Cooler is just cooler(Edited)

On the communicator, on the display appeared an old man but the connection wasn't stable enough so his words came out jumbled and incomplete:

"Ple.. hel... squad... kill..." I couldn't understand much from the words alone so I decided to investigate by scanning the planet with my ki sense. And oh boy was I in for a treat there was a lower level of above twenty million on the planet and it exuded an evil presence full of malice and greed.

I used my magic to make myself invisible and I hid my power level with my ki control ability and teleported myself directly near the action.

A bunch of grunts were shooting ki blasts all around the planet which looked to be pretty advanced as a blonde-haired man with blue skin wearing an armor inscribed with a symbol that I couldn't truly deschiper stood on a building with his hands behind his back, he was flanked by long-haired green man who wore the same type of armor and a helmet and a tall brown reptilian man, all wore Scouters on their face.

I wasn't sure who they were but I kept myself hidden and started to listen to their conversation as the blonde-haired man was talking in a heavy french accent:

"Guh, I wonder why lord Cooler want's this planet it's not like it would fetch a high price, we are wasting our time here, we aren't even needed the normal soldiers could have conquered it all by themselves."

He was the head of the trio and the one with the power level above twenty million, the green-skinned man said:

"Eh Salza, we just don't have to do anything and get paid anyway, why does it matter, Lord Cooler, gives us easy jobs because we are his most trusted confidantes, while there aren't any strong planets on his hit list that need us yet."

The reptilian man nodded his head and continued:

"Yes yes Dore is right, free money and relaxation is very good, we just have to observe the planet conquering proceedings and get a hefty sum for our nonexistent work, isn't it great Salza?"

Salza scoffed at the two men and said:

"Dore Neiz, I know you two are lazy piece's of trash but unlike you, I crave some action from time to time, Lord Cooler didn't install me as the leader of the armored squadron for nothing, he wanted for me to do great things, but... we already conquered most of the strong planets and only the weaker ones remain in our west galaxy, we can't go to the north one as it's in the jurisdiction of Lord Cooler's brother, Lord Frieza."

Dore and Neiz nodded their heads at Salza's words but they weren't truly interested they wanted to laze around and get the rewards. All of them had their guards down, it was an extremely good time for an ambush, I decided to kill the two lieutenants first and have a one on one with the captain.

They were really near each other practically they stood side by side so I didn't have to do much besides getting behind them.

Salza suddenly had a bad feeling but before he could inform Dore and Neiz he saw how both of them were bifurcated in two as two golden ki blades appeared inside their chests.

Salza cried out:

"Dore Neiz noooooo, you coward show yourself." so I just did my dots were already on three shining at the same time my power level was increased by eight times so my power level was around thirty-two million I toned my power level down a bit and it reached twenty million, I wanted to train my techniques and skills against this guy.

But before I could do anything Salza clicked his scouter and said:

"Lord Cooler we were ambushed on Planet 683921, Dore and Neiz are dead we require your presence here, the assailant is supposed stronger than me and I might not survive here."

Before he could continue I shot his scouter with a purple beam from my finger, it was the Kold's family patented death beam, Salza paled realizing I knew this technique unsure of my origins.

He shouted out loud:

"What are your ties to the esteemed Kold family?" I just chuckled and said:

"No ties I'm just here to have some fun with you." Salza's already pale face turned from blue to white he knew how Lord Cooler liked to play with his victims, he thought I was the same as him and he didn't want to have the same fate.

I created a wall around us with my magic and as he tried to escape he ran into it, he tried to slash it with a ki blade, I raised an eyebrow at his attempts, seems this guy's ki control was pretty great being even able to shape his ki into forms.

I threw myself at him with a ki blade of my own and we started fighting, he had a pretty good blade technique, and as our power level was pretty similar he started to fight back, I parried his blade ki and threw a slash towards him which he dodged, and retaliated with an overhead slash, I blocked it and I sank a bit in the cement that made up the building's roof.

I threw him back with my strength and tried to slash him in two from the waist but he jumped and tried to fly, forgetting about the box we were trapped in he hit his head on it and plummeted down, seeing him doing such a stupid mistakes I cut off his head before he could do anything else and vaporized his body with a tiny beam.

