Energy Absorption

On a paved stone path perfectly laid between the hedges that were in the vast lush garden which was filled with a variety of beautiful flowers that were swaying and bowing to the mighty power of the wind, two men were seen, one at the front and the other behind him, walking with quickened paces.

The man in front, wearing a silver shirt was sweating nervously with a bloodied neck and had both his arms up in the air, showing his will to surrender while the other man who was behind him, placed a platinum key card against the other man's neck whilst pushing him forward with a relaxed expression on his face.

S3 who was placed in front with his hands over his head filled Thomas in with all the information he had access to while they were on their way to Davis's location.

And although Thomas got the information he needed as he hummed in response to S3's words, the key card which surprisingly had sharp edges when used right was always placed on his neck.

S3 was alright with that actually, after all, he just had to tell this devil what he knew, show him where Mr Dev kept Davis captive and he was sure he'd let him go. At least that was what he thought.

The only problem S3 had at that moment was, he couldn't freaking see anything!

He, S1 and S2 already reached their limit when they tried finding their way to Winters with little to no light available moments ago.

But they just had to be so unlucky and got surprised by a very loud sound which sent them crashing into themselves consequently causing their very humiliating fall.

He was barely seeing anything right now and was really scared that if they got to a dead end, the man behind him would think he was intentionally wasting his time and lose his patience.

However, contrary to S3's thoughts, Thomas could see perfectly in the dark and windy environment.

He was a mutant with extremely high sensory superpowers, so seeing in the dark was no different from seeing in the light. But this was actually nothing compared to his other two dominant skills; energy absorption and super strength.

He already had a rough idea about Davis's location based on the information that the silver guy gave him. So he really didn't need to threaten him and drag him along, but...what to do?, he just wanted to.

Especially after the stunt they pulled two days ago, threatening him with the life of the children. Just thinking about it, made him realise that he really needed someone to play with.

However, what he didn't get was how Davis was locked up there.

'That place is impenetrable and immune to mutants powers and for that reason, it was reserved exclusively for special projects related to The Cube and wasn't to be used or spoken of till Davis contacted Father.' Thomas thought.

He knew although Davis said it was a place for 'exclusive projects', it was actually mainly created as a kind of panic room for Penny in case anything happened to him. How he always knew something evil was going to befall him had always intrigued Thomas.

'Who on this world would wish themselves death?'

But that still wasn't the answer to the question that kept going round his head.

'Even the keepers of Platinum Valleys have no idea where that place is, cause it was nonexistent on the building plan that was shown to them. So how did those guys know to directly take Davis to the most inescapable and secure place in Platinum Valleys?' Thomas thought with narrowed eyes.


His thoughts were cut off when S3 tripped and almost landed on his face but Thomas was quick to drag him back to his feet.

Feeling grateful for being saved from another humiliating experience for the day, S3 was about to say his thanks when he realised he couldn't speak.

No, it was more like he didn't have the energy to speak. He'd have been sprawled on the floor if it wasn't for Thomas holding him upright.

'Have I lost a lot of blood already?', he thought, looking blankly at Thomas who already removed the key card from his neck and had his eyes narrowed at the direction they were supposed to be headed.

S3 who couldn't see a thing, didn't even bother trying to see what caught Thomas's attention.

'I already lost a lot of blood, stressing myself further wouldn't do me any good,' he thought to himself before closing his eyes.

If Thomas heard S3's thoughts, he'd definitely roll his eyes and call him a sissy. He didn't even put that much pressure on his neck.

What blood? There was just one trickle of blood on his neck which had dried already.

The main reason for this lack of energy was obviously Thomas playing with the man again.

'He just absorbed a little bit of his energy to stop him from talking, no big deal', he thought as he focused all his attention on the man clothed in white that was fast approaching them.

The man was just about to pass by them when Thomas placed a foot on his path, making the man fall heavily on the stone path.

"Ow!" the man exclaimed, making S3 to open his eyes at the recognition of the voice.

'Sir Damian?', S3 thought to himself while trying to squint his eyes at the fallen 'shadow'.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your trip but you'll have to come with me now." Thomas said to Damian who still had his hands on his knees, squeezing his eyes shut out of pain.

Squinting his eyes open, Damian quivered, "Who...are you?"

"Hmm I don't know, I guess you can call me....T?" Thomas replied with a toothy grin that couldn't be seen in the dark.

'T?! That T?! The one with similar powers to S6?!', Damian thought with widened eyes as his hand quickly approached the walkie-talkie on his upholstery, aiming to tap on the red button so as to immediately alert S6.

However before his hand could even get to the upholstery, Thomas grabbed his hand, "I was being nice but...what were you trying to do?"

Looking up with widened eyes, Damian was shocked that Thomas saw his movement, he was bold enough to try and alert S6 cause he thought it was too dark for Thomas to know or see what he did.

But thinking about it now, Thomas definitely saw him coming, what other reason could there be for his sudden fall.

Taking the walkie-talkie from Damian, Thomas continued with a knowing smile, "Calling for backup? I really don't mind the extra company but it's definitely going to be a bother hindrance."

Immediately he finished his words, Damian fell unconscious on the stone cold path.

Glancing over his shoulders, Thomas thought why Matéo hadn't done what he was supposed to when a very bright light surrounded them.

Nodding his head, he thought, 'There is enough light to see now, so they can bring the children out to safety first, then deal with those intruders later.'

They had this light installed several years ago due to the weird nature of their weather in Azalea where the afternoons are sometimes darker than the nights.

They hadn't used it for a while now cause the weather had been surprisingly normal but it definitely came in handy today.

Thinking back to the raid on Platinum Valleys, Thomas said, "So many loopholes...tch,". He was obviously looking down on their highly defective plan to overthrow Platinum Valleys.

"Just the children would take care of this nonsense as an added drill to their training," he continued while leading the way and dragging the 'exhausted' S3 along with him.

Peering at the unconscious Damian that was left on the stone path, S3 thought of how Thomas's powers wwerestrikingly similar to S6's.

Energy absorption.

Just one touch and the person could become unconscious or worse, die.

Remembering his sudden lack of energy, he gulped, 'There's no helping it, I'm definitely going to die today.'