Zhou Hua fell backwards and landed in Tang Nings lap. She was to shocked to react immediately. Tang Ning laughed. She was too busy watching her daughter that she hadnt realized that she was being stared at. Zhou Hua looked over at her elder brother and started to bawl. She ran towards him and jumped on him. "Zhou Jun!" The boy just stood there staring at his mother and father. It had been 15 years.... 15 years he had to live alone and murder all of the people that hurt his sisters. 15 years of finding out that his mother and father were murdered. He shook those thoughts from his head when he felt another embrace. He looked down at his two sisters and tears welled up in his eyes. "X-Xiao Hua...Xiao Zi..." He couldnt believe that his baby sisters were right in front of him. "Am I dead? Is this heaven?" He whispered. just then he felt another embrace. This was was warm. he leaned into the embrace and smelled the familiar scent of cherry blossoms. He stiffened. He was too afraid to look up. Afraid that this dream would go away. He burried himself as deep as he could into his mothers embrace. Tang Ning could feel her son trembling. "Shh.... its okay now Xiao Jun... They cant hurt you anymore."