I sighed, the fight was pretty interesting but the guy wasn't particularly skilled in martial arts besides his ki blade techniques, he was also flustered and scared as he knew my power was higher than his and he couldn't bring out his true strength, I didn't benefit much from this fight.

I looked over as the grunts didn't know that I killed their leader so I just vaporized all of them with my ki, unknowingly to me it seemed I drifted out of the north galaxy to the west galaxy while I trained intensively. I left the ship on wandering mode so it never had a destination.

Suddenly out of the void came a giant spaceship that was orange in color with white and black strips a giant purple glass was in the middle of it's being and out of one of the hatches came out a purple reptilian looking guy with a white headpiece and red eyes, he also had a blue gemlike protrusions on his knees and elbows his power level was massive almost two hundred million in total, I felt suffocated, I could become stronger than him by fifty-six million if I turned on all my dots but I didn't want to spoil the surprise for him.

He looked at me with a cold look in his red eyes and said:

"It seems Salza is dead, what kind of unique being are of you, bald head no nose? what kind of race do you come from?" He asked himself ponderingly, I'm not sure if he could sense my ki but he didn't look agitated in the slightest it was like he was taking a walk in the park and he saw a cute dog he wanted to pet.

He continued his thoughts:

"Whatever Salza was good but you are stronger want to join me? I'm treating my subordinates pretty well." He shrugged his shoulders and asked me nonchalantly.

I shook my head and said:

"We don't have the same kind of intentions when it comes to planets, I'm one who likes the original race to have their planet."

Cooler looked disappointed and said:

"Oh well if that's what you think then don't blame me for what I'm going to do now."

He pointed his finger towards me as pink energy started to appear at the tip of it, he pointed it straight at my head but immediately all of my six dots started glowing and I appeared straightly behind him and kicked him in the back.

Cooler plummeted towards the planet and crashed in the buildings down below, I started to charge up a Galic Gun towards him as he started to get up the rubble as he growled:

"Power multiplying techniques? I see those dots of yours increase your power level as they lighted upon your forehead, whatever this isn't my full power." He started to charge up his aura as his power level increased to three hundred million and he easily dismissed my Galic Gun.

I immediately used my full power technique and some strain appeared on my face, even though I could use up to three combinations it wasn't like I used them flawlessly with no drawbacks.

Cooler's eyes widened when my power level exceeded his again and I delivered a ki enhanced punch towards his torso, he blocked it with both his arms which he put in an x around his body, both of them cracked and he grimaced.

He was from Frieza's clan so he should be able to transform once more, I couldn't let him, I could still use Godspeed but I couldn't keep all of the techniques combined for a long time.

But unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough, Cooler immediately started to grow taller as armor encased him, his face got covered by a spiky helmet and he grew buffer as well, his power level rocketed to above six hundred million almost seven hundred million. He started to batter me like no tomorrow but my healing factor could keep up, my bones would break my internal's would rupture but they would heal seconds later.

Cooler looked at me with a questioning gaze, his power level was way above mine but he couldn't kill me with his punches. He decided to vaporize me directly afterward, He put his hand up as he charged a supernova above his head, I started to charge a final flash as I put my hands together and started to charge up as yellow ki appeared in them.

Cooler sneered under his armored face and said with a muffled voice:

"You should know your limit's your power level is way below mine do you think you can do anything to me?"

I smirked at his words as I activated Godspeed and my power level doubled, his eyes widened but he already threw the Supernova at me, I hit it head-on with a electrified final flash my power level was already nearing eight hundred million but Cooler immediately started to buff up and his muscles started bulging veins appeared around his enlarged muscles as he put all of his ki inside the supernova it started to overpower me and it was coming for me closer and closer, I couldn't push it back, his power level had gone above one billion and it was still rising, It could destroy my body and make me weak for a while but I gritted my teeth and said:

"Kaioken times two." my power level skyrocketed reaching above one billion and a half and it pushed the supernova back, Cooler wasn't dumb enough to take it head-on and dodged it as it flew outside the atmosphere and exploded in the cold void of space.

