"Since you're not going to tell me what you saw … can I just ask one question?"
ZaiWin lazily slid his hand down Snow's bare back and waited.
"What you said … that I'm not a Tien'Elhar … Is that true?"
He faced those pale eyes and nodded.
"It's true."
"You saw that as well?"
"More than seeing it. I know it."
Snow looked pensive for a moment.
"Is it because I'm a boy, after all?"
"No. It has nothing to do with you being a boy," ZaiWin replied and his hand rested right in the middle of Snow's back, the daitai of destruction he'd been born with vibrating against his skin, trying to tug at his energy so that they could feed on it.
"Then … what am I?"
"That I honestly don't know. I also don't care."
Snow looked up at him, surprised by his answer.
"You're you. I much rather spend my time learning about what makes you who you are, than wasting time trying to figure out a way to classify you according to some stupid concepts that someone decided to make up."
Snow's eyes widened in disbelief and he quickly lowered his head again, hiding his burning face against ZaiWin's chest, his heart drumming so loudly that he was afraid ZaiWin might hear it as well. What was going on here? His body was acting stranger and stranger by the day! If this went on he'd end up having a heart attack.
"Can I take it that you're not too angry with me?" ZaiWin asked and Snow quickly shook his head. With his heart beating fast like that how could he be angry at him?
"That's good, then. Because I'm still waiting for my kiss."
Snow immediately froze in place, his thumping heart the only thing still moving.
Kiss? What kiss??
"You haven't forgotten, right? Didn't you agree to kiss me until I'm fully healed?" ZaiWin reminded him, and Snow's cheeks blushed even deeper. "I feel so weak right now that I can barely move. You better do something about it. And quick!"
Snow frowned. That was because he had used up all his energy, jumping home like that, after just being brought back from the dead! Snow was sure that all his injuries had long been healed. After all, he'd even given him his blood. And besides, somehow, he always knew when ZaiWin was hurt. And right now that nagging sensation wasn't anywhere to be felt.
"And? I'm still waiting."
"Didn't you say you had to sleep? Then sleep!" Snow grumbled and ZaiWin chuckled.
He was having fun at his expenses again, Snow concluded. And what was with the constant kissing requests? Well, it wasn't as if they felt bad … But still! Weren't those things supposed to be done between couples or lovers? Was ZaiWin that desperate to find some human companionship? Or was he just having fun teasing him like always?
"Kiss first. Then sleep," ZaiWin quickly countered.
"Sleep now!"
"Eh! So that's how little your word is worth …"
Snow frowned and raised his head angrily. He was ready to scold him and to tell him to stop pretending to be sick! But the devious smile he found on ZaiWin's lips, added to the strange way his blue eyes kept glistening, sent his heart into another crazy beat.
Whatever!, Snow decided. If all it took to shut him up was a kiss, so be it!
Leaning forward, Snow had intended to simply brush his lips against his and be done with it. But the moment their lips touched a hand immediately enveloped the back of his neck and pressed him down. With a muffled complaint, Snow's lips were easily parted, and a hot tongue invaded his mouth, stealing his breath away.
Suddenly, the entire world turned upside down, and Snow was lying on his back, ZaiWin's heavy body weighing down on him.
He hated lying on his back. He hated the sensation that he couldn't move freely even more. But, if any of those thoughts crossed his mind they were completely gone the next second. He was drowning, he quickly concluded, gasping for air. But every time he opened his mouth to breathe it was ruthlessly attacked again. Snow tried to push him back, just for a minute so he could catch his breath, but his hand was immediately captured and held against the mattress above his head. Long, hot fingers caressed his palm and laced with his fingers, and an even hotter tongue licked his swollen, tingling lips.
Still breathing hard, Snow looked up at ZaiWin, at the smug smile on his face, and frowned.
"Weren't you supposed to be so weak that you could barely move?"
ZaiWin smile widened into a dangerous, wolfish grin.
