
Oslo looked at Alphonse who was happily clinging onto his sword and asked, "Should we go to boss room? or should we just leave it at this?"

He asked this question to Alphonse out of consideration of fear he had of monsters. They also didn't have any healer so there was this was well. If they were to be injured then who was going to make their wounds disappear. Oslo might heal fast but same thing couldn't be said for Alphonse.

"Let's go kill the boss!" Alphonse shouted.

How was he so full of confidence? Oslo was never going to understand what's going into his mind. Alphonse then look the captives and asked, "What should we do with them? Bury them?"

"I don't know," Oslo shook his head, "If we want to bury them then we have to exit the dungeon and there might be a hance that the dungeon wouldn't be same next time as well."

"Haha, don't worry, my brother." Alphonse said and used his weird magic again to create a large pit in the ground, "If we bury all of the corpse in the same place, I'm sure that their soul would be happy."


Alphonse buried the corpses inside the large pit and came in front of Oslo and showed him three crystal like things which was black in color.

"You take two and I take one." He said as he showed the magic cores he had obtained after he killed those goblins, "After all, it is because of you that I was able to kill them and obtain their magic cores."

"No!" Oslo shook his head.

"Don't want? Why?" Alphonse asked.

"Because you killed them and not me." He then showed the saber on his right hand and said,"Besides, I have got some handy weapon."

With a dagger on his left hand and a saber on his right, Oslo was equipped for offensive battle. He then took a deep breath and said,

"Let's go to the middle cave."


Walking inside the middle cave was as same like walking in any other caves but with some changes. Their feet were literally sinking in the ground making their footsteps visible. They were facing tremendous pressure with each step they took.

The dimly lit tunnel was being dark and dark because of torches being less and less on their way. After some moment, Oslo again had to use his green flames to see the way across the tunnel.

He could control the mana of sky blue color with his left body part and green mana from his right body part. While lighting the flame again, Oslo came to a realisation that no matter the color of mana used to make flames, he would only make green flames, if it wasn't truth then why did green flame appeared when he tried making flames with his left hand.

So he guessed that color of flames were independent of the color of hosts mana. Suddenly both of them were greeted with a bright bluish white light which lightened the tunnel more than Oslo's green flames.

The light was actually being emitted by crystals which rest on each side of the tunnel only leaving a small path for them to transverse which led to the room.

Oslo touching the crystal realized how cold they were as if a block of ice. No, even colder. He further looked deeply inside of crystal when he noticed something. Inside the crystals, there were bodies...body of human beings that were actually alive.

Although he couldn't hear their heartbeat because of thick layer of ice separating them, he could that they were alive because they still had their aura. He wanted to save them but he clenched his fist because of a thought.

If he broke the case of ice for the hope of saving them and end of destroying their body as well then it wouldn't be of any help at all. Oslo thought and looked away. There may be another way to thaw the ice.

The bodies were fine and alive. The children and adult were entrapped in the case of ice and judging by their pale face, Alphonse couldn't estimate for how long they had been trapped here. Just guessing it making his soul shudder in chill.

Let's not go to the boss room...he wanted to say it but he swallowed his own words because back then it was him who had suggested to enter the room even when Oslo had asked him if he wanted to go or not. He so regretted the decision now but he couldn't say anything at all.

Hopelessness! He felt hopelessness!

They walked again and the closer they got to the chamber of the boss, more and more case of ice filled their eyes. The whole tunnel was packed with those cases of ices.

How many humans are trapped in here? 50? 70? Oslo didn't count all the ice cases on his way but he could estimate that the cases roughly exceeded 70.

Just when they were five feet away from the entrance to the boss room which didn't have any door, Alphonse screamed.


"Shhh- Keep quiet!" Oslo said, "You have seen this all the way to here so why are you bugging out just now?"

"Its not related to the ice, its related to the ice cases," Alphonse said, "My legs...they are being covered with ice."

Oslo looked below and found that ice was indeed covering Alphonse' feet but it wasn't only forming on his feet, it was slowly spreading making its way to upper. But surprisingly, no ice covered Oslo's body part.

Slowly, very slowly like a crawl, making him freeze to the bone.

"Ahhhh!" In a panic, Alphonse started jumping for the hope of getting it off his feet but to no avail, it only spread quickly.

"Don't panic!" Oslo said, "If you do, it'll only spread quickly."

"First let's enter the room." Oslo added, "It is only a guess of mine but there is a chance that the secret of this ice cases lies in that room. If it is indeed the case then maybe we'll be able to thaw it after we defeat the boss."

Alphonse without any idea of remedy could only nod and follow Oslo to the room. But Alphonse couldn't make all the way to the room because the ice had froze his movement and he was stopped right before the entrance.

The room which didn't have any torches was still visible to all eyes. The blue ice cases glowed in the room making the room visible.

In the whole room, there were only three cases of ice which was used as a chair by a goblin. There were three, three elves inside the cases of ice on which the goblin laid comfortably. They had similar figures as humans but had pointy ears, there was no way that they weren't elves.

'Elves? But how?' Seeing the scene, Oslo was confused, "Aren't elves bestowed with natural affinity with magic? How come they got entrapped in a dungeon such as this which is at best rank C and three of them as well?'

The room had another cave on its right which Oslo didn't know where it led to. The goblin was sleeping in the chair of ice as if it owned the dungeon with next to no regards to the environment. But little did it knew that the mob of its soldiers were all dead.

Although the goblin had already sensed the presence of the intruder, it didn't consider him much of a threat. Seeing it sleeping soundly made Oslo mad.


The dagger on his left hand flew at the sleeping goblin who just deflected the dagger coming at it with its weapon. Its weapon was also a dagger but was a little different.

The dagger in its hand was black as black could be and the blade edges were lined red as if it had been heated till the point of reddening. Its blade had curves as slithery snake and were like branches of a tree.


The dagger again returned before Oslo who picked it up from the ground. The sleeping goblin was now wide awake and with those vulture like eyes, it glared at the intruder in confusion.

It was rather surprising as to why the intruder wasn't freezing. But what made the goblin frowned was why didn't it sensed this intruder before? It had sensed only one intruder before who had activated the trap it had set up on the way but how did another intruder entered the room and didn't activate the trap it had laid?

But all its questions were answered when it felt no aura coming out of the intruder's body. So that was why it couldn't sense the intruder and intruder was also able to enter without triggering the trap.

The goblin had made some preparation on the entrance so that anyone who entered the middle cave would start freezing the moment their aura was exposed to the trap and with no aura leaking out of Oslo, he was saved.

He was able to avoid it because he had been activating his skill erase all the time he was in the dungeon but Oslo didn't knew that the skill he activated on whim to practice had just saved his life not letting him to trigger any traps.

Oslo noticing the dagger didn't work tried using the same trick he had used against hob goblin.


A green ball of fire appeared in his fingertip which he threw towards the goblin which was now wide awake.


With a slash of its dagger, the ball of fire was cut in half and the fire vanished without creating any explosion. Oslo was alarmed when the magic didn't work on this goblin as before when he used it against hob goblin.

The goblin then waved its hand as if trying to do something. Oslo closely paid attention to every movement of the goblin because he had guessed the goblin in front of him was the boss of the dungeon.

After a moment, Oslo opened his eyes in shock as goosebumps appeared on his hand. Just like he did before, a ball of flame appeared in the finger tip of the goblin which was exactly like what Oslo had made before.

Magic? This goblin could use magic?