Dev Marson

Meeting up with the others she heard Timmy quietly say, "We don't know for sure if they have any files in there but I can introduce a virus into the computer that will make all the system in this laboratory crash so any mutant related files or any other information that can bring harm to Platinum Valleys will be destroyed."

"Really, you can do that?", Penny asked.

"They've been gone for almost twenty minutes now, we don't know how long it will take", Cyrus said while looking towards the door.

"We can leave immediately I promise, I just need to plug this in and once the virus starts to load they won't be able to operate the computer and when it's done loading, all their systems will crash, we can use that time to escape.",Timmy replied while pulling out a thin silver neck chain with a key pendant from his shirt.

"Okay do your thing", Cyrus said as he walked towards the door to keep a lookout.

"I know it's not the right time for this but are you sure it's gonna work? And how did you get this anyway?", Avi asked looking at the inconspicuous flash drive in Timmy's hands.

"My master Jeremy and I made the virus so of course it's gonna work and we made it on the request of Mr. Davis. He wanted to test the security system of the laboratory to prevent future hackers and prepare us for any type of virus that might infiltrate the system. We planned to test it yesterday night but....we didn't know we'd be raided.", Timmy said with his eyes dimming when he remembered his master.

Thinking about the people they hadn't seen since the beginning of the raid, the group felt dispirited and when they remembered how most of the men were brutally killed they saw the worry in each other's eyes.

Laboratory Director's Office

In an office well illuminated with natural lights, Ann and Damien were seen sitting with an upright posture on a light brown leather couch in the lounge area with a light smile on their faces while waiting for a man that was having a conversation on the phone. Although they seemed to have an amiable expression on their faces, they were actually secretly sneaking glances at the interior of the office feeling rather awed.

The office had a vibe that screamed modern and corporate chic at the same time, making the office appear plush. The walls were white in colour but were paired with light brown warm wood at the centre. The desk right in front of them was a white L-shaped desk which complemented the light brown wood-panelled wall behind it and placed on top of it was a light brown plaque highlighted with gold at the edges on which was written 'Dev Marson'. Besides the leather couch, a pantry was subtly placed with light brown cabinets and placed on it was a coffee maker, a sugar jar and few coffee mugs.

Across from the light brown leather couch on which they were seated, there was a ceiling to floor length see-through glass sliding door which served as a soundproof partition and behind it was a light brown conference table accented with gold accompanied by white desk chairs which had gold arms and bases.

The other side of the conference table had a floor-length glass window from which you could see the stone path and lush green garden with different coloured flowers. It was nice and pleasing to the eye but Ann and Damien didn't think it suited that man talking on the phone in the conference room. It was just too flashy!

The man they were waiting for that was almost six foot tall, muscular and in his mid-forties was sporting a white shirt and facing the floor-length window with his left hand in his black pants and an evil smirk playing at the corner of his lips. Appearing to be leisurely talking on the phone whilst enjoying the scenery from his garden, if they weren't present themselves they'd never believe he singlehandedly brought about the downfall of the thriving Platinum Valleys.

When the man eventually came out of the conference room, the tapping sound of the glass sliding door against the wall brought Ann and Damien out of their reverie.

"Ann...Damien my favourite scientists, to what do I owe this visit?", said Dev with an evil smile on his lips as he walked toward the pantry.

With his back facing them as he made coffee for himself, Ann had a natural smiling expression on her face while Damien had a rather stiff expression while thinking, 'We are your only scientists!'

Jabbing Damien with her elbow, Ann responded fluently with a beautiful smile on her face, "Good morning boss, we have good news."

"Oh? And what could that be? It must be rather remarkable to be able to make the beautiful Annie step out of the lab to specially come to see me", said Dev while pouring a spoonful of sugar into his already made coffee before turning around and looking at Ann with a sly smile and a weird glint flashing in his eyes.

Damien who was stumped from the way their boss called Ann almost broke his perfect smiling expression, at least that's what he called it. While Ann's left eye twitched when she remembered how Dev kept wooing her and calling her 'Annie' a few weeks ago before they raided Platinum Valleys but she being a twenty-five-year-old beautiful lady just couldn't see herself dating or sleeping with a man in his mid-forties, even though he was almost six foot tall and very muscular. Never in her wildest dreams did she think he was still hung up on that.

Pretending she didn't notice the meaning behind his words, Ann restored her beautiful smile before responding, "Yes boss, it's really remarkable as you say it is and I just had to tell you personally", she paused and took a deep breath before she continued, "Boss, we've found our first child mutant."

The coffee mug in Dev's hand trembled and almost spilt it's contents as he widened his eyes in shock before an ecstatic expression replaced it.

"You mean....?", Dev asked with a huge smile on his face. Ann was surprised that without his evil smile he looked good, it was obvious that he was a very handsome man in his youth, too bad she still couldn't date him or so she thought.

"Yes boss, it's exactly what you're thinking. After the next 72 hours, we'll have our very own child mutant! Her DNA matches perfectly with the nucleic acid bases we invented!", Ann said, clearly infected by her Boss's enthusiasm.

With a hard to hide expression on his face, Dev quickly walked towards Ann and grabbed her two hands.

"Really? I can finally fulfil my lifelong dream of controlling the whole of Azalea!", he exclaimed before he looked at Ann seriously and said, "Ann, if you can really make this dream of mine come true, I promise that you'll have whatever you want in this world and you'd be the happiest woman on earth!"

Ann was shell shocked and her mouth hung open when she heard Dev's declaration when looking into his brown eyes while Damian felt rather disheartened while thinking, I'm here too! Why won't he hold my hand and promise me nice things!', but when he realised how that thought sounded, he almost wanted to hit his head against the wall.

Lustfully looking at Ann's slightly opened lips, Dev glanced at Damien who was in the middle of self-reproach and coughed before walking back to lean on his desk while asking,"I remember you said 'Her DNA' and I'm really surprised that my first child mutant would be a female but it's alright,so.....what is her name?"

Blaming herself for being inattentive for few seconds, Ann replied immediately, "Penny, Sir, Penny Winters."