Anger was all over Cooler's face if that hit him he would have been injured quite severely, I panted down on the ground as my ki was depleted and body injured, my healing factor worked to heal my body and internal's but it was really slow, the Kaioken technique put a high burden on the body combined with all of the other techniques. ki isn't supposed to multiply that many times with no drawbacks, my body base structure still wasn't strong enough to handle it.

Cooler immediately appeared in front of me and grabbed my head as he started to run around and run me trough buildings just like the OG Broly did to Goku. I was too weak right now to stop me and he seemed intent to torture me before he killed me.

After he trashed me thoroughly with his body he started to use his death beam and pierce me all over my body, I looked like a bee nest, but the holes were already starting to close, Cooler grunted as he started to get bored of playing with me. I didn't sound out a peep during the whole torture, even though it hurt me my mental fortitude helped me to endure everything.

Cooler gathered another supernova and shot it at the planet, lava started to boil down everywhere as he left, he thought I couldn't survive in outer space as well as the explosion of a planet so he left with his spaceship and didn't look back.

I grimaced as I got up the ground the planet didn't have much time left and the impacts of my fight with Cooler doomed all of the other possible survivors. I put two fingers on my head and concentrated, it was quite hard to concentrate with depleted ki and a fucked up body but I did it.

I disappeared off the doomed planet and appeared on a planet that looked similar to earth, everything was red though, earth sky and trees, the person who I arrived in front of was red too, she had white hair and a voluptuous figure, her face was pretty and she asked with a worried face and a cute voice:

"Eya are you ok mate?"

I just collapsed in front of her to conserve energy and fasten my recovery, she took that as an emergency sign.

I woke up a bit later in a futuristic-looking house, with a towel on my forehead tucked between some fluffy sheets.

I got up from the bed when the woman entered the room with a tray of food in her hands and she put it down on the desk before taking a chair and propping herself on it while looking at me with her hands supporting her head and asked in now what I realized to be heavy Australian accent:

"So what's your name big guy and what's your story?" I didn't know where I was as I hurriedly checked for any kind of ki and I teleported to the nearest one and I just responded with a simple:

"I'm just a traveler that had a bad fight, could you tell me where I am?"

She looked at me with a questioning look in her gaze and answered:

"You are on space Australia darling, you must get a hard hit on the head." I blinked my eyes at her and asked myself, did space Australia exist in the dragon ball universe?

What the hell was this?

She looked at me and continued:

"Whatever Mr traveler could you at least tell me your name?"

I responded to her, I was grateful she took care of me and there was no reason to lie her so I just told her my real name, not many people knew it in this part of the galaxy anyway:

"My name's Krillin what about yours?"

She beamed at my positive response and she answered:

"My name's Jeica nice to meet you traveler Krillin!" I sweatdropped that name seemed familiar, the red skin white hair, was this Jeice's home planet?

I shook my head to clear it and Jeica started to laugh at my action and said:

"It seemed you took a hit to your head, you bloke!" I started laughing too, it was pretty infectious coming from her.

I got up and sat cross-legged on the bed, she got up from her chair and gave me the food she brought, it was an Australian breakfast which consisted of bacon toast egg sausages and fried tomato, I ate it and surprisingly it was very good.

She beamed at me as I ate the food it seemed she enjoyed having people eat her cooking, then she remembered something and her smile turned to a frown, I put down the fork and asked her what happened and she replied:

"Nothing much I just remembered when I was young and cooked for my little bro Jeice, now he is a big shot who can't visit his big sis anymore, he is an officer in a special unit in Lord Frieza's army."

It seemed I was right, she was Jeice's sister. I nodded my head towards her and started to comfort her by patting her back, I knew how hard it was to live alone as after my parents passed away I had no one else in my last life.

She started to get up from her low mood and started to smile again, it seemed she was a happy person naturally and few things would bring her down.

She started to ask me about my travels so things wouldn't become awkward and told her about some of my adventures omitting the fight with Frieza's brother. And she gasped and asked me:

"So you truly saved a princess and her planet from the destruction of a guy who wanted to drain it of its life with a cold technology?"