"Are you sure that that's what you want to say to me right now?"
Snow couldn't understand his question at all.
Pushing himself up and momentary freeing him from his smothering weight, ZaiWin efficiently nudged his legs apart and happily settled down again, making Snow gasp in complaint.
"Now, isn't this much better …" he sang, holding one of Snow's legs against his waist and slowly moving against him, and Snow's entire body went immediately stiff.
No! No it wasn't!, Snow screamed inside his head while gritting his teeth. But then ZaiWin was kissing his neck, and if felt ticklish and warm, making his heart jump, and the tension that had gathered in his muscles slowly melted away.
The body slowly rocking against his felt really hot, Snow thought. Almost as if ZaiWin were running a fever. In fact, everything about him felt too hot, as if living flames were running through his veins Especially ZaiWin's mouth, that was currently licking his way down his neck and nibbling his collarbone. And then it was gone.
Half-awoken from his daze, Snow peered up at him and saw ZaiWin looking down at his chest. For a moment he couldn't understand what he was doing, which Snow had gotten more than used to by now. But then it was as if a bucket of water had been poured over his head, and Snow finally recalled the numerous scars covering his skin.
All this time, ever since he'd seen his own image on a mirror for the first time, back at the Fortress, he had simply ignored them. He knew they were there, but he refused to think about what they meant, or how he'd gotten them. He'd told himself he just didn't care. And he hadn't. Until now.
Suddenly, and even though ZaiWin had obviously seen his scars many times, having him stare at them like that, all Snow wanted to do was to wrap himself in a blanket and simply disappear!
Pushing ZaiWin back with his free hand, Snow tried to wiggle his way from beneath him. But not only ZaiWin remained unmovable like a heavy rock, his body even pressed harder against his.
"Be still, damn brat!" he grunted and Snow pushed him back with all his strength.
"Let go!"
"As if that will ever happen!"
Gasping for air from the effort of having expended all his strength pushing against an unmoving wall, Snow could only watch helplessly as ZaiWin lowered his head and lightly touched his lips against one of his scars, slowly tracing the pale line with his tongue.
Snow gasped, his breath catching in his throat, and squeezed the large hand still holding his as tightly as possible. It felt weird. Because although it felt good, it also brought a deep sadness to his chest.
Giving up on trying to push ZaiWin back, Snow allowed himself to touch him back, to caress his hair, and slowly pulled the ribbon tying ZaiWin's hair up, atop his head.
A cascade of cold, smooth darkness immediately fell over his chest, making ZaiWin growl a protest. And, as retaliation, instead of licking one of his scars, he actually licked his nipple.
Snow jumped in surprise at the sudden new sensation, heat pooling at the bottom of his belly, and his entire body reflexively closed around ZaiWin's as if he couldn't decide if he wanted to escape his touch or hold him closer. His mind was going completely blank. And when that hot body rocked against his again, a strange sensuous sound escaped his throat, making him bite down on his lower lip so it wouldn't repeat itself.
ZaiWin smiled, taking his time, playing with the small button his tongue had found. He loved the way Snow kept clutching hair, the way his legs kept pressing against his thighs, the way his chest kept rising and falling at the rhythm of his hard breathing. And the sound of that voice … he really wanted to strip them both naked and kiss and lick his entire body until that room was filled with the sound of that voice.
Rising his head, ZaiWin took a long look at him.
Snow's lips were still red from his kisses, his cheeks adorably blushed, and the pale eyes that looked up at him were completely lost and dazed. He would be his right there and then, if he wanted to, ZaiWin knew. And that knowledge was just enough to help him temper his maddening need to take that small body and do as he pleased.
"Stop bitting," he told him, pressing a finger against his lips, and Snow immediately obeyed, his lips parting, allowing him to breathe more freely.
"Kiss me instead," ZaiWin demanded, lowering his head just enough so Snow could reach him, and Snow's gaze fell on his lips as if he were studying the best way to comply with his request.
