RTYY 089 - Is He Yours …?


The hand that immediately grabbed his, puling him behind a wall of darkness, startled Snow more than the sudden sound of that voice.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"VinWei …" the monster breathed, the darkness becoming denser and deadlier, scaring Snow in a way he hadn't felt like since he'd left the Fortress. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? I was worried! I saw your dome, and so I knew you were up to something."

"You shouldn't have come!" he practically growled and Snow squeezed the hand holding his. Grabbing his arm he tried to pull him back, even though he couldn't see a thing of what was going on.

"Is that why you kept her covered like that?! Answer me! What's happening here?" VinWei demanded, her voice rising in a mix of anger and frustration, and Snow tried to see her, but the darkness in front of him covered his entire world.

"Just leave and pretend you were never here!" the monster commanded and Snow's heart jumped at the thought of what he'd do if she didn't obey. All the others that had seen him, even if they didn't know exactly what he was, had been mercilessly killed. VinWei already knew he was a Celestial. There was no way he was going to let her leave that clearing alive.


The word was out of Snow's mouth before he could weight the consequences of interfering in that matter. But, unlike all the others, he was certain that he didn't want him to kill VinWei. Sure, Snow didn't know her, and he didn't really want to know her either. But those two had known each other for a long time, hadn't they? And they had always looked … happy together. How could Snow allow him to kill someone like that because of him? Besides, VinWei hadn't done anything wrong. They had been the ones lying and deceiving everyone.

"Please stop …" he repeated, pulling his hand, and the blue eyes finally turned to look at him, making him take a step back even though he refused to let go of his arm. There was a breathtaking deadly glow about that gaze, and Snow couldn't tell who was more in danger, if VinWei or himself.

"You can talk? You can actually talk?" VinWei demanded between angry and outraged at how they'd deceived her, and Snow took a deep breath, trying to find his way through all that darkness so that he could finally see her.

The hand still hold his gave him a hard squeeze, clearly tempted to pull him back again, but Snow simply ignored him, raising his head to face VinWei's expression of complete disbelief.

"By the Gods …" she whispered, covering her mouth, her beautiful eyes staring wildly at him. "What are you …?"

"What's with the stupid, fucking question?" the monster retorted angrily, making him cringe reflexively. "You said it yourself! He's a Tien'Elhar!"

VinWei shook her head in denial.

"It can't be. It just can't be."

Snow lowered his gaze, unwilling to admit that those words made him feel sad. So it was really true, and everyone would always see him like a freak, an aberration, something unnatural.

"Want me to take off his clothes again?"

VinWei's expression turned immediately furious as she stared back at him.

"You shut your trap, ZaiWin! This is a serious matter!!"

"And you're actually telling me that? Are you for real??"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"So that you could throw a fit like you're doing right now?"

"I am not throwing a fit!"

"The heck you're not!"

"You! You show me some respect! I'm much older than you!" she demanded, pointing an authoritative finger at him, and Snow couldn't help blink in bewilderment. What was happening here?

"And what does that have to do with anything?! If you want people to respect you stop acting all hysterical!"

"Ah!! How dare you! When have I acted hysterically?!"

"Just now! Going all, it can't be, it can't be! Are you stupid? Have you gone blind?! Isn't he standing right in front of you?!"

VinWei's cheeks turned a deep pink, her lips parting but no words coming out, and then her gaze turned to Snow again. Closing her mouth she finally lowered her arm, looking slightly embarrassed.

"I am … sorry for the way I behaved …" she muttered and it was Snow's turn to feel alarmed.

Was she talking to him? How was he supposed to answer that?

VinWei, however, apparently hadn't been expecting an answer, her entire expression brightening up in an instant, a frightening smile taking over her face.

"I really can't believe it! Your hair is so beautiful! And your eyes!" she went on, happily crossing the clearing towards them, but a hard pull on Snow's hand made him stumble back.

"Stay back!" the monster growled again, the sound of that deadly threat rising the small hairs on the back of Snow's head.

