
-Error place not found- (part 2)

Seams. I hate them. they are insanely rare.

they are strong. I hate them. I...

as the seams came closer I released my clone. the clone that was restrained on the table. I was hiding as I was calculating their power. I sighed. more powerful than me. I figured that they have no tracking power and aura power because they didn't find my real body.

I cloned my self in the split second they got up and I teleported away. it took a lot of energy, I haven't been training lately so I can't use magic for a while, and if I do, it will use my life force, use enough of that you die INSTANTLY, so that's the last resort.

as I used level 3 clairvoyance, the highest level that I learned, I found the exit but the problem is the guards blocking the exits, I only found one way out, the highest window of the building, if I can use teleportation at the right time I won't die. level 2 teleportation. all I can use. I only can use that once. only can teleport about 2 meters away from me. I creep up the stairs slowly, focusing every step. once I get to the top. I jump. I'm rapidly falling, every second is seconds closer to death, I try to teleport. it doesn't work.