Bai Xin Xi heard the loud noise outside of the kitchen, she went to take a look. Rounding the corner, she saw the tall men in their suits there back was facing her. All the men were roughly the same height.

"Excuse me," she made her way through the men. She held on to the last fried batch of snacks in her hand.

"!!!" all of them had their eyes wide open at her.

"Is there something on my face?" she asked with a frown upon her face. Seeing her gentle features change to anger they all suppressed their laughter. They all knew who exactly she was. What Mo Yan forgot to inform them that she had turned to be so beautiful. A beautiful goddess.

Yan Bei Cheng was about to touch her hand when he felt the cold presence that was impeding at the door.

"I dare you to touch her."

She turned and found the man staring intensely at her. She shivered slightly from his look and his deep voice. The anger that was in her eyes disappeared it was now replaced with tears that welled up in her eyes. Almost dropping the plate on the ground, he closed the gap between her and him and held her hand steady.

She was shocked at his sudden hold that he had on her. His hands were directly on her wrist and the other was in her waist. The tall man leaned into her ears, "Be careful."

They all noticed that this man softened no longer impeding his cold presence.

She nodded her head as he stared in her eyes. He smiled at the little lady he knew that she was about to cry. As if tranced by him she completely forgot about the men around her she raised her other hand to touch his flawless face.

"Did you just come back?" in a quiet whisper. The silly woman was just came back from aboard her innocent question made him smile. It was if he was the one to leave for four years. It was as if time stood still for the married couple.

The loving touch made the men's smile even more goofy looking. She forgot where she was at for the moment.

He took the plate that was in her hands with one swift motion and gave the sweets to Butler Xu. He grabbed her hand and led her to the room where Old Madame Mo was.

She was oblivious to where he was taking her, this was the first time seeing him in four years. His hands were entwined with her fingers instead of her wrist.

The ladies who were previously playing their game had their eyes on the golden couple. They we're like beaconing light illumination brightly in front of the older ladies.

"Mo Yan, I thought you were still in City B, come here and sit next to this old lady." Old Madame Mo said looking at her grandson brightly.

"We're about to leave, I just came to say hello to you Nai Nai." From his side view he saw his mother, tugging Bai Xin Xi lightly he went to say hello to his mother.

The older ladies saw the possessive stance that he was making towards Bai Xin Xi. All of them saw "Mr. Devil" give his affection towards Bai Xin Xi.

"Xi Xi!!!" Han Yi Fei excitingly shouted as she pulled Bai Xin Xi in a hug. Mo Yan was hugging his mother, so he let go of her hand. He didn't think that she would be snatched up as soon as he let her go. His face darkened as he watched her back gently sway towards the entrance.

Han Yi Fei saw that Mo Yan was being possessive of Bai Xin Xi when she arrived, she wanted to punish him for taking her away from her for such a long time. She selfishly took her away from him. She will suffer the consequences later plus he owes her a favor since she was the one to pick her up from the Airport.

She dragged her to the entrance of the house. Bai Xin Xi snapped out of her daze as soon as she heard Han Yi Fei call her name, 'Bai Xin Xi that was close you can't show your true feelings like that to the man.'

"Fei Fei when did you arrive?" she changed her dewy expression to a calm face.

"I just arrived with my mother she was so excited that you came home. As soon as I told her she told our driver to hurry up and get here. How about we go eat something, I might have more work to do soon." She glanced at the man sulking behind Bai Xin Xi.

"Umm." She looked nervously at her friend.

"I picked you up at the airport and you told me that you would hang out with me." She gave her puppy eyes.

"Xiao Fei why are you torturing this poor girl. Come here, I missed you so much." Madame Han said hugging the girl. "Xiao Xi you're beautiful if you weren't married to Mo Yan…" she looked at Han Sei Chen.

"Han Jie you're too funny!!! She's my Daughter in Law."

"I'm just pulling your leg Sis Mo! It's because this son of mine won't go and get himself a wife even though he is already thirty years old" she tsked at her son. Han Sei Chen feeling the heat from his mother decided to move away from them.

Madame Mo and Madame Han were best friends along with Bai Xin Xi mother. The ladies knew that they were just jesting with each other. What they didn't see were the older ladies. They were shocked that the young lady was Bai Xin Xi although they were happy for Old Madame Mo, they were jealous of her at the same time.

"Xiao Xi is pretty much my daughter," Madame Han said lovingly tugging Bai Xin Xi.

"Mom and Auntie Mo if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take Xi Xi out. I can right auntie?" she said mischievously.

She saw from the corner of her eyes her son's watchful gaze towards Bai Xin Xi.

"Xiao Xi would you like to go with Xiao Fei for a little while," her Mother in Law asked her.

"Xi Xi if you don't go with me that means that you don't care about me anymore," Han Yi Fei pouted she knew that Bai Xin Xi would not be able to resist.

"Erm, let's go then," she turned to look for her jacket only to find that the man blocked her from her jacket.

As if knowing what she was trying to do Yan Bei Cheng who was near all the coats grabbed the one he knew was hers. "Little Sister in Law here you go, go have fun with little Han."

Mo Yan gave Yan Bei Cheng a death glare which he ignored for now because he wouldn't be able to do anything to him here.

"Thank you," her sweet voice sounded as if it was from heaven causing them to smile in an even sillier manner.

Han Yi Fei was laughing at how silly they were. "Brother Mo I'll bring her back later."

He watched Bai Xin Xi walk out without even glancing a look at him.