
-Extra Merry Christmas!-

It started snowing.

"Mom!" I yelled.

I am 6 years old.

My name is Maya, I have 2 friends, their names are, Simon, and Justin.

Its Christmas!

I love my friends.

"Yes, Maya?" Answered my mom

"Can I go play with Simon and Justin?" I asked.

"Yes, you can go play, just come back before dinner!" Yelled my mom as I was running out the door.

"Ok!" I shouted back so she can hear me.

"Justin! Simon!" I shouted to get their attention. they were at the park.

as the snow slowly fell, Simon, and Justin and I played on the swings, we played tag, we played with the snow till we can't feel anything in our fingers.

all the houses and buildings are decorated, I love Christmas. every Christmas a man comes around the community comes around to give everyone candy.

"Kids!" shouted a man

its the candy man!


He held out a basket to us.

we took the candy in the basket. one for each of us. as we ate the red and white candy, we played around. ran and ran till we can't breathe. Laughing like we just had heard the funniest joke.

as we are finished with the candy, we said our goodbyes. and Merry Christmases.

when I got home it was time to open the presents.

"Mom!" I shouted.

"look at what present I got you!" I said while I grabbed my present to her from the Christmas tree.

I wrapped my present with red, blue and white wrapping paper, my favourite colours other than black.

as my mom opened them, the pretended to be surprised. I made her a painting of us and got her favourite chocolate.

When I opened my gifts, I was pleased with my gift.

I got a new sketchbook and new pens. I love drawing.

I hugged my mom and said

"Thank you"

as the snow fell softly outside, the houses decorated, kids laughing outside, and giving out the warmth of love to everyone, I want to tell you all,

Merry Christmas, Have a happy holiday! :)