Nox ZaiWin took a deep breath and readied himself for what he knew it wouldn't be an easy discussion.
The servant that had prepared the room for them, igniting the flames that now danced in their crystal burners, finally excused himself and closed the door behind him.
The room itself was just a small but comfortable office. There was a large desk occupying the entire wall in front of him, strategically placed beneath a large banner emblazoned with the Wei Clan's insignia - a cluster of four points of crystal.
This was hardly the first time he'd been received that chamber, since this was the place where the Nai Calzai took care of most of the official matters. Even though the Head of the Clan was his wife's sister, he was well known for sharing the responsibility and actively helping manage what was one of the biggest and most important Provinces of Wen.
"So! Have you finally come to formally ask for my daughter's hand in marriage?" the Calzai finally asked, turning to face him.
Tall, with broad shoulders and clearly strong arms, looking more like a seasoned soldier than a nobleman, his long blond hair had been carefully braided and then tied up in a single pony-tail.
Unlike other Calzai, too taken by the importance of their title, the Nai Calzai wore simple garments, ones that would most definitely allow him to jump into action at any moment. And even though his face showed the inescapable signs of the passage of time, he still looked as sharp and dangerous as when ZaiWin had first laid eyes on him, approximately six years ago.
ZaiWin grimaced, since he'd been expecting that question from the moment he'd entered that house.
"I'm afraid not."
"When, then? LanWei is at the right age and she's the only unmarried child I have left, since VinWei followed another calling. And she's obviously been anxiously waiting for the day when you pay us such visit. Young people like you two are meant to live happily together and give old folks like myself lots and lots of grandchildren!"
"I am truly honored," ZaiWin said with a light bow. He'd learned long ago that he had to be extra careful when dealing with the old fox. "But I really don't think this is the right time to consider such matters. In fact I am pretty sure that, soon enough, you won't want your precious daughter anywhere near me, much less have me as your son-in-law."
RimMyu raised an inquisitive eyebrow, holding both hands behind his back. And even though he looked as friendly as before, his green eyes squinted suspiciously.
"That doesn't bode well."
"It most certainly does not."
With a sigh, RimMyu made his way around his desk and sat down on his high-back chair, signaling ZaiWin to take the seat in front of him.
"So tell me. If not to finally join our Clans together, why do I have the honor of your visit? I heard you were tasked with solving some minor problems east of here."
ZaiWin nodded and obediently sat down.
"That is one of the reasons why I've came. The minor problems were successfully dealt with," he reported. "But now there's an abandoned Fortress just outside your borders. If you could keep an eye on it it would probably discourage others from occupying it again."
RimMyu nodded.
"That shouldn't be a problem. And we get the chance to keep a closer watch over our neighbors. News from Pon says that situation is rapidly deteriorating. I fear it won't be long before the feimao start infesting the land." ZaiWin lowered his gaze. He really wished it wouldn't get to that point. The occurrence of feimao on an ungoverned Province was equal to reaching the point of no return, and the people of Pon would most certainly be faced with years of hardship, famine and disease. "You said this was one of the reasons?" RimMyu pushed on and ZaiWin took a deep breath.
"I have come to peacefully and of free will temporarily abdicate of my rights regarding the Nox Province. And to offer them to the Nai Calzai of Wei, RimMyu," he simply declared and for an instant RimMyu actually gaped, staring incredulously at him.
"That serious?"
"That serious."
Releasing a deep sigh, RimMyu leaned back on his chair, hands joined below his chin as he silently considered those words.
"Is there really no other way?"
"There isn't. I humbly request that you agree to take care of my Province, and that you do so as justly and fairly as you govern Wei, so that the people won't be punished for a crime they have not committed. Nox has been through enough. It has finally become peaceful, the land is productive again and order has been painstakingly restored. I do not want to see it ravaged by war and fire again."
"I know you've shed your sweat and blood into rehabilitating what everyone called a lost case. And it would pain me to see such good effort go to waste. Not to mention that, like you said, the people can hardly be blamed for the arbitrary doings and decisions of nobles and royals."
"It is true that I made an effort to restore peace to Nox. But ultimately it was their doing, their will, that allowed Nox the become what it is now. They don't deserve to have everything they've built with so much effort simply taken away due to my inability to be a better Governor."
"And you believe that whatever it is you've done will incite such drastic measures like retaliation over your Province?"
