figured, hiding in the bush isn't the optimal solution but it saved me 10 seconds'

'11, 1-' Ash quickly rolled out of the bush dodging the incoming stab.


The moment Ash dodged the it's attack the ragnak spider screeched and ran towards it's prey.

Ash who ran for his life quickly climbed on a tree with all his might and jumped on an another tree the next second when he could.

Ash didn't even has a normal adult's man strength thus he didn't dare to look behind and kept jumping from tree to tree, it could be a wise desicion as he heard trees falling down crashing on the ground.

'19, 20, 2- sh*t!' The spider quickly caught up and knocked down the tree before Ash could jump to the next one.

Rolling down on the ground, Ash quickly stood up and zig zagged between the trees making sure that the ragnak spider couldn't hit him.

Though the outcome wasn't the best thing as he was stabbed in his leg very badly by the spider, the next thing he knew, he was stabbed in his arm, other leg, abdomen and shoulder, the pain was nothing compared to what he experienced in the apocalypse but because his body never experienced hardships before he only could endure the enourmas pain he was experiencing.

At last the ragnak spider wanted to stab his head 'Is this the limit?' But before the leg could hit his head, the ragnak spider suddenly disappeared and a blue screen appeared before him.

[Congratulation on surviving the 7th stage! As the first being living being passing the 7th stage, a reward will be rewarded at the end of the turtorial]

[Congratulations! You are the first living being to pass all the seven stages within 2 hours! A reward will be at the end of the turtorial!]

[End right now? Or continue?]

Ash didn't know what to do know, the 7th stage was by far the most difficult one to pass, he wouldn't pass the test if the ragnak spider didn't like to torture it's prey.

But he could try the 8th stage, he wouldn't die anyway.

Clicking on continue the blue screen changed to a red screen.

[Stage 8: Kill the lightning dragon]


He wasn't an idiot, a dragon was something on the top of the apocalypse, not the peak but one of the strongest creatures you could encounter.

A normal dragon was already strong enough to take a place as one of the most terrifying creatures to encounter, let alone an elemental dragon that was at least 2 to 3 times stronger than a normal dragon.

He didn't even get a buff to try to kill the lightning dragon, all his tactis are useless against it, even if he goes inside the mouth of the dragon, the skin inside is 10 times harder than the outside, it was rediculous.

The majestic yellow dragon appeared before him, but before he even could react lightning already descended upon him with speed much faster than everything else so far.

[Stage 8, conclusion: Died]

[Calculating rewards....... 10 achievement rewards.... 10 'First' achievement rewards....Capabilities of overall species F-......]

[Conclusion of rewards:

*1000 times overall capabilties UP (Common)


*Species change: Fallen ArchDemon (Mythical)


*Species change: Blood Fenrir (Legendary)


*Species change: Endless evolving goblin (Epic)


*Supernatural power: God's water art (Epic)


*Supernatural power: 1000 times enhancement (Uncommon)]

The rewards were something that he never expected. Although the rarity was displayed on the right side, it didn't mean anything, it was just there showing what was more rare.

The capabilities up and enhancement is just a no go, they are useless, to be only 1000 times stronger than an average man is useless, at most he could survive for about 100 years and 200 years if he's lucky.

The god's water art is also scrapped, it may seem to be good because it has the word 'god' in it's name but just because you know how to use it doesn't mean you are good at it.

Endless evolving goblin has limitless potential to get strong but can also be scrapped, sure he could get very strong but if he died before that then it is all for nothing. If he chose that then he would go into the apocalypse as a weak goblin, trying to kill something is not something he could do.

Blood Fenrir is an option, but he won't have a humanoid form anymore making it very inconvenient thus there is one option left, the one with the highest rarity, Fallen ArchDemon.