RTYY 207 - Burn Marks

FeiWan frowned, feeling greatly annoyed.

Empty. The gazebo was clearly empty!

Maybe it was earlier than he had thought, he conceded, still looking around, searching for the tall white figure that was supposed to meet him there.

This was to be their fifth meeting, since he made a point to pay the honorable CalDai a daily visit. Not that they had amounted to much, in terms of gathering meaningful information. Mostly they just sat there, sometimes seeping tea or eating cookies. More often than not, FeiWan spent most of their time together raking his brain in search of adequate themes of conversation.

CalRimRan, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind it either way.

Always apparently indifferent, the dignified CalDai would obediently sit there for at least one hour every day, almost as if fulfilling some kind of obligation. He obviously didn't care if they had tea, talked, or simply sat in silence. His answerers were brief, to say the least, most times plainly monosyllabic. To the point where FeiWan almost pulled his own hair out in sheer frustration.

Still, even though FeiWan knew that the probabilities of getting something useful from their encounters were slim to say the least, he still made a point to schedule their next meeting every day, before he left. Even his mother had lost all hopes that he would be able to gather any useful information, her green eyes obviously looking down on him, her scornful sneer saying more than words could ever say. Well, after their second encounter, when he had actually managed to annoy the always unfazed CalDai, FeiWan had become pretty sure that he had stopped being welcomed anyway. If CalRimRan put up with him it was probably simply due to the fact that he was one of the El'Gin, and that he and his people were mere guests in the Palace. After all, there was no way a member of the Demon Clan would ever behave in a less than proper manner. And yet, regardless of his inability to come up with a logical explanation, FeiWan still made a point to meet with him every single day, even if only to just sit there and silently stare at that disturbingly beautiful face.

He was late!, FeiWan concluded a few moments later. Which was beyond abnormal. More than that. It was absolutely uncharacteristic. CalRimRan was the living embodiment of everything righteousness and morally correct. The proud product of a severe education that had resulted in an unwavering intellectual rigor and self-discipline. All amazing traits FeiWan loathed with a passion. Having to put up with all the costumes and obligations of life in the Palace was already more than he could take. Much to his mother's chagrin, he refused to allow his spirit to be molded according to such ridiculous principles, just for the sake of looking good in front of other people. That was more down CalWan's alley.

But never mind that! The fact was that CalRimRan was indisputably late! And he was never late. To anything! Not to mention that FeiWan hated being made to wait!

The soft sound of rustling fabric reached his ears and his dark mood immediately lifted. He was actually smiling, when he turned around to greet his predictably gloomy host. A smile that didn't last long, since the one making his way to the gazebo wasn't CalRimRan.

With long, white hair and gray eyes, he could easily have been CalRimRan's brother. He had more or less the same hight as the CalDai, probably the same age as well. The way he walked, even his bearing, were also very similar. Not to mention that his white clothes were almost identical to what CalRimRan usually wore. And yet, no matter how physically similar he might be, FeiWan knew at a glance that he was far from being who he had been expecting.

His temporary mood improvement immediately evaporated. Who was this? And where was CalRimRan?

The man halted a few steps away from him and, taking both hands to his forehead, bowed respectfully, his movements incredibly light and elegant.

"Greetings, honorable El'Gin. I have come to apologize for CalDai's delay. As such, it is my honor to invite the illustrious El'Gin to meet with him inside the White Pavilion instead," the man declared, and FeiWan frowned, his gaze immediately going to the few white steps leading to the White Pavilion's main entrance.

"Can't he meet me outside like always? Is he unwell?" FeiWan asked, the sudden thought worrying him a bit, but the white-haired man softly shook his head, his back still bent, his gaze fixed on the ground.


We thank the honorable El'Gin for his concern. CalDai is just a bit busy and wonders if the illustrious El'Gin could meet him inside."

Busy? With what? Weren't the whole lot of them honored guests of the El'Dur? Was that polite copy of CalRimRan trying to come up with an acceptable excuse?

