The Assassin Awakens

"It was... an easy job..."

The killer said watching the crime scene from the shadows, while the police secured the area waiting for the detectives, the people that were passing by were curious and tried to look only to be horrified, the scene was brutal, the now unrecognizable Mary had fallen from above the sky's to now be on the ground smashed by the force of gravity, her blood was spilled all over the place, and everything was covered on red. The poor woman lay there in the middle of the street.

"Oh! Mary... I remember how she was... she always talked about that one day she would fly like the bird and cross the sky... pure nonsense!... that kind of fantasies should not exist in this world, chasing those fantastic illusions are things for the little ones, I hate those people!... who believe that they can get out of their... box, those who think that with hard work and effort can make a difference... I will make them see... I will make them see reality... I will put the world in its place."

The murderer replied to himself, as he watched the people of the city of Ember pass by, watching their faces of horror, watching as their first act caused the effect he wanted.

"Well... Id better retire... or my old friend could still recognize me... I´ll be watching tho..."

The murderer said as he vanished in the darkness, leaving no trace of his appearance, being then that a black car arrived on the scene, the people and police officers started to recognize that vehicle which carried the only two detectives in the city.

"Come on, Reisel... we have work to do..."

Detective Daft said to his partner, letting out a sigh between his words he was already an older person, and a teacher of that promising young man who had earned his title of detective.

"I'm coming detective Daft, just let me take something..."

The young detective said as he searched and took his notebook and pen. He finally found them under the car to meet with his mentor and the policemen who had cleared the passers-by in the area.

"So tell me officer... what happen?"

The detective would say while lighting his cigar with that silver lighter of his, Loose, on the other hand, would stay beside him, curious and ready to write down any type of data that the law enforcement officer would say.

"Sure detective Daft... however... we don't have much to report... It was a long time since something like this happened in Ember city..."

The frustrated officer said, watching the victim´s body with concern and terror, only to quickly return and tell the rest of the details to the detectives.

"It looks like in the morning Mary´s neighbor was listening to loud noises coming from Mary´s apartment... however, she overlooks the sounds, since Mary had been saying about moving out... she assumed they were moving the furniture or something..."

The officer gave another glance to Mary's body and then continued.

"That changed when she heard Mary´s scream and then... as she says... 'a loud crunch came out from the street'..."

The officer stopped for a moment to review his annotations where they had noted what was discovered by the other officers so far, reading quickly continued talking to the detectives who were listening carefully.

"The boys all ready check down here... beyond the corpse and... the blood... there are no more relevant clues... also we are preparing the things to take the corpse to the forensic... hopefully she can give us more details..."

The officer dictated while keeping his notebook, then turned to see the detectives, Daft looked at him in concert while Loose kept writing down the information in his notebook, the older of the two detectives would approach the officer to ask.

"Has anyone checked up there?"

Said the detective while pointing with his eyes to what appeared to be Mary´s apartment, the officer also turned to see the apartment and then responded quickly.

"Ah!... yes... we have sent some officers to review the apartment... however, now that you mention it, they haven´t reported to me in a while... they surely are still looking up for clues..."

The officer appoints a little unconcerned for the topic. He felt he could trust his men. However, detective Daft was a little more cautious, so he gave his cigar one last smoke and threw it away, while he was walking towards the building, he told his student.

"I'm going in!... try to find something useful down here..."

The detective said in a hurry, while his apprentice was putting his notebook back in his handbag.

"Working with him must be tough, huh..."

The officer exclaimed to Loose once detective Daft was far away from both. The young detective only limited to answering nonchalantly while tidying things up in his bag, also graving some gloves that he had in there.

"He is just worried about the city... may I?"

The young detective exclaimed, pointing to the area where the young woman´s body lay, the officer quickly and nervously turned away from the detective´s path, saying between stuttering.

"Y...Yes...yes, of course... go ahead."

