"Did you two have a fight?"
ZaiWin gave ZenTar a hard, critical glare and didn't even waste time and energy trying to pretend he didn't know what he meant.
"And who the heck would get into a fight with a stinky brat like him?"
"Well, I can think of a certain someone very fast, very quickly," ZenTar sighed. "You know, you've always had a shitty personality, constantly losing your temper at the smallest things, but lately … I mean, the kid is obviously trying his best. And you're always walking around as if someone just caught you off guard and stuck a stick up your ass."
"I was finally able to find my balance, that's all."
"Balance … right … Is that recently found balance of yours the reason way you two spent the entire night wide awake?"
"I'm just trying to do what you told me to do."
"Ah! So now you're going to pin it all on me!" ZenTar argued, crossing his arms with an indignant expression on his face. "You're lucky I've known you long enough to be immune to that kind of shitty argument."
ZaiWin averted his gaze but didn't contest.
"Is this because of what happened the night we were attacked? Because if it is …"
"I have no idea of what you're talking about!" ZaiWin cut short and ZenTar sighed.
"Fine. So be it. You're planning to get rid of him anyways, so I guess you're doing him a favor. It would be a lot worse, if he got too attached to us. I can't help feeling kind of bad for him, though …"
"If VinWei succeeds in her search, he'll need to be strong enough to survive on his own. Both physically and mentally. He's not a child, after all."
"True," ZenTar agreed, looking towards the trees where, just moments ago, Snow and MenTar had disappeared to. "I guess I'm just sorry we couldn't allow him to grow-up in a safer, healthier way. I'm sure you know what I mean better than anyone."
ZaiWin didn't reply and, grabbing their cooking utensils, carried them to where HawkEye was already starting a fire.
Don't kill the author, don't kill the author, don't kill the author!! 😑 I know! Short as hell! I'll upload another one right away. It's just that the scene changes. I kind of feel strange cutting scenes in half to make smaller chapters, and then joining two completely different scenes just so it won't be too short. Don't know if I made sense. 🤔 Anyways, just see it as just another author's weird quirk and gently put up with it. 😅 Thank you. 😌