FeiWan glanced towards the tall, twin doors again.

He hated that place! It had been a long time, since he had last crossed those doors. And, even now, just thinking about setting foot inside that white hall, still turned his stomach upside down.

Greeting his teeth, he forced himself to raise his head. He was being childish, he knew. And he was far from being a child anymore! He refused to allow some unimportant, long-forgotten memories from the past to limit is actions in the present. Above all, he refused to be defeated by a ghost that lived only inside his own head.

Clenching his hands into tight fists, he reaffirmed his resolve.

"Fine," he declared. and resolutely marched towards the tall double doors. The man who had brought him CalRimRan's message allowed him to pass, before he silently followed him.

FeiWan almost halted again at the base of the steps, but then he climbed them decisively, pushing both doors open.

The stone, white hall that opened in front of him, however, was more than he could handle. Everything was exactly the same, exactly as it had been when he'd last been there, sixteen years ago.

In truth, the large room was mostly empty. But the table made of white wood was still to the left, surrounded by its eight high-back chairs, meant to be used for important reunions or other serious debates. In front of him, atop a small dais, was an equally white stuffed chair that looked more like a small couch, where the lord or lady of the Pavilion was expected to seat while receiving their guests. And, to his right, was a low square table, surrounded by comfortable pillows, inviting to more informal gatherings or a pleasant moment of relaxation.

Raising his head, FeiWan made a point not to look at the white floor, at those three steps that led to the dais. Everything was immaculately white, yes. But he could still see it agonizingly bright red. Instead, he turned right and marched towards the door leading to the inner chambers.

"El'Gin! If you could please wait …" came the urgent voice of the man who had followed him, but FeiWan simply waved his hand.

"No need to show me the way!" he declared, cutting him off. "I know my way around."


FeiWan completely ignored what was probably a protest attempt. Opening the door, he stepped into a wide, equally white, corridor.

He was done waiting! And that bastard CalDai! Not only he had dared make him wait all that time, he had also sent that fake copy to invite him into that dreadful place! He was most definitely going to tell him off!

Turning left, FeiWan marched without error towards the master-bedroom. He assumed that, if CalRimRan wasn't in the main hall, that's where he must be! After all, wasn't he also some kind of Prince amongst his people? Sure, FeiWan knew that the Demon Clan didn't use such titles, their ruling hierarchy based on how old and wise one was. And yet, although he had never understood why, even back when they'd been young, CalRimRan had always been treated differently by the other members of his Clan. He had even been chosen to act as FeiWan's guide, during his stay at their small village.

Knocking on the door, FeiWan didn't wait for a reply before opening it. He was going to tear the CalDai's head off for having the nerve to make him wait, and then he'd get out of that place as fast as his legs would carry him!

All that and any other thoughts that might have crossed his head were immediately erased.

CalRimRan was there, all right. Even with his back turned to him, FeiWan could recognize him with a single glance. But, apparently, he was in the process of changing clothes, FeiWan concluded, glancing towards the wide bed where a much more intricate long-tunic had been discarded. Wasn't that the Demon Clan's ceremonial attire? Apparently CalRimRan had just taken it off, and was about to put on a much simpler, unsurprisingly white, tunic. Which meant that, at the moment, CalRinRan was actually naked from the waist up, his white long hair pulled over one shoulder offering him an unobstructed view of his back.

Of course, that was hardly motive enough to disturb or impress FeiWan. And yet he couldn't help but stare at him, his eyes wide in disbelief. He'd seen plenty of bare-chested men, while fulfilling his military training. Damn, he'd seen plenty of naked men as well, since things like shame and embarrassment had no place in the military barracks. He had never seen, however, such severe burning scars like the ones covering CalRimRan's back.

