Nox ZaiWin watched her in silence as she took her time processing all he had told her.
He had basically summarized an account of everything that had happened since the moment they had arrived at Fortress. He had even told her about their secondary mission, that had entailed the rescue and safe escorting of the Prince of the Demon Clan and his people back to the Palace.
He hadn't, however, told her about the red array that had killed more than one-hundred of his men in the blink of an eye. He didn't know why he'd skipped that part. It wasn't as if it was some obscure secret, since many others had witnessed it and the rumor of what had happened had spread like wildfire throughout the entire Fortress. In fact, all she had to do was ask HawkEye or MenTar about it, and they would probably tell her everything about it then some. It was just that … the fucking brat didn't like people knowing or talking about it, and so he had instinctively omitted that part of the events, he concluded with an annoyed frown.
"So he was a prisoner?" VinWei asked with a shocked expression on her face and he nodded.
Well, that was to be expected from someone who genuinely believed that all Celestials were sacred beings sent by the Heavens. Treating one of them with anything short of the utmost respect and reverence was no doubt the gravest of sins.
"And they knew what he is?!"
"They started by denying it. But, after proper incentive, it became clear that the one in charge of the whole operation most certainly did. His right-hand man as well."
"And they still dared … torture him?!"
"They somehow figured out that his blood has these amazing proprieties. They were probably hoping to make a lot of gold out of him," ZaiWin declared, which only made VinWei even more furious, her cheeks reddening in anger. If they weren't all dead already, ZaiWin was sure she would personally hunt them all down and take care of the problem with her own bare hands. "Is it normal? I mean, for Celestials' blood to have such effect?"
VinWei sighed and sat down on an old fallen tree trunk.
"It's not abnormal. It's just rare. And so it's not generally known, also in order to safeguard the Tien'Elhar's safety and prevent these type of inexcusable, appalling situations. All Tien'Elhar are tested for it when they first arrive at the Temple. However, even when they manifest such gifts, it doesn't necessary mean that they possess the healing ability you describe. Some are able to purify the water with their blood. Some able to bless the land. Some able to prolong other people's lives beyond the normal age. But, like I said, they're still rare. Reason why Tien'Elhar with blessed blood are kept inside the Palace's walls, even more than the rest. Nevertheless, no matter the gift their blood possesses or whatever the reason, to draw a Tien'Elhar's blood is always considered a serious and grave crime!"
Of course it was, ZaiWin thought sarcastically. On the other hand, those so called sacred beings could draw as much blood as they wanted from other people with impunity.
"And so you decided to track down his origins?" VinWei pressed on, dragging him from his dark thoughts.
"What else could I do? Until I spoke with you I couldn't really believe he is one of them," he grunted and she smiled up at him.
"Why thank you. I'm honored for your trust in my knowledge."
"More like in your obsession with everything Celestial related."
She made him a face but quickly went back to more serious matters.
"And that's when you learned that he spent all those years being explored by that woman."
ZaiWin nodded.
"Ten fucking whole years. Since he was only six years of age. Until he met us he didn't even know he had markings on his back, much less that he was a Celestial, or what a Celestial is for that matter."
"Argh!! I wish I could strangle that bitch with my own two hands!" VinWei blurted out with a furious expression and ZaiWin couldn't help smile at her expected outburst.
"An esteemed Jundai saying such unholy things," he mocked. "In any case, you can rest assured. The matter has been well dealt with and taken care off."
"Good! Jundai or not, cleaning the land of such filth should be seen as a moral obligation of every living being!" she spat. "So he really doesn't know anything about who he is …"
"He doesn't even know where he came from. During those ten years of captivity he was kept under heavy sedation. Since he never learned how to control his daitai they tend to act on their own and respond to his stronger emotions. The woman who took him probably found that out the worst possible way, and quickly decided that the safest thing to do was to keep him drugged. That, added to the fact that he was still very young at the time, left his memories too fragmented.
"Prior to the time when he was taken, he only recalls living with a woman named Sand, and that they were very poor. The woman that held him prisoner seemed to believe that this Sand was his mother, since she was one of the working girls at the brothel she ran at the time. But one thing is certain, she had no idea of who he is. She thought he was a member of the Demon Clan, just an exotic child with a miraculous blood running though his veins."
VinWei looked up at him, her expression unusually heavy.
"Do you know what they did to him …? Did they only pay for his blood or … something else?"
Nox ZaiWin clenched his fists reflexively, his heart beating to hard against his chest. Up until that moment he'd been doing his best not to think about that. Not that it had anything to do with him, he tried his best to rationalize things. But that damn link kept tugging at his emotions, making him feel things he did not want to, and had no reason to feel. Sure, he had ordered everyone in that list killed to protect the brat's identity. But he also knew, deep down inside, that that wasn't the only reason behind his inflexible command. The mere thought that one of those filthy men and women might have laid a hand on him was enough to throw him over the edge, the certainty that they were all dead somehow helping counterbalance things a bit.
"The woman denied having sold him for anything else but his blood. But she also said that she wasn't present most of the times, that she left him alone with them," he grunted against his will and VinWei took a deep breath, carefully choosing her words.
"You know that that's another thing they're tested for … right? Before the haehir. And if there's even a suspicion, or a complaint is brought before the Temple … Even if he is a boy. It will make no difference …"
"I know. That's another reason why I couldn't simply deliver him to the Temple. Even if they could somehow accept the fact that he is a boy, which I highly doubt will ever happen, and even if they decide to ignore how clearly different he is from all other Celestials, they would never be able to accept the fact that he has been defiled. They'll say that he's been corrupted, and that his existence is an offense against the Heavens."
VinWei nodded her agreement.
"Have you asked him about that?"
ZaiWin averted his gaze, a deep frown marking his forehead.
"I haven't. And even if I do, I'm not sure he'll understand the meaning behind the question."
And if he did understand the question, he'd most certainly not want to talk about it. He would most certainly resent it and be hurt by it.
"You have to. Because if something did happen we must completely erase the possibility of ever registering him as a Tien'Elhar, and start considering other options."
"I have no intention of ever registering him as anything."
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