RTYY 290 - Restraining Words

"Did he kiss you, in your dream?"

Snow's eyes widened at the memory of those scorching lips devouring his.

"Did he touch you? Did it feel good?"

Yes. It had felt good. And right. And terribly wrong the moment he had opened his eyes.

Feeling more than flustered, Snow turned around and pushed back the heavy head resting on his shoulder.

"Stop that! It was only a dream!" he desperately declared, and only then took a peek at ZaiWin's face. His hands were still pressing against ZaiWim's cheek, forcing him to turn his head towards the frozen window. But, even so, his blue eyes were still glaring at him.

"Besides! Y-you said you-you have them as well!" he argued in his defense, his cheeks burning, his heart drumming against his chest.

ZaiWin just remained in that awkward position, silently staring at him.

"What? You said it yourself! That these … these things are … normal!" he added.

"So I did," ZaiWin finally replied, the feeling of his jaw moving beneath his hands strangely captivating. "I was just trying to figure out a way to stop you from dreaming."

Snow's eyes widened in disbelief.


ZaiWin grabbed his wrists, easily pulling his hands away from his face and, in the next second, Snow was lying on his back.

Feeling confused, Snow stared up at ZaiWin and blinked. What had just happened? But he didn't even have enough time to complain about the rude way he'd thrown him on the bed.

Grabbing his ankle, ZaiWin pulled him closer, Snow's tunic crumpling beneath his body. And, quickly nudging his legs apart, he settled down between them, his heavy body pressing down on Snow's.

Snow immediately tried to push him back, his hands slipping over his shoulders. He might as well be pushing an unmovable wall. He couldn't breathe!

"Let go!"

ZaiWin propped an elbow right next to his face and rested his head on his hand, looking down at him, easily resisting his every useless attempt to get rid of him.

"Didn't I tell you that you're not allowed to let anyone else touch you?" he casually asked and Snow froze in place, instantly still.

"Hmm … I've told you so many things that I can't remember if I actually told you this or not," he went on and Snow finally dared glance up at him. He immediately wished he hadn't. Even though ZaiWin's voice sounded calm, even indifferent, the blue eyes staring down at him were burning with a deep, cold anger.

"Just to make sure, I will tell you now, then," ZaiWin went on, sounding as if he didn't have a care in the world, and Snow swallowed dry.

"You are not allowed to let anyone else touch you," he declared and Snow felt his heart tremble at the sound of those words. Was it the bond? Was he restraining him with another of his arrogant commands? But that shouldn't be possible, right? After all, right now, ZaiWin was just like any other person. The fact that Snow was able to see him instead of the dark monster that he was meant that, during that entire day, for all intents and purposes, ZaiWin wasn't his Chosen One. It meant that their bond, that annoying energetic bridge that connected them, was gone. So he shouldn't be able to order him around … right? And yet he couldn't help feeling that he had never felt so restrained by his words as he felt now.

"Do you understand?"

Snow nodded automatically, unable to avert his gaze from those blazing eyes.

"No holding hands. No friendly hugs. No patting your head. No ruffling your hair. Much less touching other parts of your body. And, of course, no kissing. No healing-kisses either. Just let them die, if you have to. Or I will kill them myself. Do you understand?"

Snow nodded again. It had been a while since he had last felt … scared in his presence. Realizing the reason why his heart kept beating insanely fast, he immediately tried to overcome it.

"It was just a dream …" he declared, trying to appease ZaiWin's clear foul mood, but his voice came out too timid and small.

"I don't fucking care," ZaiWin simply declared, his tone deceivingly smooth and gentle. "You are mine. And I will not stand for other people freely touching what's mine."

Snow stared at him in disbelief. It always amazed him how he was able to say those kinds of things with that straight face. Was he intrinsically unable to feel embarrassed or ashamed? And then it hit him. How ridiculous that was, and he couldn't help smiling.

"It was just a dream. And I can't control my dreams any more than you can kill the people I dream of."

"If I can't kill them and if they only exist inside your dreams, I will never allow you to sleep again!"

Snow stared up at him in disbelief.

"You can't be serious …"

"Just try me. Dream about that bastard one more time and it's the last time you close your eyes to sleep!" he declared, much in the same way he had threatened to break Snow's legs if he tried to escape, and Snow couldn't help gape at him. For starters, how was ZaiWin to know if he dreamed about him or not?

"Are we clear?"

Snow closed his mouth and sighed. Had ZaiWin always been this kind of foolish person? Still, he nodded, just to make him happy and to avoid any further escalation of what had clearly turned into a very silly conversation.

"Good. Now, be a good boy and let me sleep," ZaiWin declared and dropped his head on Snow's shoulder, leaving him gaping in disbelief again.


ZaiWin didn't reply, snuggling against his neck until he found a comfortable position.

"If you want to sleep lie on the bed!" Snow contested, trying to push him back, ZaiWin's body way too heavy for him to be able to move.

"Does that mean you don't want me to sleep? Am I to understand that you want me to play with you instead?" ZaiWin purred, his breath warming Snow's skin, and a large hand landed on Snow's naked leg, slipping upwards, leaving him completely stiff.

"No! Sleep! You can go to sleep!" Snow immediately replied, half panicking, and, to his relief, that dangerous hand stopped.

"I knew you would end up seeing things my way."

Snow gritted his teeth. This selfish, arrogant man!

With a sigh, he looked up at the ceiling above his head. It was made of wood. And why did ZaiWin have to be so heavy!, he grunted with a second thought. He had always hated that feeling, he released a small sigh. Lying on his back. Unable to move. A warm body pressed against his. Hands freely touching him as they saw fit. The view of the ceiling above his head. And yet … he couldn't hate this. He felt embarrassed and a bit scared. And he was constantly fretting about what ZaiWin would do next, since he basically did whatever he wanted. Said whatever crossed his mind, no matter how silly or ridiculous. But he still couldn't hate it. No. Quite the contrary. Snow actually liked it, having him nestled against him like that, he thought, softly pulling his arms around him, feeling the warm, scarred skin of his back beneath his hands.

ZaiWin took a deep breath and relaxed even further into his embrace. Snow's heartbeat painfully faster at that. That's right. Even though he was the one being held down, for once in his life, he wasn't just powerlessly lying there. His hands, no matter how small they may look, actually held enormous power. The power to make that cold, arrogant man melt with one touch.

Holding him tighter, Snow closed his eyes and took a deep breath, a single word filling his mind.



Mm, mm! Though that's an unmistakably very large, very hard to carry package, it definitely belongs to you 🥰