Azure Forest

In the dilapidated shop,

Everyone was feeling pumped up and ready to frustrate the hell out of the men when....

"Ah! I remember now! The feeling I had like I was forgetting something, the key cards we left at the doors!" Timmy suddenly said with a tap on his forehead, snapping Penny and the rest of the group out of their reverie who turned to face him.

"Oh yeah, were they able to escape?" Penny muttered as realization dawned on her.

"I doubt it..if they were, those men wouldn't have enough time on their hands to play catch with us," Cyrus replied with a grit of his teeth.

"But by my calculations they should have been able to, if not all, at least some should have." Timmy said, a crease in his forehead.

"You know...I didn't want to pry too much then but how can we be so sure that 'our' people were actually locked up in there? They could as well be locked up somewhere else," Avi voiced still feeling sceptical about the whole thing.

The whole gang paused and stared at Avi for a few seconds before they explained one by one.

Cyrus: "Those were the only rooms in the whole lab that were locked, so people would definitely be in there."

Penny: "I personally saw them being dragged in there though." she said with a raise of her palm.

Timmy: "We were both also pulled out of the 'rooms' before they took us to the lab, remember?" he said glancing at Avi, before looking towards Cyrus and Penny, "Weren't you, Cy?"

Cyrus & Penny: "Yep we were," they said, both nodding their heads.

"Well, no need to come at me all at once, I was unconscious the whole time, REMEMBER?" Avi pouted, mimicking Timmy who rolled his eyes in response.

Clapping her hands, Penny enounced, "That's enough back and forth for a day, let's get back to business."

Gazing back at the sky she continued,"...The wind is pretty strong and blowing North which is directly where we're headed, so we need to divert to some place where the wind can blow directly at us. The force of the wind will definitely slow them down."

Thinking for a while, Cyrus voiced, "The Azure forest! Why don't we split and run into the Azure forest, that is the only place where the wind is so strong that it blows even the strongest away and those who haven't lived here before won't know how to go around it." Cyrus said seriously.

"Coupled with the torrent from this weather, those mutants don't stand a chance." Timmy stated already feeling excited.

"It might even be strong enough to stop them completely," Penny added.

"No way! We get to frustrate those men AND a chance to escape! Let's take it!" Avi said already infected with Timmy's excitement.

"They won't know what hit them" echoed Timmy who was smiling evilly.

"Alright then, we'll go with Cy's idea. We run out, split and meet at the intersection in the Azure forest, okay?" Penny asked as she pulled out the hood of her grey jacket hidden in the silver shirt to cover her hair.

"Okay!" replied the other three.

"Lets go."

With that, the group run out and disperse into four different directions, disappearing into the winds.

Meanwhile the people who were about to have a memorable time in Platinum Valleys, S6, 7 & 8 were standing beneath a burnt out tree just a distance away from the shop the gang was hiding.

Adjusting a strap on his arm that encased a small knife, S6 looked towards the shop and said, "This cat and mouse race has gone on for too long, I say we move in and take the brats back to that lab."

"No!", S8 yelled before looking around and toning his voice down to whisper, "No! Let's wait, I'm sure they'd be tired soon and....."

"What do you mean, wait? We've had them in the palm of our hands severally but because of your stupid idea we let them go each freaking time!" S6 exclaimed irritatedly with his eyes closed and two of his fingers on the bridge of his nose, interrupting S8.

"Guys, you do know you're shouting now right? It'd alert them," S7 whispered, trying to calm the situation of things as he eyed the shop the group were currently hiding.

"My stupid idea? Then what brilliant one do you have Oh mighty Sullivan," S8 asked, ignoring S7 as he bowed jestingly, reining in his emotions that were at the verge of exploding.

Snapping his head towards S8 at the mention of his birth name, S6 yelled, "I.JUST.SAID.IT Simon! We go in right now and we get the brats back to the lab!" he said, mouthing each word almost as if he was afraid S8 wouldn't understand.

"And I said No! Are you deaf?! And don't call me that!" S8 retorted irritatedly, pissed by how S6 referred to him as.

"Guys?" S7 tried getting their attention again, distressed as he had to be a mediator whilst keeping his eyes on the shop, which wasn't easy cause he couldn't see as clearly as S6. So he decided to smell instead and that was when he noticed something amiss.

"Oh? Are you upset that I didn't call you by another one of your stupid ideas?" S6 said facing S8 fully whilst turning his back against the shop.

S6, 7 & 8 were all code names given to them by Dev and although S6 and S7 preferred their birth names, S8 was rather fascinated with the code name that was bestowed unto them as he'd call it. And with him being the leader, they had no choice.

"It wasn't MY idea it was Mr Dev's!" S8 rebutted.

"But YOU insisted that we kept it!" S6 growled back.


"You seem to forget that I'M your leader S6," S8 said with gritted teeth as he moved in on S6 and glared at him, ignoring S7, again.

"Well act like one and lead us right to those brats so we can get them back to Mr Dev!" S6 taunted as he faced S8 till they were just a centimeter apart while pointing towards the shop.

"Guys!" S7 said, shouting this time around.

"Shut it, Saber!" they both snapped their heads and said at the same time, directing their ferocious glares to S7.

"Their scent is fading...." S7 said as he sniffed into the air with his eyes closed.

"What?!" they both asked.

"!" S7 added as he opened his eyes and glared at S6 and S8.

"Arrgh! I knew it!" S6 groaned as he grabbed his shoulder length red hair.

"Those brats are not to be underestimated! They were smart enough to escape the security at the lab, disguise themselves as one of us in silver shirts and throw us off guard so many times that if it wasn't for our abilities, we wouldn't be able to get a whiff of them! But when we finally had them, we just had to let them go, how helpful, leader!" he added disparagingly before taking a deep breath with his eyes closed.

S8 was about to retort but was stopped by S7, "He needs to concentrate." he said referring to S6 using his Clairomancy.

After a minute passed, S6 snapped his eyes open, "Try to keep up," he said as he walked hastily towards the dilapidated shop that housed the group previously.

As they both followed closely behind S6, S7 thought just how much S6 resembled a true leader which was a sore to S8's eyes.

He just wanted to feel like the leader that he was for a while, cause S6 had always given the impression of a good leader, his reason for being so adamant on the capturing of the kids, however it backfired, badly.

"They split up into different directions, I guess that's why their scent is so faint. They're headed to Azure forest or something like that and apparently there's a wind so powerful it can STOP us." S6 explained as they reached the shop.

There was silence for a few seconds before S7 snorted while S8 laughed hysterically.

"What? Stop us? How is that possible?" S8 asked, still laughing with tears in his eyes totally forgetting about his little argument with S6.

"Oh and they know we are mutants." S6 added as a glint flashed past his red eyes that matched his red hair that was fluttering wildly in the wind.

S7 stared at S6 with widened eyes while S8 choked on his own saliva and began to cough profusely.

"Impossible!" S8 yelled.

"Told you they shouldn't be underestimated." S6 added as the quad's conversation played in his mind starting from when they bombarded Avi with words.

He couldn't use his Clairomancy much this time though, he had used it alot in a span of 20 minutes and that must have taken a toll on his mind. He didn't even see which direction they headed to clearly.

'Those brats. Irksome but who doesn't like a challenge?' he thought with a smirk on his face.

"We better be careful though, that wind might truly be that powerful. This way." he said as he, S7 and S8 ran along the path which one of the kids took.