I nodded my head it seemed she liked story's, I didn't scan her power level up till now so I decided to do it now, it wasn't too strong, but not weak either, her power level reached almost ten thousand, it seemed she was kinda talented just like Jeice.

We took the conversation outside as I looked around the house I spotted a few framed photo's around the wall some of them were of the siblings and some of them were of a middle-aged couple

hugging each other the frame was black. I guessed it was an omage brought towards the two deceased members of the family and didn't comment on them and asked while I pointed towards a frame of her and Jeice doing a victory sign, while she held a big animal plush.

"So this is your brother?"

She nodded and her eyes glazed over it was obvious she missed him enormously and said:

"Yeah he is Jeice, I can't believe there's been already ten years since that photo was taken, the next day he was enrolled forcefully in Frieza's army due to his high battle power and talent and taken away."

She started sobbing, it seemed Jeice didn't join Frieza's army willingly, I patted her shoulder, I didn't know what to tell her so I improvised:

"Doesn't he get free days or can't he call home."

She brightens up a little at my words and says:

"Well, he calls from time to time from his unit's ship communicator and I can see he made great friends with this guy Burter who claims himself the fastest in the universe." She started giggling at the mention of Burter and his antics.

"Or how he has to do strange poses with his captain, his captain saying that they are vital to their team's formation." here she blown in full laughter, I smiled it seemed my words took her mind off her loneliness.

But she was brought down again and she said:

"But he can't visit at all, in Frieza's words the Ginyu Special unit doesn't get any free days they work 364 days a year and they don't get a day off even on Space Christmas, Frieza is a slave worker, at least Jeice says the pay is pretty good and his friends keep off his loneliness." I nodded my head towards her words and asked her:

"Don't you have any friends or another immediate family around to keep you company?" She shook her head but a small smile still appeared on her face as she whistled at a high pitch, out of nowhere a black blur came into her arms and it started barking, it was a strange type of space dog, it looked like a pug but it wasn't a pug I couldn't describe it's appearance well but it was pretty cute.

She started to pet the dog in her arms and said:

"This is my friend Chou-Chou, he is the only one who likes my company." she seemed sadder when she said those words and I asked her tactfully:

"Why does no one want to hang around with you?" She immediately scoffed at my question and said:

"It's not because of me I'm not sure myself, they are just scared to be around me for some reason..."

It was a strange thing why would anyone be scared of her? she seemed nice enough to me I asked her if we could tour the city and she nodded her head.

As made our way along the sidewalk I sensed and observed the city and it's people, it was like more futuristic earth with people of red skin and white hair, everyone was pitifully weak compared to Jeica, most not even reaching one hundred.

I think I could understand why most people were scared of her, her brother was in Frieza's most favored unit and she was extremely strong, most people were scared of strong individual's who had any kind of relationships with the Kold clan.

I couldn't help her yet in this regard, there was nothing I could do against the Kold clan as a whole, I could kill Frieza, but the retaliation from Cold and Cooler wasn't something I wanted to face yet. Frieza was the weakest and youngest of the Kold family. Also, he never trained one day in his life, that's why his power level was relatively very low compared to the other's, his brother already had a fifth form and a power level above one billion at one hundred percent of his power, Frieza barely reached ten percent of his power at one hundred percent. His one hundred percent was even lower than Cooler's final form while being suppressed a bit, I guess Cooler was just cooler than Frieza.

We wandered around the city and people looked with aversion and fear at Jeica, and she seemed even more down than when she talked about it, and we made back our way towards her house, as I observed the city I realized that her house was in a pretty good neighboorhood and it gave off rich vibes.

It seemed Jeice would also send money home.

We made our way inside and I thanked her for taking care of me, but she suddenly stopped me by tackling me down and starting to kiss me violently. I was extremely surprised and I pushed her back and stopped her while asking:

"Is this right?"

Her face was even redder if that was physically possible and she said:

"I don't care, I haven't had a man since ever and my body really can't handle it anymore, please consider this as payback for me helping you."

