
Platinum Valleys, Azalea.

The sky was pitch black with the moon nowhere to be seen. The clouds were dark grey along with rumbling and tumbling sounds, showing that a powerful storm was brewing and the wind was so strong, the tree branches were bending North.

Below the stormy dark sky, four silhouettes were seen running frantically and breathlessly like they were escaping from something and behind them were three muscular men in silver shirts hot on their chase armed with knives and guns.

Looking back, Timmy, one of the four being chased widened his eyes and yelled, "... What do we do Cy?! They are catching up on us!" obviously out of breath.

"... Maybe…if you stopped looking behind you for the nth time...you'd be able run faster!" said Avi irritatedly. Breathing heavily, she continued,"But seriously Cy what do we do? We can't go back there or we'll never have another opportunity to escape!"

Cyrus who was called for advice on what to do glanced at the girl to his right who had an expressionless face and hadn't said a word since the beginning of the pursuit with pain and sadness flashing in his silvery eyes. He still couldn't believe all that happened in the past 48 hours, the once-bustling and lively Platinum Valleys was now all in shambles with either burnt buildings or broken stalls.

48 hours ago,

Late at night, the whole of Platinum Valleys was celebrating the Annual Ice Festival at the outdoor ice-skating rink right in front of the community center to mark the inception of the first High-tech Scientific Research Laboratory in Azalea, 'Winters'.

Everyone was having fun talking, drinking, eating and laughing till several armed men dressed in silver shirts barged into the rink and destroyed the whole place turning it upside down.

Killing anyone who protested or tried to resist, they chained the men and kidnapped the women and children, taking them right into the Winters Laboratory and locked them in weird looking cells that had lasers as bars.

A few hours passed and the men came back, grabbing all the children both boys and girls from different cells before taking them into a room that had a big white door. Cy and Penny were also taken into the room but before they could look around properly they were knocked out.

Waking up after several hours, Penny who was still a little bit hazy, heard a voice behind her. "...I....able...she...perfect...happy.."

Not hearing clearly she tried to open her eyes to see who was talking when she saw a woman wearing a white lab coat looking into a brown file filled with papers. She appeared to be talking to one of her colleagues.

"You know Damian, I still can't believe that a 16 year old girl is who we've been searching for all these years. Her genes matches perfectly with the nucleic acid molecules we created. Now, we just have to wait and see what these molecules can make her do.", said the woman in the lab coat.

"Yeah it's pretty fascinating Ann, once the molecules start to react we'll be able to make more copies of them and send them into the rest of the children. There will be an army of children mutants before we know it",Damian said with an evil smirk.

"Oh by the way, aren't you going to copy these files into the computer database?", he asked while pointing at the brown file in Ann's hands.

"Yes I will after we report our discovery to Boss",Ann replied while closing the file and placing it on a counter.

"Okay then let's go.", Damian said before he left the laboratory with Ann.

Penny who was shocked out of her wits by what she heard, tried as hard as possible to close her eyes and remain calm like she was really asleep when Ann and Damian walked past her.
