hot emo death angel Doctor mann MD

I finally woke up from a coma after my wounds he said miss Are you alright now look at me in my eyes as I pull the tube out of your throat...I thought at first he wanted me give him a blow job. fuck this D is hot he is so yummy looking ..... I thought so too he said sexnsomia in a coma after injury hello ma'am um are you okay uh huh I couldn't talk so I said thank you in sign language. he said your welcome as soon as I walked towards him I black out and fainted he had carried me to his car and he did. I felt so good like I was free.but he had his hand on my leg when he was on top he kissed me now I found you now I have you. thank God. I need to touch you here there everywhere. to see if your numb how old am I. I asked scorpios. he said your 17 years old for how long .as long as you love me I will keep you young forever. and you remembered my name. I could think was my Chemical romance threw up this dude ok how did you find me. the locator in your arm.its called GPS oh okay . as I was looking at him I swear that he was unzipping his pants .he turned away from me and begged me to cover my eyes as we pulled over I went blank. I asked is it safe to uncover my eyes.....he said no I'm still going .... um ok fine. hey what's next after this..... I'm going to screw you... um ok look I just woke up from a fucking coma and you wanna....what ....I wanna screw you in bed okay. why not now..... fine okay I will....yeesh.....