Being Rich Is Nice...


''Thank you for saving my daughter, I'm truly thankful!'' Said Igrid while bowing 90 degrees.

''No, problem, it was a small matter'' Ashley was getting quite irritated, this has been ongoing for several minutes already.

She could see the father of Lily getting tears in his eyes and snot around his nose, it wasn't a pleasant sight to see.

''No, I'm truly grate-'' Before Igrid could continue Ashley already used her natural pressure to shut the damn mouth of him.

''I get it, so stop, damn'' Even though she was irritated, to get these moments in the apocalypse is quite rare if you hid from the outside where everybody can only barely see you.

''What is your name?'' Asked Ashley while at the same time removing her natural pressure.


''Igrid it is? Take these'' Ashley threw him around twenty tier 2 crystals, taking anymore than that everyday will only give a slight headstart, but overtime the training efficiency will reduce, the effects of taking more crystals will reduce to a very low level.

Meaning, even if you ate 100 crystals the effect will only be the same as taking 5 crystals everyday. Though it didn't take very long for people to discover that.

''I-isn't this from those monsters? Isn't it very valuable?'' Igrid looked at the twenty glinstering crystals on the ground, he himself killed a few monsters and was able to retrieve some of those crystals, but he never knew what to do with it.

''You can call them valuable but it is a matter on how high tier your crystal is, the higher, the more valuable. If you want an example then a luxury villa of about 1 million dollars is equal to one of those crystals'' Said Ashley.

It's true that those tier 2 crystals are that much worth, but overtime the value will rapidly decrease, only those of tier 3 or higher will hold some value after the research was done on how to use crystals as a source of energy.

Killing a tier 2 monster at this stage and age will require a lot of man power, only those luckier ones will be able to kill one.

''Then how do you know which crystals are which tier? Every single one of them look similar to each other'' Igrid figured that if he continued to be thankful it will only further annoy her and she gave him twenty of these so called tier 2 crystals, she probably has a lot more.

''Feel the aura of it, you can sense the aura of the crystal whether it is tier 1 or 2. Also the color of the crystals will change at the 4th tier, 8th tier and 12th tier. Blue, yellow and red respectively

And how to sense the aura is a different story, but everyone can do it pretty quickly, it just take some time''

Ashley began to explain some basic things, weaknesses of certain monsters and types of powers, at last she asked a question.

''So, do you want to stay here or go out into the wilderness?''

Igrid held his breath for a moment before he exhaled it. She already did a lot for him, she saved his life and his daughter's life, the fact she explained all of this might be of her kindness or his daughter as he saw how she taught his daughter on how to use those strange powers.

To keep staying here might be rude, but surviving out there is even worse, the choice is obvious if the girl offered it.

''Then thank you for letting us stay here'' Igrid bowed again.

''Then let's start the training once again'' Said Ashley while Igrid looked confused a bit and Lily just nodded.



A bulky man with a bald head and huge scar on his bare chest slammed on the table which broke due the force.

''Those idiots died!? Did their bodies at least contain the stuff that those pieces of dogmeat stole from us!?'' Screamed the man.

''N-no sir, we couldn't get close..'' Answered a man with a butler uniform.

''And why is that so, Alfred?'' Asked the bulky man with an annoyed expression.

''We sensed something, something very scary, it was similar to a mark or a scent that beasts use to declare their territory'' Said Alfred while stabilizing his condition.

''And so you just backed off, just because you sensed something wrong?'' Said the bulky man with an intimidating tone.

''No, we sended a scout first, but he never came back'' Replied Alfred with a calm face.

''Whatever, do something about it'' The bulky man waved his hand and continued talking ''And? Any movements from the military, Raven Family, Li Family or the Skull Gang?''

''There wasn't any particular movements from the military but apparently a high officer of the military died with his son, the precise rank of the officer I think was a ghost watcher.

There weren't any movements from the Raven Family, Li Family nor the Skull Gang'' Answered Alfred.

''You think?'' The bulky man stares at Alfred.

''It wasn't confirmed, but we found a badge that signals it was indeed a badge of the ghost watcher rank'' Said Alfred.

''Hmm, ghost watcher? If I remember it was the second highest rank in the military, for such big shot to die must be a pretty big blow for them'' The bulky man caressed his chin ''Keep watching them for any movements and

send the 'Butcher' to that forest, if such a monster lives there, the crystal coming out of it must be pretty valuable''

''Yes'' Alfred bowed, but before he left the room the bulky man started to talk again.

''You know what, bring the 'pervert' and 'viper' with you too , you can never be more prepared'' Said the bulky man.

''Yes, right away'' Alfred bowed again and left the room.


''Again'' Shouted Ashley towards Igrid that was sweating from swinging the wooden sword.

''Not good enough, again! Swing it this time with less strength!'' Igrid was already tired from the unknown amount of swings he did, after he did the turtorial in the strange white room he suddenly got stronger, that is why he figured that he at least did 300 swings as a rough estimate.

''Until you do 50 more swings you can't stop!'' Shouted Ashley again.

Lily was also watching her father going through the training, she asked master why she don't get this type of training but her father does, the answer she got was;

[ You are still a child and you didn't go through the white room while your father did ] Said her master, though she didn't know what the white room was, she figured it has something to do with getting stronger otherwise her father who can't even beat her mother can't hold out that long.

After Igrid was done with 50 more swings that statisfied Ashley he dropped on the ground panting for air.

''Alright, you can take the twenty crystals I gave you, just gobble all of them down and imagine it tasting like strawberry or something else that is delicious for you'' Said Ashley.

After watching Igrid eat 20 tier 2 crystals that took ages for her to get in her past life she just sighed 'Being rich feels nice....'

Meanwhile at Igrid side

'Oh my god, it really taste like strawberry' Igrid looked a bit surprised but continued eating the crystals.