RTYY 327 - Dead Land

Even though they had been crossing portals every third day before they had entered that huge death zone, after they'd arrived in that horrible place YunZen begun opening those passageways every other day, almost as if they were in a hurry to reach their destination.

Of course, the success of such an endeavor was condemned right from the start, since he would completely spend his energy every time he used that power. But now, the moment YunZen managed to open his eyes, MaoHan would force him to drink something from a small vial. Apparently, he had a pouch full of them, and he called it a medicine.

Snow didn't know what kind of medicine that was, but it most definitely wasn't doing anything good to YunZen. Sure, he did manage to recover his energy in half the normal time, but, after the third time he swallowed that thing, YunZen couldn't even stand on his two feet anymore, the others having to drag him to and off his horse. His face was deadly pale and gaunt, his dark eyes digging into his skull, heavy dark semi-circles shadowing his face. And the worst thing was that everyone clearly knew that ... that medicine … was actually harming him! But no one did anything to stop it. Snow could clearly see it, in HuaQin's uncharacteristic hard gaze every time she looked at him. Or in the open pity sprawled all over RyuXin's face. Even ZwaKin avoided looking at him. The only ones who seemed apparently indifferent to YunZen's obvious deteriorating state were MaoHan and RimJan, though for different reasons.

MaoHan clearly couldn't care less. It was obvious that, as far as he was concerned, YunZen was an expendable asset that he wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice in order to fulfill his mission. In fact, something clearly set MaoHan apart from the others, besides the obvious fact that he was noticeably much older.

RimJan, on the other hand, even though she didn't come across as cold and uncaring, she acted as if she knew and accepted that there was no other choice, and that YunZen's sacrifice was simply needed. Which was scary, Snow thought, watching them from a distance. She was just a little girl. How could such a young child have already developed such a hard, cold heart? She obviously knew how to behave all cute and innocent, but now that Snow could actually observe them from the outside, it was clear that it was all an act. RimJan was no child. She knew exactly what she did and said. She was mature and intelligent. And she used her supernatural perception of the others' feelings and states of mind to easily manipulate them into doing what she wanted. In fact, from the entire group, and even though it cost him to admit it, RyuXin was probably the most honest one.

Sure, there was something obviously wrong with his head, and he was apparently incapable of accepting anyone's point of view but his own. By now, everyone had more or less accepted that Snow was by ZaiWin's side because he wanted to. But not RyuXin. He still insisted, on a daily basis, that Snow was being taken advantage of, that ZaiWin was somehow manipulating and using him, even though ZaiWin hadn't uttered a single sound, much less attempted to speak. Snow had come to the conclusion that nothing would ever make RyuXin change his mind. In that aspect, he was really similar to the important people that VinWei had told him about. People that even faced with clear proof that Tien'Elhar could also be male, would still refuse to believe so, and would even go to the extent of murdering a newborn child just for the sake of safeguarding their misguided personal truths. Which was kind of ironic. After all, weren't they fighting exactly against that kind of unbending and intolerant line of thought? Against those who would do anything to make sure the truths they had created were kept and maintained at all cost? Still, at least he was honest. RyuXin's thoughts and actions might be a bit twisted, but he always behaved according to his own feelings.

Snow scooted to the entrance of the cart and jumped out from inside it, stretching his back and his arms. Since ZaiWin was allowed to leave the cart twice a day he had adjusted his schedule to his.

As always, MaoHan was already waiting. Not for him, he knew. But for the tall dark figure that emerged from the cart behind him.

ZaiWin patted Snow's head, and then he silently followed MaoHan as he led him towards some bushes where he could get some privacy.

Snow watched him go, making sure that his skin-like shield of golden light surrounded him completely, and then quickly turned towards their camp, grabbing three waterskins on his way, before he made his way into the dead forest. Even though he was now traveling inside the prison cart, as long as ZaiWin stayed behind, his status hadn't changed much. And so he remained considerably free to go wherever he wanted.

"Hey! Snow! Where are you going?!" RyuXin asked, like he always did, and HuaQin sighed.

"He'll be back. He's probably only going to see if he can find something to eat. Just shut up help me slice this meat!"

Snow didn't even glance back at them. He needed to hurry up. The longer he stayed this far away from ZaiWin the harder it would be to keep his purifying shield in place.

As always, the little girl, who had been helping the others skin some small animal Snow hadn't made an effort to identify, ran to catch up with him. She would always follow him, whenever he left the camp. He didn't know if they had told her to keep an eye on him, or if she did so out of her own free will. A few days ago he had tried to invite the little boy as well, but he had just looked up at him with fear and suspicion in his eyes, and had refused to follow them.

Today was unexpectedly hot, Snow thought, feeling annoying droplets of sweat slide down his back, beneath his tunic. The day before, on the other hand, had been so cold that he had refused to stray too far from the cart. In fact, taking into account how cold it had been, he had actually expected it to snow. But snow hadn't come. The same way that, that day, no matter how hot it felt, the sky above his head would remain heavy and gray. In fact, since they'd arrived in that sad place, even though the weather kept drastically changing and they had had a few impossibly, out of season, hot days, Snow hadn't been able to catch a single glimpse of sunlight. No sun, no snow, no rain, no moonlight or starlight. Only wind, be it cutting cold like ice blades, or scalding hot like a baking oven.

Feeling too hot, Snow looked up at the dark trees, their remaining small leaves blackened and withered. Dead. Like everything else around him. And, of course, if the trees hadn't been able to survive, nothing else had, all the other vegetation, that should be growing in a forest like that, long gone, turned to dark dust. The birds too, had completely disappeared. And Snow had no idea of how HwaKim had managed to hunt whatever they were going to eat that day, since he couldn't hear, much less listen, to any signs of life.

Water, however, could still be found. In fact, the road they were traveling had been conveniently built in order to make sure that travelers wouldn't lack for a source of what Snow knew had once been clean water. The accesses had even been conveniently marked, the road becoming a bit wider at those specific spots, some old tree trunks laid on the ground to make for sitting areas, as if inviting travelers to take a break. It all led Snow to believe that, in the past, that had been a fairly well-traveled road. And he could even imagine it, people traveling back and forth, taking a break at those resting stops, watering their horses and sitting under a fresh shadow, exchanging news from afar with their fellow travelers.

Now all that was gone. The road was completely deserted, at least as far as Snow could tell, since they kept using YunZen portals to skip parts of the trip. And the streams that ran not far from the road were much thinner than they'd once been, the water darkened, a putrid smell that turned his stomach upside down saturating the surrounding space.

Soon, they wouldn't have any water at all, Snow knew. Like what had happened in Nox. The land was intelligent like that, Snow had come to understand. Since there was no one to care for it and to keep it healthy, since the people that should protect it couldn't care less and were probably even damaging it, it would burry its precious treasures deep down bellow, protect the gift of life that were those natural springs, until better days would come.


Author's Note: This is indeed a very sad place 😢

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