
The healer gets killed first.

In a raid against monster beasts in a dungeon, it is a healer to whom they target first. But not all monster beasts had intelligence so it was a relief for the party who were in their first raid.

In the dawn of the winter season, five people were gathered before the entrance of the dungeon. With fog covering the entrance, no eyes could gaze at the horrific beasts lurking inside.

The five people were looking at each other in nervousness as they were ones to arrive first.

"It seems others are taking their time." The man wearing silver armor said as he sat down in the ground.

"Mr. Chris is right. They sure are taking their sweet time, aren't they?" The boy who seemed to be fourteen years old spoke as he gazed at the entrance.

The other three who weren't wearing too warm only shivered.

"What? If this cold defeats you here then how are you going to raid? Aren't you adventurers? Man up!" The boy said with a smile.

"Sigh~" The one with short black hair moved her legs and kicked the boy,

"I am a girl. I don't need to man up!"

"I was just kidding, Raiha. You don't have to take it to heart!" The boy said.

He then sat at the place where he fell and kept quite.

As if satisfied, Raiha took back her leg and sighed as the air that blew from her mouth became smoke and vanished.

"They are here!" Chris spoke as he stood up.

"Where? I don't see anyone!" Raiha couldn't even see them when Chris told them others had arrived.

"Raid leader's sense exceeds anyone's in this group. If he says they have arrived then indeed they have arrived." The boy spoke.

A number of shadows started appearing in the fog after the boy said that. About ten other adventurers joined them from afar.

The raid must consist of about ten people, no matter what rank the dungeon seemed to be. And the rule said that there must be a raid leader to lead others which was filled by Chris and with the support of Ben, vice-leader, they had ventured many dungeons and returned back with their life.

The rule wasn't set by the dungeon since the dungeon didn't have any rules. They were set by the Guilds for the safety of humans. This time the dungeon was an E-Rank one. The fog it gave off wasn't too thick and the Guild that supervised the raid had already confirmed its rank.

Today's raid was supervised by the Guild 'Thousand Lakes' and it was composed of fifteen people.

But the party didn't entirely belong to the Guild. The ten which joined them, later on, were all sellswords to fill the gap. Five B-Rank adventurers of 'Thousand Lakes' were enough to wipe the entire dungeon clean but rules were rules, so the Guild decided to rent sellswords.

Among the sellswords, he too had come for the hope of earning some money. In these lands, money wasn't everything but for someone like Oslo, it was a dream come true.

The only thing he strived for was to pay the debt his late parents left on his shoulder. Otherwise, if he couldn't pay his debt, he feared even his little brother would have no choice but to become an adventurer.

He knew how dangerous of a job it was and there was not a dungeon in which he hadn't struggled just to keep his life intact. He wished nothing more than not letting his little brother bear such a burden and end up miserable as him.

When he arrived he saw most of the people in the group were wearing armor and had good equipment they could rely on. He just cursed his misfortune at this time.

When a sigh left his mouth, Chris as the leader said,

"You'll receive your pay but inside the dungeon no matter what it is, everything belongs to 'Thousand Lakes' Guild. Not even hair will be rewarded if someone tries stealing our property."

The sellswords all knew what they had signed for, so everyone agreed, even Oslo who was struggling for money agreed.

After the sun shone above their heads, Chris held his shield and sword and entered the dungeon as the rest followed him.

Magic Land wasn't a place humans were familiar with. No one knew for what reason it appeared. Ten years ago, a hole black in color appeared in the streets of America. It didn't seem like a black hole as it appeared neutral.

But when a human tried touching it, he was sucked inside. Many citizens feared such wretched existence and the authorities had decided to ban the people from nearing it.

But after a day, the man who tried touching it came back and the whole Earth was shocked at then news of man coming back alive.

Many holes had appeared throughout the world and what the man said shocked them.

It began like this,

"The hole leads to another world in which human existence is possible. But it didn't come as a surprise to me as this one did."

A small flame appeared in his palm out of nowhere and the news reporters filming him opened their mouth wide.

"There is magic in the land and it seems after venturing the hole one can even use magic on Earth."

Many people just because of that sentence jumped in the hole without thinking twice. After the discovery of such a world, many people joined forces and started living there.

But after living there for over a year, Authorities formulated a rule.

'No one is allowed to live in the land for their whole life.'

The Earth had already degraded and many didn't want such land to bear the same fate as Earth. After the formulation of the rule, the system was created in which every power holders of different countries signed in.

The land was given a name.

Magic Land. The land of magic.

Many researchers till the date researched the 'Portal' to discover as to how could such thing teleport humans to Magic Land, but the mystery hadn't revealed yet.

Many people started entering the Magic Land and it didn't take humans too long to create the system inside the land. Guilds were created solely for adventurers and Magic Council to keep magicians at the toe.

Not all people were good after all.

Upon entering the dungeon, the temperature increased. The ones wearing heavy armor felt like they were suffocating and the ones who didn't wear many clothes enjoyed the warmth.

Temperature outside and inside the dungeon was the complete opposite. If it wasn't for this, Dungeons wouldn't have been called 'World inside world '.

But upon entering the dungeon the party hadn't spotted a single magic beast. The cave stretched far as a mile but not a single creature greeted them.

Many sellswords sighed in relief but they who had visited the Dungeons most of the time had an odd look on their faces.

" Something isn't right!"

They felt something was amiss but they could their finger on it. As they walked for about an hour, everybody started worrying. Chris too frowned in the situation, not expecting something like this to happen.

"Don't tell me the boss has intelligence and has ordered other monsters to remain in the boss room."

Oslo spoke from the back of the pack as other sellswords stopped their feet in fear.