Announcing a Hiatus

Hi there! I'm the editor of Nightmares Shadows, Estia! If you read the author's note last chapter, you'll know what this is. I'm announcing a hiatus. Here's why.

Jason is grounded, and he has been since July. You may be asking, "Well, Estia, what did he do to get grounded for so long?" I'll tell you. Jason's mom doesn't like that he's LGBTQ+, so he's constantly grounded for small things like talking to his friends over the internet. So please, be patient with us. I'll try to upload the joke chapter that I wrote sometime next month, but don't plan on it. I'm in school and marching/concert band, so I don't have much time for myself.

Sorry that that was so serious, but I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on. Have a good day!