Finally, It is Paid!

Oslo then looked at those two men and said, "Stop, I'm going to pay you."

He then rolled his eyes and found out that Ric was still not home, but it was also good. Oslo didn't want Ric to see this and suffer quietly.

The two people wearing black clothes with black sunglasses and those black hats to match their attire stopped at the voice. Both of them gave off the feeling of gentlemen, and if one didn't see them breaking houseware then they wouldn't believe that these fine gentlemen were involved in such line of work.

One of the man wearing black then looked at Oslo and said, "Pay us? When are you going to pay the money? Its been about ten years already."

"I'll pay you in about a week." Oslo said.

"One week? Hahahahaha" The man laughed, "Big talk from a boy who only pays a thousand dollars a year."

"We're getting tired of this. We have to collect money from other people as well, but because of you, we always get late." Another man said.

Oslo had the money so that he could pay the debt in full in but a moment but he had to consider of other things. He had asked them for another week because he didn't trusted them.

He wouldn't be surprised if they were to rob him of all the money he had, not leaving a single penny if he were to say that he already had the money. After all, these guys played dirty.

If they didn't then how did the debt money of ten thousand dollars with three percent of annual interest became one million dollars in ten years? These guys just played dirty and it was also his parent's fault for not issuing a written contract. Taking money without paperwork was just a shop for tensions and problems.

"I said that I'll pay you in about a week. So, if you don't believe me then why don't we form a contract?" Oslo said.

"Oh? It seems you're serious this time." The man said with a smile.

"I was always serious." Oslo calmly replied.

"Then what sort of contract would you like to establish?" The man asked, "Do you want me to bring some papers?"

"No, heart contract is fine with me." said Oslo.

"No, its not fine. If you don't fulfill the term and end up dying on us, then how are we going to have you pay us? You cannot be thinking of paying us in afterlife, can you?" The man denied the heart contract as it wouldn't be of any use if Oslo would end up dying.

"Say the sort of contract that doesn't include of you dying or running away from paying the money."

Oslo frowned before saying, "What about the soul contract? You know how to use it, don't you?"

"Even if I end up not completing the contract then you could just use my soul as you wish; like in slavery and others. But if you want me to pay you, I want some fair terms and conditions in the contract." Oslo added.

"Making you an eternal slave, if you cannot pay us? It doesn't sound bad but I cannot make such decision with me alone." The man then turned towards another man who was listening quietly and asked, "What do you think about it?"

Another man sighed and said, "Its fine. I'm already tired of this. Just another week and we don't need to come to this God forsaken place anymore? It seems a good deal."

Although the man didn't knew the reason behind Oslo's confidence, he was just happy that even if they didn't get paid till another week, they wouldn't be sent to this place again. Seriously, the distance between this God forsaken place and another place they need to reach was about hundred miles and this house didn't came on the way and they specially had to come across leaving the path to another place.

"Then who will represent your organization?" Oslo asked.

"Just wait!" The man then took out his cellphone and dialed a number. For about a minute, he talked with the opposite party, nodding sometimes he listened to what the man on the other end had to say. After the call ended, he put back his cell phone and looked at Oslo.

"The boss had agreed to us signing the soul contract. We'll represent the organization." The man said.


As he said that, he made a scroll appear out of thin air and also, it was flying. The scroll was transparent blue in color and automatically after it appeared, many sentences started appearing on it one after another and what seemed like a blank transparent scroll was filled in about five seconds.

The man the turned the scroll and showed it to Oslo and asked, "How is it?"

Oslo thoroughly glanced over the contract for not to miss any misdoings or some statements with double meanings but seeing no loopholes whatsoever, he was satisfied.

If he could pay one million dollars in about a week then they wouldn't trouble him or his loved ones anymore. Not even using other organizations as puppets for money. They wouldn't mess with his property ever again as well but if Oslo couldn't pay it within one week then his soul would have to become their eternal slave and obey every command they issued.

Soul contract was absolute and if anyone tried to violate the contracts' terms or tried something funny after signing it then their souls would be torn on the spot or maybe even enslaved by other party. The pain caused by wound inflicted upon the flesh was nothing but a ants bite in front of the pain caused by wound inflicted upon the soul of a person.

If ones soul was torn into pieces, it would hurt more than being punished in hell for millions times or so people said. Because of that, the Magic Council had a strict rule regarding the soul contract that if a party didn't wanted it was forced into soul contract then the one who forced would be sentenced to death no matter the reason.

These sort of contract was just absurd for human beings to make. People were fine with having a contract on paper in comparison to heart contract and soul contract.

"How do we establish the contract?" Oslo asked, satisfied of the terms and conditions the contract presented him.

"Just put your hand in the scroll and everything will be done." The man said as he placed his hand in the opposite end of the transparent scroll.

When Oslo as well placed his hand, the scroll started glowing in a bright light and several chains like figure started appearing from the transparent scroll which was icy blue in color. Slowly making its way through their hands, the chains entered their body and wrapped around their souls.

The contract had been established and now, if anyone tried to violate the terms then they would have to pay the price and it wasn't going to be an easy one. Oslo then took out his cellphone from his back pocket and asked,

"Wh...what...tell me your organization's bank account number."

The moment those chains had entered his body and wrapped around his soul, Oslo felt that something was squeezing his whole being from inside out and was weighing him down. He couldn't even speak properly with those chains binding his soul and wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible.

After receiving the account number, he carefully checked each and every zero he was typing before he touched the send icon. Immediately after he touched the icon, he got a notification which told that the amount had been transferred.

He sighed in relief as right after the notification, those chains binding his soul vanished completely. The chains binding the soul of the man in black also loosened but it didn't vanish because of the terms of the contract so that he wouldn't violate them anymore. The man now had to spend his whole life with those chains binding his soul.

"Haha," After feeling that the grip of those chains binding his soul had loosened a bit, the man laughed, "It seems you already had it. At least, you aren't as timid and foolish as boss had explained us about you. Singing the contract was a right move."

He then looked at another man behind him and said, "Looks like we finally got what we wanted for the last ten years. From next week, we don't have to come to this God forsaken place anymore. Your wish came true. Lets go to another house."

"Haha, you're right." Another man chuckled and said,"One less headache."

Saying that, they exited the place and left for another house which had not paid their debt. They sure seemed busy but Oslo didn't like this business of theirs.

He heaved a long sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart. The loan he wanted to get rid of for ten years was finally paid in full and those loan sharks wouldn't cause trouble for them anymore.

They were finally free now. Now he just had to focus on becoming strong, earning money, glory and fame. Well...let's exclude others and focus on becoming strong and if he focused on becoming strong with the help of quests then he would be able to earn some money along the way which would help them live their daily life.

Now he had one and a half million of money with him and like any other person, he was suffering from those itchiness. His hands were itching to spend the money but he had somewhat controlled his mental excitement.

He fist closed the door and changed his bandages. The tattoo of the dragon still looked black as ever and it was again covered with new bandages. Clutching his hand, he checked if he could move his hand freely with those bandages and finally after some clutches, he looked at the watch hanging on the wall.

It was still 2:00 p.m., two hours before his brother would arrive. He then analyzed the house which was messy again and another batch of stale food was all over the floor because of broken table with a note hanging beside it. I will change this house before going to Magic Land again.

Sitting down in the floor surrounded my mess, he took out the skill book he had received as a reward. It was a little dirty looking and its cover was grayish blue.

In the cover of the book, the name of the skill was written with a bad handwriting.

Soft Tread?