Scared for her life, Snow looked at her, but fortunately VinWei hadn't ignored that threatening tone.

"What the heck?! ZaiWin! Enough is enough! Why are you talking to me like that?!"

"Just do what I say and stay back!"

She frowned and crossed her arms, looking offended and angry. But then her expression slowly actually smoothed again, understanding dawning in her purplish eyes.

"Is he yours …? He is, right?" she asked in a softer tone, and Snow's heart drummed hard against his chest.

No he wasn't! No matter what anyone might say he wasn't some object to belong to someone else!

"That's why … It all makes sense now …"

She uncrossed her arms and smiled gently at the monster beside him.

"Don't worry. You know me, right? I would never hurt a Tien'Elhar," she declared and, somehow, her words seemed to have their effect, the darkness around him settling down a bit. Still she didn't dare take another step closer.

Her purplish eyes turned to Snow, leaving him tense again, especially when she shamelessly stared at him from head to toe.

"So, I take it that you're not a girl?"

He averted his gaze and shook his head.

"And you have silver hair, and those eyes … If I hadn't seen your daitai with my own eyes I would never have believed it."

Yes, Snow was very sorry about all that, but there wasn't much he could to change the way he'd been born.

"Do you have a name?"

"Snow …" he whispered and she looked surprised again.

"Snow? Only Snow?"

He had the feeling this wasn't the last time he'd hear this question and nodded.

"So you haven't given him a name yet?" she asked the monster and Snow frowned at that.

Why would he, of all people, have to give him a name? He already had a perfectly good name! The name Sand had given him!

"We are not truly bound," the monster replied and VinWei's eyes widened in disbelief again.

"You're not? What do you mean?"

"I don't fully understand it myself."

"Care to elaborate?"

The monster sighed and Snow knew he felt somehow more relaxed. The hand still holding his had also stopped squeezing him so hard, allowing the blood-flow to his fingers to be reestablished.

"The brat knelt in front of me. That's all."

"That's all?! Isn't that a huge thing?"

How so?, Snow wondered, annoyed at the importance these people seemed to give to such a small thing. He didn't even remember doing it!

"He could as equally have simply stumbled and fallen. He was in a pretty bad shape at the time," the monster replied and, even though Snow should have felt relieved at the sound of those words, even happy, somehow a small, sharp pain prickled his chest.

"As if that could ever happen!" VinWei countered, angry again. "Besides, if there is no bond why are you acting all bratty and territorial about him?"

Snow's hand was squeezed hard again and he knew the monster hadn't liked what she'd said at all.

"Who's acting territorial here?!"

"Eh? Why don't you go and find yourself a good, large mirror?" she clearly mocked him and took a deep breath, raising one hand before he could argue again. "Fine, fine. I am sorry. I was wrong. Please feel free to continue deluding yourself," she said all in one breath and the monster growled but didn't answer. "So, what you mean is that you still haven't accepted his offer," she concluded and her gaze turned to Snow again, filled with heartfelt pity. "Poor little one. Why in the world did you have to choose such a horrible man like him?"

As if he'd ever choose him!, Snow grumbled in his thoughts. If he really did have to choose someone, he'd much rather choose someone nice and warm, like MenTar for example!

"So basically you're being a bastard about this and leaving him hanging, but you still boss him around and act all possessive?" VinWei went on, now clearly scolding him, and the monster took a deep breath.

"Are you really going to tell me that you cannot foresee what will happen if I present him to the Temple?"

VinWei stared at Snow, her expression suddenly serious, and he couldn't help feeling depressed at the reminder that he'd never be accepted, and that he'd probably bring a lot of trouble to everyone closely connected to him.

"So that's why you were asking all those questions about the bond between Tien'Elhar and their Chosen Ones. You are trying to find a way to undo the whole thing …"

That's right!, Snow thought. There was no way his life would be forfeit just because he'd unconsciously, accidentally fallen on his knees in front of this dark monster!