The cool hand that covered his cheek actually surprised him, and ZaiWin simply remained still, allowing Snow to caress his face, feeling the small fingers gently comb his long hair back and tuck it behind his ear. Snow's touch was strangely soothing, he thought, closing his eyes. And he couldn't recall anyone ever touching him as gently as him.
Sliding down over his jawline, the tentative fingers slowly made their way to the back of ZaiWin's neck, pulling him down. And then warm lips covered his, softly fluttering there for a moment, before Snow released him again.
This damn brat!, ZaiWin thought, facing his pale gaze. Was that even a kiss? ZaiWin had kissed him passionately plenty of times by now! When was he going to learn to repay the favor in kind? If he needed healing, Snow wouldn't hesitate to shamelessly tongue him. But if he asked him for a kiss this was the best he got! And why the heck was his heart thumping like crazy just from that childish, innocent kiss? He really wanted to make him scream and beg for mercy! He wanted to make him squirm in pleasure until those pale eyes were drowning in tears! He wanted to kiss and bite every inch of his pale skin!
The cool thumb that lightly caressed his lower lip made ZaiWin sigh and close his eyes. Grabbing Snow's wrist, he turned his head and bit the palm of his hand instead. He thought he was going to protest. But Snow simply hummed and didn't make a single move to try and escape him.
So he was going to let him do whatever he wanted?, ZaiWin wondered, glancing at him sideways, Snow's hand still held between his teeth. But Snow just kept silently staring up at him.
Releasing his hand, ZaiWin rocked himself against his body, and those pale eyes finally closed with a shudder, Snow's hand squeezing his, his legs pressing harder against his thighs. So that felt good, ZaiWin concluded by the way his breathing quickened, doing it again just for the pleasure of watching Snow shudder.
Snow clenched his teeth so he wouldn't bite his lip again, but a soft moan still escaped his throat, his cheeks instantly turning red.
Chuckling, ZaiWin kissed the throat that had produced such loving sound, and Snow gently caressed his hair with his free hand.
That brat really knew how to throw him off his game, ZaiWin thought with a sigh, nuzzling his way down to the middle of his chest. He could feel his heart beat just beneath his lips, ZaiWin thought, closing his eyes. It sounded as fast and urgent as it had sounded in that dark place. He had never felt so grateful for the sound of a heart beating.
Taking a deep breath, he laid his head over that thumping sound and closed his eyes, finally releasing Snow's hand.
Free from that hot shackle, Snow could finally lower his arm. His shoulder had actually started to ache a bit, he realized. With a second thought, he looked down at the dark head resting over his chest. ZaiWin's long hair covered him completely, spilling onto the bed like flowing black water. And it felt really smooth between his fingers.
"LanRan …?" he called him softly, gently combing dark locks of hair away from his face, and ZaiWin immediately grabbed his wrist, holding his hand against his own cheek.
"What are you doing …?" Snow asked since he had simply stopped moving, and ZaiWin sighed, his hot breath warming the tender skin of his wrist.
"Sleeping …"
Sleeping?! Like this?
"You sleep as well."
Snow looked up at the dark ceiling and sighed. As if he could ever sleep with such a heavy body lying on top of him. And yet it didn't take long for the hand grabbing his wrist to lose its strength, ZaiWin's warm breathing becoming slower and steadier, his shoulders relaxing.
Taking a deep breath, Snow lightly caressed his face, gently playing with his hair, and patiently waited for him to wake up.
Just kick him of the bed, Snow-chan! Bah. I guess he's to nice to do that .... 😒
ZaiWin: Literally zai (blade) + win (chaos).
Tien'Elhar: Literally tien (Heaven) + el (supreme) + har (girl child). The Heavenly Beings also known as Celestials in the common language.
Daitai: Literally dai (light) + tai (mark), or Holly Markings, considered Heavenly Blessings. They're the source of power.