I Am Alive?

It had now been seven days since the day he had been here and was stuck with next to no way of knowing how to get out of this darned place. He was sitting in a mattress with his eyed closed as if meditating, but in reality...he wasn't and thinking something else inside his mind.

How many days has it been? He couldn't keep track of the time while he was stuck here because... day or night, it didn't matter here. He couldn't believe that he was stuck here for more than one day because any time he would snuck out his head, he would only be greeted by sunlight outside the house.

If someone told him that it had already crossed six days then he would have difficulty believing it. Because without moon, how could he know that the days were even passing?

He was in that weird dream again! Was it after the moment he closed his eyes?...Yes, it was indeed from that cursed moment he was sent here with next to no idea of getting out of this place and what was worse was that he couldn't even control the body his consciousness was in properly.

While sitting, he was recuperating from all the exhaustion he had suffered. Because in these seven days, he had been challenged to a duel about hundred times but he beat all of them.

Well it wasn't him who beat those challengers...it was this automatically moving robotic alien technologically crafted body which didn't even follow his order which won all of them.

He was fuming mad! No entrance or exit to get out of the dream. A body that only listened to him while he wanted to go to restroom or while he had nothing else to do. Oslo literally hated this place and this body.

Not to mention those damn censors! Not being able to see his face in the mirror and listening people calling him ********** was what driving him crazy.

Seriously, who was this guy that I'm exchanging body with. He was living this guy's life with no idea of who it was. Oslo couldn't guess to whom the body belonged to with those ten censored letters.

While meditating, he heard the voice calling for him again, "Big brother!"

It was his sister again...it was this body's sister but spending times chatting with her, he was feeling that she was his own sister. She was the only one who was cheering for him when he had almost killed one of the challenger, while the other crowd stopped cheering for him since then which made him feel that even if whole world looked him with disgust...his sister would always love and support him.

He then looked at the door where she was standing and asked, "What do you need me for now? Want me to beat those bad guys again?"

"No," She shook her head, "This time Sera is not the one who is looking for you."

"Then is someone asking for me to duel them again?" He asked with a concerned look. If this was indeed a news about a duel then he wouldn't be able to take it anymore.

This body was like a robot and wouldn't let any of the duel go and without obeying his will, the body would jump right into arena and beat the crap out of the challenger and only invite hatred from elders and the crowd. Although this robotic body didn't feel exhaustion or tired, his soul couldn't keep up with this monstrous body. He so hated this.

"No," She again shook her head, "This time grandfather has asked Sera to summon you to the secret chamber."

Secret chamber? Hearing her, Oslo's eyes lit up. From what information he had collected in these days, the secret chamber was something that off limits to all the family members and only after getting the person from the grandfather, one could enter as they wished. Although it wasn't his body and and his family, he too wanted to know what was inside the secret chamber as he didn't know if he would get the same chance ever again. He was so hyped up about going to the chamber.

Why wouldn't he? After all, anyone who entered the chamber without permission would be punished. Last time when one of his uncle snuck inside the secret chamber, he was thrown into to cell in the dungeon by the grandfather and nobody had heard from him ever again. So, when the same grandfather who was very strict about rules invited him, he was very excited.

He then went to the garden in the back of the house which was filled with many colored flowers which Sera grew. In the middle of the garden there rested a lion statue that was made out of rock and look majestic and ferocious as if it was alive.

From outside it looked like a peaceful place to rest but nobody in the clan except his family members knew that there was actually a secret chamber below the mighty statue of lion.


With his arms strength, Oslo pushed the statue aside revealing a door like structure made up of plank. Clearing the mud, he pulled the plank from the edges.

Kirk~ Kirk~

Like a jammed door, it was stuck but with continuous pull, he was finally able to open the door. He then looked at Sera who was standing beside him as she nodded.

He then jumped inside what looked like a manhole as Sera stood there guard the entrance. She wasn't summoned by the grandfather so all she could do was wait outside for her brother to return as well as guard the entrance on the process as no intruder would sneak in.

When his feet finally found the bottom, he saw a tunnel which was rather small as if it was made for only one person to enter through. After a minute of walking, he was greeted by a door which was all covered in moss and looked all beat up and old.


But even though the door looked old, it opened with but a gentle push and when his eyes pierced inside the chamber, he gasped.

He was greeted by a large chamber which was filled with pictures and there was an old man who sat in the middle of the chamber with his eyes closed as if meditating.

The room was clean and there was no moss inside it whatsoever. Hundreds of pictures hung on the wall of the chamber and it was because of these, he had gasped... not in administration, but in anger. Are all those picture hung on the wall strictly for adults only to view? If not then,...Why the heck are they blur? Damn it!

He was about to lose it now. It was just too much. Is this dream playing with me?, He thought.

With his knees resting on the floor, he punched down again and again to vent out his frustration of not being able to see everything with those eyes.

"Damn it!, Damn it!, Damn it!"

