Chapter 12 More training and an angry Lord Beerus!

After Frieza was obliterated, we all decided to celebrate his defeat.

"Hey Kakarot, why'd you have to bulge in and ruin my moment to shine!" Vegeta complained.

"Well you see, it's a long story Vegeta." Goku replied.

"Long story, please, spare me your excuses Kakarot." Vegeta replied still angry. I decided to barge in their conversation.

"Oh and what if I told you Vegeta, that Goku just saved your life."

"Kakarot, save my life, no way." Vegeta said annoyed.

"But it's true Vegeta." Goku reasoned once again.

"Alright then if it's true, explain." Vegeta replied interrogating us even more.

"Alright then." Goku said as he pulled Vegeta off to the side to talk. I saw Vegeta's face become even more annoyed when Goku was done explaining how the earth had blown up.

"So that's what happened, I've got to say, maybe you're not so bad after all brat." Vegeta commented looking directly at me.

"Who me?" I questioned.

"Yes you." He said to me irritated. I just smiled at the both of them.

"Hey you two, great job!" Bulma said as she ran over to me and Goku well pulling us into a giant hug.  But what she didn't notice was that well hugging us, she was also squeezing me and Goku close together. I got that butterfly feeling in my stomach once more. I looked toward Goku and saw his face was an open book. His mouth was in squiggly lines with a hint of red spread across his cheeks. I just decided to enjoy the moment and smile.

Goku POV

I noticed that well Bulma was hugging us tightly, she was also squeezing me and Erisu close together. I couldn't help but feel my heart rate go up and out of embarrassment, I felt my mouth form into squiggly lines well my face started to heat up. It didn't stop there though. I saw her look directly into my eyes for a split second. Then she did something that almost gave me a heart attack. She gave the sweetest and cutest smile I've ever seen. Her eyes were softly closed, peachy pink spread on her cheeks, and a gentle smile to top it off. That's when Bulma pulled us out of the hug to find a hot mess of me and a happy and red faced Erisu.

Bulma POV

I noticed that when I had hugged Goku and Erisu tightly, I felt both they're heart rates rise. Especially Goku's. When I pulled away from the two I found a hot mess of Goku and a happy and red faced Erisu.

"Yup she's totally your girlfriend Goku." Bulma teased.

"What, why does everyone keep saying that!" Goku panicked, as did Erisu. I saw her face turn from happy to utter panic.

"What, no Bulma, you've got the wrong idea."

"If you say so Erisu." I replied to her as I winked at her and Goku. I giggled a bit when I saw them turn their heads away from each other in embarrassment.

"Hey what about me, didn't I do a good job!" Vegeta complained.

"Of course you did sweetheart." I said to Vegeta making him annoyed.

"Why'd I even mention it." Vegeta said irritated at my comment.

A few days later....

Erisu POV

"Hey keep it down out there, I'm trying to sleep!" Beerus shouted at us once more.

"Were not the ones who created the explosion Beerus!" I shouted towards him.

"Oh you want to shout at me huh, then take this!" Beerus shouted as he threw an energy blast of destruction at us.

"Stupid brat! Why'd you have to go and say that!" Vegeta said angrily as the blast hit us. We were able to kinda dodge it at least.

"Yay I got away!" I cheered looking at the not so happy Beerus.

"Damn brat!" Beerus shouted irritated by my luck.

Meanwhile Goku and Vegeta had got a bit hit by it, but were still okay. Of course Lord Beerus wasn't done complaining though.

"Take this stupid saiyans!" He shouted as he came down by us shooting energy blasts at us. We all started running till we came to a big gate that led to the outside woods on Beerus's world.

"Hey guys lets go hide." I suggested.

"Good idea." Goku commented.

"Yea not bad for a brat." Vegeta teased.

"Well, look who's talking troll." I shot back.

"Tch, shut up brat." Vegeta said. We stopped our fighting when we heard Lord Beerus shout angrily again.

"Hey where are you guys, I'm not done teaching you a lesson!"

"Oh hell no let's run." I panicked running over to the nearest hiding spot. I obviously didn't notice, but Goku wound up following me, well Vegeta went another way. I ran into a hollow tree stump and hid in the corner. The corner was only big enough for two people, except they'd have to squish in together. I hid here because I had no idea Goku was picking the same hiding spot as me. I saw him run in.

"Goku, I thought you went with Vegeta?" I whispered to him.

"No I followed you." He replied.

"Well you can't hide here there's not enough space." I explained.

"But there's no where else to hide." He complained.

"I don't know if you guys are hiding, but if you are that's the worst call ever!" Beerus shouted angrily.

"Hurry go hide, or else its Beerus's wrath." I whisper shouted towards Goku.

Then we saw Lord Beerus was only a few blocks away.

"Crap, Damn this." Goku cursed as he squeezed into the small corner with me.