I couldn't argue with her if this was the payback she wanted to I took her by the waist and started to kiss her back furiously.

*R-18 Scene Read at your discretion*

Our tongues battled furiously as we started to undress and make our way towards her bed, her breath was hot and steamy as she became fully naked I could see her beautiful figure fully, her breasts were full and round, and her nether parts were inviting as she started to drip on ground, she was really in heat.

I took off my gi as well and my fully sculpted body was all shown to her, she licked her lips and got down on her knees as she started to stroke my member, as It became fully erect she gasped at the size and looked down unsure if it could fully fit inside of her.

She took my member inside her mouth as she started to move back and forth with her head, her mouth was hot and it felt extremely good, my first time with the alien princess was pretty vanilla with nothing interesting happening besides the normal sex.

After a few minutes I climaxed inside her mouth and she swallowed every drop, she licked her lips as if to savor the very moment and she put herself on the bed her backside facing me as she wiggled her big butt, my little buddy immediately woke up and became as active if not more than before.

The healing factor gave me incredibly high stamina in every regard, as I thrust myself inside of her she started moaning intensely, her nether region started to overflow with her juice's and I continued to pound her she screamed continuously:

"Faster ahhhh FASTER!"

And so I did become faster, her eyes became whites only as her pupils were gone in the back of her head and she was practically overdosing on pleasure, a giant spray of her juice's immediately charged out of her as he laid limp on the bed.

It seemed she ended before me.

*R18 scene end*

I put her back on the bed and covered her with some clean sheets, my clothes, unfortunately, got drenched and since they were quite old anyway I decided to vaporize them and get a new outfit.

I decided to imitate Goku black's look since his outfit was one of the best in the show, in my opinion, I materialized the clothes and looked myself in the mirror.

It was a gi similar to Goku's but in fully black color with some red linings here and there.

I nodded to myself I looked pretty good in it, I made my way outside as to not wake up Jeica and decided to make her some food before she woke up and I left, there was no reason to remain on the planet.

I knew to cook a bit, after all, I had quite a bit of infinite amount of ingredients on my ship, I wasn't a master chef but I could cook decently in my opinion, I decided to make some special ramen, I doubt this planet ever got to eat something like this since it was future Australia in space.

It didn't take me much time and all the needed ingredients were already in the kitchen, I came out of the kitchen with a steaming bowl of ramen and made my way inside the bedroom, Jeica already got up and she was extremely embarrassed at her sudden outburst as she bowed to me and told me how sorry she was.

I just smiled at her and motioned towards her to try the peeping hot bowl of ramen, she never ate something like this before and she was very curious, I materialized some chopsticks and taught her how to eat with them.

She blew a bit on the noddles and put them in her mouth, her eyes practically became stars as he engulfed the ramen bowl immediately, she almost ate the bowl too.

I laughed it seemed she really liked the food, and so I gave her the recipe, she nodded her head at my instructions and she suddenly seemed sad again, I asked her what was it about and she responded:

"You will leave won't you?"

I nodded a solemn expression on my face, I couldn't stop here, I already indulged here a lot by staying here for a few days instead of training, at least Cooler thought I was dead so he didn't put a bounty on my head or anything like that.

I still needed to train if I wanted to dismantle the Kold's family planet trading organization and put a stop towards their evil ways.

She started sniffling as tears appeared on her face, I put my hand on her chin and made her look me straight in the eye and said:

"I enjoyed being with you but, there are greater thing's out there that I have to do, I will, however, make sure your brother Jeice comes back to you in time."

She nodded and started smiling towards me, her tears were all gone, she knew I was strong, it was some type of instinct I couldn't describe with words.

I made my way outside and popped open my capsule ship which I changed safely from my other gi before I vaporized it.

I got inside and blasted in the random wandering mode, the spaceship blasted off the surface of the planet.

Jeica was waving at me while shouting:

"Goodbye Mr. Krillin, I won't forget the days we spent together!"

It was time to intensify my training, my beating from Cooler woke me up a bit, there were still ton's of people out there stronger than me.