Hearing all those 'Bams' coming from the punches, the old man opened his eyes and stood up. He was like any other old people. He had wrinkles and he seemed not to energetic as well. He wore clothing which was all white and seemed tailored in very unique manner.

Even after standing up from the ground, the clothes of old mam wasn't dirty at all and as he glanced at Oslo, he said,

"It seems you've come...but what're doing."

Oslo realizing that the grandfather was awake and staring at him, he lightly punched the ground and said, "Grandfather, I was just checking how sturdy the ground is, and nothing more."

He then stood up and bowed, "And yes, grandfather, I've come. But what I'm surprised about is why have you summoned me?"

The old man didn't answer directly and looked at the wall and said, "Have you seen those paintings on the wall? Those paintings were left by our ancestors and it contains the skills and techniques our clan currently possesses. Although our clan only possesses a fragment of it, the techniques are very strong."

The old man then blinked his eyes in administration, "These paintings...beautiful aren't they?"

Beautiful? Don't joke with me old man? Form what angle is it beautiful? But on the outside he forced a smile and said,

"Yes, they are too beautiful. For a moment, I was so captivated by its beauty that I started seeing blur."

Even though what I saw was only blur and not the painting.

"I see, so you also got absorbed while seeing these paintings. It seems I didn't make mistake choosing you to be the successor. You to seem to possess the ability our ancestors had when they drew these beautiful paintings. I think by letting you be the heir to shoulder the possession left by our ancestors, you'll lead our clan to prosper." The old grandfather said as he looked at Oslo.

"Today, I'll provide you with an inheritance that our clan has been passing down from generation to generation." The old man said, "But before that, I'll have to ask you something first. What is your dream? What do you wish to do in the future?"

"In future what will I do? I'll go on an adventure in the future chasing after the dream of finding the 'Flower of Life'." Oslo said without hesitation.

"Flower of Life, huh? A good dream to chase after."

"Like hell I'll allow that." The old man shouted, "Idiot! Follow other dreams instead of that. Are you going to abandon your clan just like your father did just for some dumb romance of adventure?"

What? Oslo was surprised hearing that from the old man. Father deserted the village just so he could go on an adventure in search of flower of life? But didn't that mean that what he had heard about his father was false. People said that his father had died in an idiotic way, was that all a lie? He was confused.

He then looked at old man and asked,

"Did my father really went for the search of the flower? Then why are the people saying that he is already dead. Did he encounter a monster of some kind during his adventure which led him to his death?"

"No, he didn't die like that." The old man shook his head and explained.

"It was in the day when we were arguing about his dream of going on an adventure. He sat in the branch of a tree and I at the roof of the house as we argued. I told him again and again that he shouldn't leave leaving the two of you siblings here all alone but he didn't heed my voice and was hellbent on going on an adventure."

"When I tried to advice him out of it, he angrily stood up and just as he about to leave for an adventure, the branch broke and he fell on the ground head first and died." The old man said.

I see. An idiotic death indeed. But it didn't made his determination to search for the flower to waver a bit. He was even more excited to search for this legendary flower what people thought of only as a rumor.

The old man then continued, "So, don't end up like your father and about that flower, people don't even know that if it exists. From what I know, it is only mentioned in a story told in elf villages just for the purpose of letting the children sleep in peace. So, don't follow this path which will only shorten your future."

The body then automatically said, "Yes, Grandfather, I understand. My father was indeed narrow minded so that he left the clan for some dumb romance. Do not worry grandfather, what I said before was just a lie and I'll stay in the clan and will not betray it. I will lead the clan to prosperity."

"So, it was a lie, huh?" The old grandfather heaved a sigh of relief and said, "You sure made me worry for your safety. Don't joke with your grandfather ever again."

"Then, now I'll pass the inheritance onto you with all the responsibilities. So be sure to keep it safe."

"Alright grandfather. I will keep it safe." The body nodded.

Just as he was about to receive the inheritance, his vision went blank as the darkness covered his mind. In the dark place, he finally saw a light and when he flew towards the light, his eyes opened wide as he gasped.

Not again! I wanted to know what was the inheritance. Just as he had lost consciousness in that body, he had woken up in another body.

He straightened his back and and in confusion, he used his hand to touch his chest. In his chest, he could feel his heartbeat as it was pumping blood very fast.

*Ba-dum* *Ba-dum* *Ba-dum*

He then with the wavering eyes looked at his body which didn't have a single wound on it and he could move as if he was all healthy.

But only thing that was different was that, the pain was all over his body and his body was very tired as if he had lifted a hundred ton just a moment ago. And he was in bed with different clothes from what he was wearing before.

Wait! I am alive?

I thought that this body was dead. How come I am fine again?

Just as he was contemplating, he heard a huge laughter coming from his side. Slowly in pain, he turned his head and found Mr. Bryan rolling in the ground clutching his stomach laughing like a mad man.