Loose walked next to the officer, who only saw him pass without moving from his place only to block the passage again for any curious or clueless passer-by, the young detective approached the lifeless body of the girl, he was determined, with confidence even. Still, inside he felt terror, never in the history of Ember city had such an act been reported, whether it was suicide or murder, it was something never seen before, the city itself had some robberies and other minor crimes compared to depriving the life of a person. In addition to the strict selection of detectives that the department of justice had that only complicated the life who got the position of detective due to the lack of the same.

The young detective, already being next to the deceased Mary continued to perform his examination, he put on the leather gloves, squatting to get near and he gradually checking from the woman´s clothes, wounds, and others. However, this was just a show. Loose wanted to find an object that Miss Mary had with her during the incident.

"Come on, Loose... if you find it, the case is closed... I hope..."

He murmured to himself quietly, since the reason for the shortage of detectives was that, at least in Ember City, it was a requirement to be called a detective to have the 'gift of Holmes', a kind of power that helps to perceive the recent history of an object, this skill was scarce, its existence in the world is denied, also in the general population of Ember City, that's why all detectives must keep in secret his ability, that´s why the young detective seems to examine the body.

"Mmm... I think I found... it..."

The detective said when he noticed a small earring in the victim´s ear, it could be his nexus, as they called him, to solve this case, the detective after collecting the jewelry and hiding it carefully so as not to betray his actions. He continued performing his examination only to think about what to tell the officer now.

Meanwhile, Detective Daft was almost on the floor indicated, already tired, and with heavy steps, he gave one last effort to climb the stairs.

"Ufff... I should... should have told Raisel... to come up here..."

The old detective murmured to himself as he climbed the last steps between gasps, when he was finally there he saw the policemen outside the apartment, petrified, in shock of what they were seeing, the detective quickly noticed that, however, in the middle of the hall there was a pretty old woman, more than detective Daft himself, she must be the neighbor who gave the testimony to the officer, the detective didn't have time to question her, so he saw that the old lady had a necklace that was hanging from his neck, he was not sure if she was wearing it at the time of the murder, but it was worth giving it a shoot, the old detective approaches the lady, with a smile he began to speak.

"Good evening miss, I am a detective..."

Introducing himself, the lady suddenly interrupted him, looking excited.

"Detective Daft!, sorry... I´m quite a fan..."

The old woman said, the detective noticed her joy from her eyes and face; they showed pure happiness, then she continued.

"Do you want to know what I saw?... No, that´s not right... rather... what I heard?"

The detective, without losing his kind face, just shook his head saying no to the lady, then explained to her.

"Don´t worry... the officer has already given me the details, we appreciate your cooperation."

The old detective spoke in a low but gentle voice while holding one of the lady´s hands, then he continued.

"Excuse me... but that necklace caught my attention... can I?

The ill-filled lady quickly took off his necklace while giving it to the detective, she said.

"It´s a necklace that my mother gave me... I always wear it..."

The detective kept smiling as he gently took the necklace from the old woman´s soft hands, without much time losing the detective activates his ability. Time was freezing for that detective, who was now in a dark void, where he could only see the object, let the necklace speak to him, show him his story, it was apparent it was a possession dear to the woman for the clarity of the memories that emanated to the detective, he continued in the dark space letting the necklace show the events, images, and sounds began to come out as if they were ghosts, the detective saw and heard everything, could almost feel the things that happened, little by little he saw all the event, the noises from Mary´s apartment, the scream and the blow when Mary fell, all very clear, just as the officer had said before.

The satisfied detective came back to meet the old woman, just at the moment he took the necklace, not even a second had passed, but he already knew that the lady had told the truth to the letter, with this he checked and inspected the necklace to continue his actions. He returned it to the lady in his hand, saying.

"It´s pretty beautiful... please take care of it..."

Said the detective smiling at the lady, she could only nod with her head and then answer.

"Of course... surely, mister detective..."

Saying that, Daft just ducked his head a little, saying goodbye to the lady and continued on his way t Mary´s apartment, where the other officers were afraid of what was inside.