RTYY 311 - Eternal Fire

Who had told those bastards that much!?, was what ZaiWin wanted to know, as he forced himself to keep his heartbeat under control, trying his best to ensure that those words didn't break his concentration.

The existence of what people called eternal fire itself was kept under strict secrecy. Of course, there were always rumors circling around, and a lot of speculative talking. But mostly people just saw the whole thing as a myth, a legend passed down from generation to generation, nothing more. And yet these people sounded as if they knew for a fact that eternal fire was real, that it actually existed, and they even knew about specific details, like the fact that it didn't need to consume one's inner energy. Which meant that they probably knew a lot more as well. And that there was a high probability that, by using it just now, ZaiWin had just exposed his true identity. Which could never! Never happen! The mere possibility of that was enough to leave his heart slamming hard against his chest, drops of sweat sliding down his back.

"So what do we do about him?" HuaQin asked, indicating Snow with a tilt of her head. "If this is eternal fire like you say, there's no way any of us can even touch it, much less cross it. And no one but our dearest prisoner over there can put it out. So now what?"

"Put it out!" MaoHan commanded, his words once again circling through ZaiWin's body almost like poison. But no amount of words could ever suppress that fire. ZaiWin almost wished it would be that easy. Not only he wouldn't have to worry about losing control over it at any moment, it would actually be useful, for a change. As it was, that damned marking had only been a burden to him. Until now. Now he was actually thankful he had been born with that fucking brand on his back.

HuaQin laughed again.

"Yep. It doesn't work."

"So … what … do … we … do?"

"Knock him out," RyuXin demanded with a scowl. "He won't be able to control it if we knock him out!"

"You're such an idiot! If we knock him out who will put out the fire?" HuaQin immediately countered.

"Besides, … the … child … specifically … told … us … that … we … are … not … to … touch … him," ZwaKim reminded them.

"And we're taking him seriously why? It's for his own safety!" RyuXin insisted. "If this goes on any longer who knows what may happen to him? Not to mention that we have no way to help him!"

"No. We will heed Snow's warning in this," MaoHan simply stated, to which RyuXin frowned in contestation. "That is if we want to stay alive." That effectively erased RyuXin's angry scowl.

"You're kidding, right? You actually believe that this brat can kill us?" HuaQin asked incredulously.

"Either that or we'll have to kill him instead. And InnArg will never forgive us, if anything happens to him."

"How come? Just knock him out like XinXin said!" HuaQin declared nonchalantly. "Surely the old man won't be too angry if the brat is presented to him with a bump on his head."

"It would never be that simple. You all felt it, right? The pressure that accompanied his words when he told us that we are not to touch his Chosen One," MaoHan stated, and they all went deadly silent at that. "If I'm not mistaken, he bound himself with those words. I don't know if he's aware of it or not. But if we harm the prisoner in any way his own words will force him to act. So, unless we want to engage in a bloody battle against him, we better not lay a hand on the prisoner."

ZaiWin's heart beat a bit faster at that. Was what they were saying even possible? He had never heard of such a thing, of mere words holding so much power. Then again, VinWei had told him that Snow's voice held some kind of rare power. He didn't understand exactly how that worked, but he had seen it in action, every time he raised his voice, so he hadn't doubted her warning. But could it really be that strong? To the point where it work kind of like an unbreakable contract? Either case, true or lie, it was still in his favor that they believed it to be so.

RyuXin scowled again and HuaQin sighed in exasperation.

"So … what … are … we … supposed … to … do …?" ZwaKim asked.

"Let him take him," RimJan replied and everyone stared at the little girl.

"Let him take him?!" RyuXin repeated and RimJan simply nodded. "Are you crazy? We're talking about delivering our brother into the hands of his jailer!"

RimJan shrugged.

"They have been together so far. And Snow clearly told us that he wants to stay with him."

"That's because he's been obviously brain-washed by that bastard!" RyuXin replied angrily.

"Even so. Snow is sick. And he only got like that after we crossed YunYun's latest passageway. Maybe he can help him."

"Are you sure?" MaoHan asked, and RimJan tilted her head back to look up at him.

"I'm only sure that Snow is sick. And that none of us can make him better. He wasn't sick before. And, although still incomplete, he is bound to that man. So maybe he'll feel better if he stays near him."

"Near that tainted bastard?!" RyuXin argued angrily. "You said it yourself! Even this eternal fire of his has been corrupted! There's no way he'll feel better near him!"

"Once again, he has been together with him all this time. And he was doing just fine, when we met him," RimJan simply stated.

RyuXin opened his mouth to contest again, but MaoHan raised his hand to silence him.

"Enough. InnArg specifically told us that we are to follow RimJan's directives, regarding Snow's well-being," he reminded him and RyuXin scowled, pursing his lips, but didn't say another word. "Besides, it's like RimJan stated. There's nothing any of us can do to help him. We can't even understand what's wrong with him, to begin with."

ZaiWin couldn't help raise an eyebrow at that. Was that bastard for real?! How come he couldn't understand? That entire place, from the dirt beneath their feet to the air around them, was like a huge death zone! Sure, it wasn't as intense or as strong as normal death zones were, but it still oozed dark, corrupted energy from everywhere.

ZaiWin had felt it the moment the cart had crossed that dark gateway. And sure, he was intrinsically tolerant and resistant to those kinds of places. But normal people …? Not to mention supposedly Celestials?! Surely they must have noticed that something wasn't right, by now. How could they be so insensitive to it? And then he recalled Snow's words.

He had said that they too, had been corrupted. But what did that even mean? Had they been through something similar to what had happened to ZaiWin? That was highly improbable. His case was the result of a number of abnormal situations, that had resulted in an even more unexpected outcome. It went against everything that should be possible, reason why so many people were out to get him. The probability of what had happened to him happening to someone else and having the same exact result was below zero. So what had Snow meant by that?


Ahahaha! I can already see it. You guys, with glowing eyes, asking me what's ZaiWin's true identity LOLOL 🤣 🤣 🤣 Wanna make a pool? I love reading all your theories! Like he has Tien'Elhar blood. Or he is the descendant of some other Empire. So yeah, ask away! 'Cause I'm not telling! I'm just evil like that!! 😈 😈 😈