"I don't believe. I'm certain. It won't be long before a warrant for my arrest is emitted. And since I have no inclination to comply with it until I've solved another matter, I am certain they will try and use Nox as a barging chip. I do not want to be in a position where I'm faced with such a choice. Should that come to pass then everything will be already lost. If I am captured before I solve this other matter they'll most certainly condemn me to death, and kill all those who had any close association with me and no backing to protect them."
"Are the Zai brothers aware of this?"
"They are. It was their choice to remain by my side."
RimMyu sighed again.
"And so you've come to me, to drag me and my Clan into such a mess?"
"That was hardly my intention. But you are the only one that has enough power to defend the people of Nox when the time comes. You are also the only one I trust to treat them fairly and not simply exploit them for a handful of coins."
"You've grown up, damn kid! Learning how to sweet talk older people!"
"It's not in my character to sweet talk anyone. These are simply the facts. Of course you are free to take advantage of any benefits you may see fit, like the border tax, or organizing wild hunts. Nox's mountains are riddled with magic beasts, since the people don't have the time or the means to dedicate themselves to such activities. They're currently too busy with planting the soil and harvesting whatever grain grows in their dry lands. I'm sure that, even to a rich Province as Wei, new ways of revenue will always be welcomed."
"And now you give me the salesman speech."
ZaiWin grinned.
"Have I convinced you?"
RimMyu took a deep breath.
"You convinced me back then, when you said you didn't want your people to lose all they have worked for and finally attained," he confessed and leaned forward, propping his elbows on the large table. "Let me guess. You're not going to tell me anything about the reason why you're doing this, or what's this important matter you have to attend to."
"I'm sorry. I will not."
"Hmm, knowing you and how you're always trying to keep your head down, tiptoeing around the royals in order to avoid making any unnecessary waves, it probably wasn't something of your own doing. Which means that some unpleasant business simply landed on your lap. Does it have anything to do with the mysterious young lady that you are escorting?"
ZaiWin remained silent, to aware of the cunning man sitting across from him, refusing to answer so he wouldn't unwillingly disclose any hints, and RimMyu sighed again, shrugging.
"Fine. So be it. But be warned. Taking temporary ownership of your Province and watching over it for the next two months as permitted by law is the only thing I'll do. My interference in this matter ends here."
"I would never dare expect anything else."
"If you do get caught, and if you end up being sentenced to death, I'll most regrettably stand aside and watch you hang."
ZaiWin nodded.
"I understand."
"In return for this favor, however, there's something I'd like you to do for me," RimMyu declared, his green eyes glistening dangerously, and ZaiWin straightened his back, waiting for him to go on.
Not that he felt surprised or that he'd caught off guard by those words. Businesses with RimMyu always meant a fair exchange. But he always felt apprehensive whenever he found himself in a positing where, no matter what the Nai Calzai might ask of him, he'd be unable to refuse.
"There's been some unsettling rumors about some extremely fierce beasts attacking some of the smaller villages near our south border. I've sent two detachments to these rumored areas but all communications ceased once they reached the border. Before you leave I want you to go and take a look, and send me a report about what's really happening out there. I was about to go check on it myself, but I've just found out that I have an impending trip to Nox to prepare for."
"I will do my best to fulfill your request," ZaiWin immediately agreed and RimMyu nodded approvingly.
"Another thing. When saying your farewells to my daughters please refrain from mentioning any of this to them. Let's not break their hearts before anything is definitive. That way I won't have to worry about the possibility of one or both of them deciding to follow you in the middle of the night."
ZaiWin laughed at that and nodded again, even though RimMyu looked anything but amused. Because he was right, they both knew. The two sisters were very much capable of pulling a stunt like that.
"Please don't worry. I have no intentions of letting anyone know about my plans."
"Finally, and incurring the possibility of being extremely rude, please resume your travels as soon as we take care of all the official documents. For both our benefits, if I am to remain unchallenged as the next Governor of Nox as you requested, it is best if our interaction is as limited as possible."
"That has always been my intention right from the start."
"Very well then. Let's hurry up and be done with this. We both have other important matters to attend to."
ZaiWin nodded and RimMyu took a flawless piece of white paper from one of the drawers, and started writing on it, the quill sliding gently over the pristine surface, filling it with swirling and delicate characters.