
Chapter 3

"Hmm... Not bad. Even if that was one of the weakest Vertex I've encountered, I'd never expect YOU to be the one to finish it off." The girl was congratulating me I guess.

She walked over to me and took the sword from my hand. After that, all she did was snap her fingers and Sophie and her mom were back to normal.

"What?! How did you-" The girl shushed me. "Shhh... Pretend you never saw me or I'll remove your memory of what just happened, just like the others." She took a few steps backwards, then jumped into the nearby hedge.

"Huh? How did I get outside?? I thought we were inside..." So that girl really did erase their memory of what happened. How was she able to do that?

Sophie noticed me standing and thinking to myself. "Luke!! What time is it?!" Sophie ran to me desperately. "Uhh 6:02..." I replied.

" Oh no! We were supposed to go to that bakery to pick up my cake! They close at 6...!" Sophie was starting to tear up. She still is as sensitive as she always was.

"Well it's only been 2 minutes... We can still check." I put my hand on Sophie's shoulder.

"Well... If we make it in time before they actually close..." Sophie sniffed the booger that was dripping down her nose.

"Alright then let's go." I grabbed her hand and said bye to her mom, who was also wondering how she ended up outside. Just as confused as Sophie was. "Okay be careful you two." Her mom waved back.

Here were are. The bakery was just down the sidewalk. I can't understand why this part of the city is always busy. Cars filling up the streets, barking like angry dogs. Sidewalks overrun by people who are in a rush to either get home or to work. It was really annoying how much sound there was and pushing too.

As we got to the door of the bakery safely, a man walked out and his shoulder shoved Sophie aside. The shove was rough. "Hey watch where you're going!" Sophie yelled at the man. It seemed like she made him upset since he turned around to look at her with an expression that makes you want to run away.

"You raised your voice at me?" The man got close up and personal to Sophie. "You shouldn't have been standing there in front of the door like that, and watch who you're talking to female." The man then walked away.

"Ugh the people here have no manners!" Sophie's face was red as a tomato. "Lets just go inside and get the cake before they actually close..." I didn't sound angry, but believe me I was. Stuff like this you just have to ignore and try not to make a big deal about it. It's not like we're gonna see the exact same guy again. If we did I'll punch him.

The doors were double doors, so me and Sophie walked in at the same time. Lucky for us they were in the process of closing, so we got here in time to ask for the cake.

"Umm hello?" I walked up to the counter and ringed the bell that was sitting on it. Then a girl from the back came to the counter. I couldn't believe it... It was her! The girl who saved us from that monster, or what she called it... The Vertex.

"Please make your order fast, we're in the middle of closing." She said.

"It's you!!!" I pointed at her in shock. I yelled loud enough it caught the attention of the other workers.

"You know her Luke?" Sophie questioned.

"Y-yeah! She's the girl that-" The girl jumped over the counter and slapped me hard in the face. I tumbled over and hit the floor.

"....." All the workers were confused. "There was a bug on his nose." The girl said as she grabbed my legs and pulled me into the back room.

"Ouch!! Why did you do that!" I was angry with her, but she looked more angry at me.

"Listen, if you bring anything about what you saw I will kill you." Her tone went dark and creepy. "...Fine... And what's your name anyways! I'm pretty sure the narrator is tired of using 'The Girl' everytime he mentions you." I said.

"Narrator...?? Ugh whatever. My name is Cadence." The girl said.

"Cadence... That's a cute name-" Cadence slapped me... Again. "Cadence is not a cute name! And don't ever say that again!!" Cadence was furious. It was just a name though...

Sophie came in. "What's going on here? Why did you slap him?!"

Cadence pulled me up from the cold dirty floor and we both walked up to her. "Just like I said. There was a bug on his face." Cadence smiled.