As one blessed with fire daitai, FeiWan had seen a lot of burning marks, some on himself, others that he had inflicted on other people. CalWan, for example, had once been one of his victims, the burning scar he still carried on his shoulder one of the reasons why he barely looked his way, much less actually speak to him. After all, FeiWan had actually dared to mar his otherwise perfect, flawless skin. But this … This was on an entirely different level!

FeiWan knew of only one kind of fire able to leave such severe scars. Which was impossible. Since no living creature would survive being burned by it. And yet, if not that, what could possibly have left those terrible dark-red burning marks all over his back? The vision alone was unsettling. As if someone had defiled a mound of pristine, white snow, the scars looking even redder in comparison with CalRimRan's almost luminescent, pale skin.

Noticing his silent presence, CalRimRan freed his hair, and it fell like a glistening white curtain over his back, successfully hiding his scars from FeiWan's view. Even so, he could still see them, especially while CalRimRan quickly pulled his tunic over his head. Freeing his long hair once more, he finally turned to face him, his gray eyes hard and cold as if he wished he could beat FeiWan to pulp.

Blinking his way out of his stupor, FeiWan swallowed.

Well, he had kind of invaded his private chambers without as much as waiting for permission. He should probably apologize for that, he considered. But the harsh glare CalRimRan was sending his way told him that no measure of apology would ever make up to it. Also … It had been a while, since FeiWan had seen him dressed like that. Just a simple pair of pants and an even simpler tunic. The always elegant and neat CalDai hadn't even had the time to tie the silk strip that would close the tunic over his chest. He wasn't wearing his forehead ribbon either. It was almost as if FeiWan had caught him wearing only what he would normally wear when going to sleep.

The Demon Clan's normal attire always included another, much longer gown-like-tunic that reached at least all the way to their shins, and that was to be worn over the clothes CalRimRan was currently wearing. As well as a wide waistband and a braided silk cord fastened over it. Not to mention the white ribbon they all wore around their foreheads, probably to keep their long hair in place, since, unlike Wen's people, they never tied or braided their hair.

FeiWan had always found the whole complexity of their attire too stifling and very unpractical, even though their long outer tunics were always cut on the sides up to one's thigh, to allow for better movement. They also didn't distinguish between men's clothes and women's clothes. And even though their ceremonial attires were embroidered with delicate motifs that could exceptionally take on soft colors, similar to the tunic now resting on the bed, normally they always, always! dressed in plain, boring white.

So, it was kind of strange, FeiWan realized, staring at him from head to toe and back up again. Even though CalRimRan was actually completely dressed, somehow, FeiWan couldn't shake the sensation that he had caught him wearing only his undergarments. The thought was unsettling and, at the same time, exciting. Someone as proper and dignified as CalRimRan. In his undergarments.

As if he could hear FeiWan's thoughts, CalRimRan frowned, his gray eyes flashed dangerously and, with a single gesture of his delicate, pale hand, FeiWan was violently pushed back by a strong invisible force that made him stumble and almost fall on his ass, before the door in front of him was swiftly slammed shut.

Still trying to recover his balance, FeiWan stared wide-eyed at the now closed door.

How dare he?! A nobody like him! To have the nerve to push him! An El'Gin!, out of a room in his own Palace! He ought to have him flogged for such blunt, serious offense! But the wave of laughter that climbed up his throat forced him to press his hand against his lips instead. He could hardly breathe, trying his best to laugh in silence, not wanting CalRimRan to notice that his sudden outburst of rage had actually amused him. It reminded him of the time when CalRimRan had sent him flying out of a second-story window. At least now he had had the delicacy to send him flying out of the door.


So, once again, sorry for the late update. I had to travel for work again, on Wednesday. And yesterday my WiFi thought it was a good idea to die on me. These last few days things just don't seem to flow as they should. And I'm so tired and sleepy that I'm not entirely certain that I didn't write some huge, horrible mistake. I'm starting to see the laptop's keys in double. So, if you find something of the kind please forgive me and let me know. I hope you enjoy the chapter. I'm off to bed, lol 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